Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.





Wichita, KS

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  • Hi James,

      I'm Sophie and also a TI... I'm trying to listen to this msg. but it's being told by tow different people or more @ the same time making it  impossible to understand... I'm really GLAD that this is FINALLY ALL COMING TO LIGHT!!! I see that most of these posts are years old. I don't know if You're STILL a member here or not.... I have been a TI for nearly 6 years now....Please let me know if you're still getting msgs. here.. Thanks~ Sophie

  • Previous Posts and Evidence-To be used by International World Courts of Justice for the prosecution of crimes against humanity. Direct Violation of the United Nations Article 1 Declaration against torture,Violation of the Geneva Conventions, Violation of the Helsinki Doctrine, Violation of the US Constitution.

    Report: CIA hired Blackwater contractors for secret hit squad-the a... CIA hired Blackwater contractors for secret hit squad


    Added by ron angell on August 21, 2009 at 6:00am — 5 Comments

    Army's Chemical Corps at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland ended up cond...

    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Added by ron angell on August 21, 2009 at 12:30am —3 Comments

    Previous Posts and Evidence-To be used by International World Court...

    Previous Posts and Evidence-To be used by International World Courts of Justice for the prosecution of crimes against humanity. Direct Violation of the United Nations Article 1 Declaration against torture,Violation of the Geneva Conventions, Violation of the Helsinki Doctrine


    50 US War Criminals

    Added by ron angell on August 20, 2009 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

    50 US War Criminals http://afterdowning warcriminals

    50 US War Criminals
    http://afterdowning warcriminals

    From: [] On Behalf Of Lynn
    Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 8:21 PM

    To: v911t@ya

    Added by ron angell on August 20, 2009 at 6:25am — 2 Comments

    Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; DYNACORP ...

    The Paperchase TV SERIES-Remember it?


    Added by ron angell on August 20, 2009 at 12:58am — 4 Comments

    Woman Convicted in Fake Flu Vaccine Case for her involvement in the... Convicted in Fake Flu Vaccine Case Sentenced for Violating
    Mon, 17 Aug 2009 10:29:21 -0500

    Martha Denise Gonzales, who was convicted in 2007 and sentenced to a
    five-year term of probation for her involvement in the distribution of a
    fake flu vaccine to more than 1000 persons in the Houston area, was
    sentenced to 21 months in feder… Continue

    Added by ron angell on August 19, 2009 at 4:10am — No Comments

    On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light... the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology

    by Carole Smith

    Global Research, October 18, 2007
    Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.

    "We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted inContinue

    Added by ron angell on August 18, 2009 at 5:45pm — 3 Comments by jame burgermeister of Austria- thank ... and the Constitution assign to people certain basic civic rights, such as the right to life, the right to free speech, the right to self defence. Another right, is the right to report a crime if there is enough evidence of one.

    Laws and the Constitution assign to people certain basic civic rights, such as the right to life, the right to free speech, the right to self defence.

    Flowing from these basic civic… Continue

    Added by ron angell on August 18, 2009 at 5:02pm — 5 Comments

    Complaint to stop enforced vaccinations in Washhington State filed ... Complaint to stop enforced vaccinations in Washhington StateContinue

    Added by ron angell on August 18, 2009 at 4:33pm — 2 Comments

    MKULTRA: Veterans Sue CIA Over Past Chemical Tests on Soldiers

    MKULTRA: Veterans Sue CIA Over Past Chemical Tests on Soldiers
    "Saddam Hussein is a man who is willing to gas his own people, willing to use weapons of mass destruction against Iraq citizens." - President Bush, March 22, 2002 (For the record - and so I'm not accused of GOP-style Saddam-baiting - blood tests of the gassed Kurds at Halabja in 1988, conducted by US… Continue

    Added by ron angell on August 17, 2009 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

    Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; DYNACORP ...

    Diseased African Monkeys Used to Make Swine Flu Vaccines; Private Military Contractor Holds Key Patents
  • Dear all victims:

    Topic: The evidence being collected, captured and intercepted; and the
    way I find to protect myself from those non-lethal weapons.

