Is there any help i can get so this person will stop using v2k voices on me & stop with her mobbing activities? She also has false victimization syndrome in which she falsely says i stalk her. She looks for people to mob, and then she claims they are
Hi! I hear v2k voices constantly. And i'm tired of being called crazy over them. Its as if someone has hacked my brain & put them there. No one else hears them. I don't know what else to call them. But the voices mentions about pairing with my though
Hi! I hear v2k voices constantly. And i'm tired of being called crazy over them. Its as if someone has hacked my brain & put them there. No one else hears them. I don't know what else to call them. But the voices mentions about pairing with my though
Hi someone with connections is controlling the people in my life with lies. They even started a campaign to have everything i like removed from this world. People are convinced that they are not allowed to do this or that for me anymore. I have ataxi
I'm still hearing v2k voices. The stalker talks about taking everything i like out of the world. She comes up with good reasons just so i could lose the things i enjoy. She even went as far as saying that my friends wanted to grant me a an everything