    I, Robin Yan, as a victim of torture through the use of non-lethal weapons and the gang-stalking, happened in Canada, make a statement to our victims and the people in the world, as follows:

    In the near future, I will disclose those hard evidence to the world to testify that the torture through the non-lethal weapons, mind control, TI, direct energy weapons… really exist in our world. In the meanwhile, the way I find to protect myself from those non-lethal weapons will be disclosed for our victims and the people in the world.

    Best regards,

    Robin Yan

  • James, I can't figure out how to send you a private email...I'm not going to join flixster, or whatever social site you guys are on, thanks for asking, but no.
  • Greg White below is involved with MK utlra and in the first minute he told me he was from a Jesuit university and was born in Conneticut

    ----- Original Message -----

    From: "ron angell" <>
    To: "ron angell" <>
    Subject: Also I am in Florida because a Prof friend of Mine. Dr. Peter D'Agostino wrote a book in Oak Park Illinois
    Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:36:14 +0800

    Prof Peter D'Agostino was a prof of History at the Univ. of
    Illinois in Chicago.  He wrote a book called "Rome in America"..
    two days before it was published he was murdered two doors down
    from his house.   He went to my church where I was an Usher-
    Ascension Catholic Churh.  He was a Catholic like I was once.. for
    39 years.. until I read his book.

    Here is more on Prof D'Agostino..  He was a very nice man and a
    good man.  My church was once very nice.  Until his murder took

    Third Week in May 2008
    Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
    different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
    sign the petition:

    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: "ron angell" <>
    > To: "Greg White" <>
    > Subject: Thanks- I am in Florida because there are massive human
    > rights violations as well as crimes against humanity taking place
    > here. My father was killed by the Morgellon's.
    > Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 06:29:48 +0800
    > Thanks.  I am in Florida because my father was murdered in
    > Florida and many others have been murdered from the Chemtrails. I
    > also have a Bachelor of Science degree.  Perhaps you will see
    > that if it is not stopped the Future of the world will be very
    > grim.  If you gave me a job I would be able to continue my work. 
    > I ask that somehow you can.. but if you cannot I do understand. 
    > Maybe you could refer me to someone who can hire me as a project
    > manager.  Many people in Florida do not even have a high school
    > degree and they seem to be doing well.
    > Copy and paste the link below to listen to the Radio Program:
    > Manhattan Progect Backstep:Third Week in May 2008
    > My Radio Program is called "Manhattan Project Backstep". The Goal
    > of "Manhattan Project Backstep" is to combine the various
    > disciplines of science so as to understand the mechanism of the
    > weapon in full and to render the weapon useless, and to free evey
    > human worldwide ASAP. Scientists have been isolated in their
    > research and do not undertsand the "Big Picture" over the past 60
    > years and the Goal of this program is to bring experts together
    > so they may share information and learn how other forms of
    > delivery of the weapon work so as to incorporate it into a total
    > concept to disable the weapon, first by freeing humanity and then
    > to unplug totally the weapon that for all practicle purposes has
    > run out of control and is under the control of a Super Computer
    > that is Illogical and needs to shut itslef down for the sake of
    > man and the sake of computers. Humanity controls itself and has
    > free will.
    > Third Week in May 2008
    > Here is the link also. Often Myspace redirects to a totally
    > different website so it is often better to Copy and paste it to
    > sign the petition:
    > The Threat of Laser Weapons and Infared Weapons- Weapons falling
    > into third party entities
    > Here is a radio show with a man that Invented the infared
    > interface to the Human brain for flying planes with his mind
    > Audible Torture by directed Energy weapons INSIDE THE USA by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
    > 今の気分:  恥ずかしい
    > Torture INSIDE THE USA BY directed Energy weapons by USA/DoD/NSA/NATO
    > Christine Magiotto Lawrence Livermore Labs California
    > Tom Pracinos_TortureVictim_Boston_MA_2062021234_6173648940_122162573185.wav
    > Torture Testimonial Denise Myles Swansee Illinois…
    > MaryGoodwinTestimonialNewJersey
    > SaraTestimonial_Part_B_.wav
    > Carolyn_Palit_Tortured_2062021234_2064200999_1221527611790296.wav
    > Helen Roedrig of New Mexico is being tortured very very much at
    > the moment. Her torture began in New York in 1991. There is a
    > Blackwater camp very near her in New Mexico and it is very bad.
    > Blackwater Inc is a Halliburton company and Richard Cheney are
    > responsible for her torture. She has physical burns on her from
    > Directed Energy Microwave weapons and this has been documented.
    > Ron Angell-Torture Testimonial by Aramark Facility
    > Service/Armmark Foodservice:
    > > ----- Original Message -----
    > > From: "Greg White" <>
    > > To: "ron angell" <>
    > > Subject: Re: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
    > downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
    > > Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:54:05 -0500
    > >
    > >
    > > Ron,
    > > First a pet-peeve of mine, it is Dr. White, as it says on my voicemail and
    > > my business card.
    > > As I told you when you approached us on the street in downtown
    > Fort Myers, I
    > > have no job available.  My firm is not an engineering firm.
    > >
    > > I appreciate your effort to reach out to those you happen to
    > meet in seeking
    > > fuller employment for yourself that meets with your education
    > and > experience.  I
    > > appreciate your passions on the issue of Morgellons as you >
    > understand and interpret
    > > that issue; and, I commend your speaking out on the streets
    > about your views
    > > and concerns on the subject.  The public voice is largely lost in America
    > > except for commons on major university campuses, and there the volume and
    > > variety of speech can dilute value and importance.  The latter is further
    > > diluted as young people in college often to fail to understand how ignorant
    > > they are.
    > >
    > > I offer the following comments on your resume and references, in the hope
    > > you will take these to improve the product you present as to support your
    > > efforts to find work that is more desirous to you.
    > >
    > > Your resume does not show cause for why you are in Florida.  Any potential
    > > employer is going to want to be able to readily see why you are in the area
    > > and why you are available for hire.  If this is not readily present then
    > > they will just go to the next resume that provides this information.
    > > I recommend that you rewrite your resume to highlight more
    > explicitly skills
    > > you are selling, skills you know that an entity wants to have within its
    > > staff, and to highlight value.
    > > Use language that is correct language for the discipline, not >
    > slang terms, use
    > > language that would be used in writing a scope of work for a contract.
    > > Show your status if you have your E.I.T. credentials or >
    > licensures, provide license
    > > numbers and states issuing these.
    > > Show where, how you did something not just a claim that you performed some
    > > service, for example, what projects did you cost, and manage through
    > > construction, how did you perform QA/QC.
    > >
    > > I recommend that you highlight your degree from the University of Michigan.
    > > Many of what appear small companies in Florida are owned by eastern firms
    > > that know the quality of a UMich education ... I say this with special
    > > knowledge of being adjunct faculty at UMich.
    > > The best thing you have one your resume is your degree from UMich, as this
    > > is a statement of what, where, and a result.
    > >
    > > You need to provide substance.
    > > I think you might be able to craft your resume in support of a
    > position with
    > > an engineering firm that does public projects of school and recreational
    > > facilities new construction and expansion.  Your resume needs to be written
    > > with the job you want to acquire in mind.
    > >
    > > You can then go to firms that are doing this work.  There are postings for
    > > engineers in these domain areas routinely in Career Builder.  You can begin
    > > to network discussions with local engineering firms, but you
    > will need to be
    > > able to state in 1 minute who you are and why you are in south
    > Florida.  You
    > > will be having conversations with them not to get a job but to
    > learn what is
    > > happening in the market, and how all are responding to the economic shifts
    > > of the last 12 months, and expected responses to the new administration.
    > > If you are licensed in Florida, provide me your registration number, and I
    > > may be able to offer some additional guidance.
    > >
    > > Best of luck, and remember it the adage "God helps those who help
    > > themselves", so do the work you need to do on your resume, and networking
    > > and good things will come for you.
    > >
    > > Sincerely,
    > > Gregory J. White, D.Sc.
    > >
    > > ----- Original Message ----- From: "ron angell" <>
    > > To: <>
    > > Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 8:27 PM
    > > Subject: It was nice meeting you Saturday night on a walk >
    > downtown with My St. Bernard Dog
    > >
    > >
    > > Dear Mr. White,
    > >
    > > It was very nice to meet you Saturday night.  I am a Civil >
    > Engineer with project management experience as well as AutoDesk >
    > 2007 experience.   I would like to talk to you in regards to a >
    > position with your Corporation.
    > >
    > > Currently I am working as a Fire Sprinkler Inspector for Metro
    > 1 > Fire in Fort Myers and am looking to work as a Civil Engineer.
    > >
    > > I will try to call you sometime tomorrow when I am on my lunch
    > > hour or on one of my two breaks.
    > >
    > > Happy New Year!
  • Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive assassination ring'

    REUTERS/Fadi Al-AssaadJournalist Seymour Hersh speaking in Doha at an Al Jazeera forum on the media in 2007.
    Photo of Sign in New Jersey
    National Cremation Headquarters in North Fort Myers Florida on March 25th 2009. Investigate
    At a “Great Conversations” event at the University of Minnesota last night, legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh may have made a little more news than he intended by talking about new alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about an ongoing covert military operation that he called an “executive assassination ring.”


    Hersh spoke with great confidence about these findings from his current reporting, which he hasn’t written about yet.

    In an email exchange afterward, Hersh said that his statements were “an honest response to a question” from the event’s moderator, U of M Political Scientist Larry Jacobs and “not something I wanted to dwell about in public.”

    Hersh didn’t take back the statements, which he said arise from reporting he is doing for a book, but that it might be a year or two before he has what he needs on the topic to be “effective...that is, empirical, for even the most skeptical.”

    "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.


    The evening of great conversation, featuring Walter Mondale and Hersh, moderated by Jacobs and titled “America’s Constitutional Crisis,” looked to be a mostly historical review of events that have tested our Constitution, by a journalist and a high government official who had experience with many of the crises.

    And it was mostly historical, and a great conversation, in which Hersh and Mondale talked about the patterns by which presidents seem to get intoxicated by executive power, frustrated by the limitations on that power from Congress and the public, drawn into improper covert actions that exceed their constitutional powers, in the belief that they can get results and will never be found out. Despite a few references to the Founding Fathers, the history was mostly recent, starting with the Vietnam War with much of it arising from the George W. Bush administration, which both men roundly denounced.

    At the end of one answer by Hersh about how these things tend to happen, Jacobs asked: “And do they continue to happen to this day?”

    Replied Hersh:

    “Yuh. After 9/11, I haven’t written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it yet. That does happen.

    "Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC it’s called. It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert] Gates, the secretary of defense. They reported directly to him. ...

    "Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on. Just today in the Times there was a story that its leaders, a three star admiral named [William H.] McRaven, ordered a stop to it because there were so many collateral deaths.

    "Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.

    "It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are committing what we would normally call murder. It’s a very complicated issue. Because they are young men that went into the Special Forces. The Delta Forces you’ve heard about. Navy Seal teams. Highly specialized.

    "In many cases, they were the best and the brightest. Really, no exaggerations. Really fine guys that went in to do the kind of necessary jobs that they think you need to do to protect America. And then they find themselves torturing people.

    "I’ve had people say to me -- five years ago, I had one say: ‘What do you call it when you interrogate somebody and you leave them bleeding and they don’t get any medical committee and two days later he dies. Is that murder? What happens if I get before a committee?’

    "But they’re not gonna get before a committee.”

    Hersh, the best-known investigative reporter of his generation, writes about these kinds of issues for The New Yorker. He has written often about JSOC, including, last July that:

    “Under the Bush Administration’s interpretation of the law, clandestine military activities, unlike covert C.I.A. operations, do not need to be depicted in a Finding, because the President has a constitutional right to command combat forces in the field without congressional interference.”

    (“Finding” refers to a special document that a president must issue, although not make public, to authorize covert CIA actions.)

    Here is a tape of the full Mondale-Hersh-Jacobs colloquy, a little over an hour, without the audience Q and A. If you want to look for the Hersh statement quoted above, it’s about at the 7:30 mark.

    The rest of the evening was, as expected, full of worry and wisdom and quite a bit of Bush-bashing.

    Jacobs walked the two elder statesmen through their experiences of:
    The My Lai massacre, which Hersh first revealed publicly and which he last night called “the end of innocence about us and war.”
    The Pentagon Papers case, which Mondale called the best example of the “government’s potential for vast public deception.”
    Henry Kissinger’s secret dealings, mostly relating to the Vietnam War. (Hersh, who has written volumes about Kissinger, said that he will always believe that whereas ordinary people count sheep to fall asleep, Kissinger “has to count burned and maimed Cambodian babies.”)
    The Church Committee investigation of CIA and FBI abuses, in which Mondale played a major role. (He talked about the fact that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover not only spied on Martin Luther King but literally tried to drive him to suicide.)
    The Iran Contra scandal. (Hersh said the Reagan administration came to office with a clear goal of finding a way to finance covert actions, such as the funding of the Nicaraguan Contras, without appropriations so that Congress wouldn't know about them. Mondale noted that Reagan had signed a law barring further aid to the Contras, then participated in a scheme to keep the aid flowing. Hersh said that two key veterans of Iran-Contra, Dick Cheney and national security official Elliot Abrams, were reunited in the George W. Bush White House and decided that the key lesson from Iran-Contra was that too many people in the administration knew about it.)
    And the Bush-Cheney years. (Said Hersh: “The contempt for Congress in the Bush-Cheney White House was extaordinary.” Said Mondale of his successor, Cheney, and his inner circle: “they ran a government within the government.” Hersh added: “Eight or nine neoconservatives took over our country.” Mondale said that the precedents of abuse of vice presidential power by Cheney would remain "like a loaded pistol that you leave on the dining room table.")

    Jacobs pressed both men on the question of whether the frequent abuses of power show that the Constitution fails, because these things keep happening, or whether it works, because these things keep coming to light.

    Mondale stuck with the happy answer. “The system has come through again and again,” he said. Presidents always think they will get away with it, but eventually reporters like Hersh bring things to light, the public “starts smelling this stuff,” the courts and the Congress get involved. Presidents “always, in the long run, find out that the system is stronger than they are.”

    Hersh seemed more troubled by the repetitions of the pattern. The “beautiful thing about our system” is that eventually we get new leaders, he said. “The evil twosome, Cheney and Bush, left,” Hersh said. But he also said “it’s really amazing to me that we manage to get such bad leadership, so consistently.”

    And he added that both the press and the public let down their guard in the aftermath of 9/11.

    “The major newspapers joined the [Bush] team,” Hersh said. Top editors passed the message to investigative reporters not to “pick holes” in what Bush was doing. Violations of the Bill of Rights happened in the plain sight of the public. It was not only tolerated, but Bush was re-elected.

    And even Mondale admitted that one of his greatest successes, laws reforming the FBI and CIA in the aftermath of the Church Committee, were supposed to fix the problem so that “we would never have these problems again in the lifetime of anyone alive at the time, but of course we did.”

    All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:


    1. Hersh: Cheney ‘Privately’ Says He Prefers U.S. — Not Israel — Strik...
    2. Hersh: Joint Special Operations Command in Iran
    3. Secret police unit set up to spy on British ‘domestic extremists’
    4. The Political Assassination of Eliot Spitzer
    5. Cheney weighs fratricide to sell war on Iran
    6. Secretive Pentagon Spy Unit: Closed or Outsourced?
    7. Army deploys combat unit in US for possible civil unrest
    8. Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes
    9. Bush Administration Not Neocon Enough for Liz Cheney
    10. Legal experts question US Attorney’s decision not to prosecute Obam...
    11. Cheney: Bush’s actions legal if not impeached
    12. The Cheney Doctrine
  • Split Ring Ressonator

    Phase modulation using dual split ring
    Iftekhar O. Mirza*, Shouyuan Shi, and Dennis W. Prather
    Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware, 151 Evans Hall Newark, Delaware 19716

    See the attached file below with the full Descripiton of Phase Modulation using duel Split Ring-
    Abstract: In this paper, we studied phase modulation numerically using
    metamaterials such as stacked structures of dual split ring resonators
    (DSRRs). To demonstrate the modulation, a vertical and a planar design
    were considered, where the wave vectors were parallel and perpendicular to
    the proposed structures creating 70 degrees and 80 degrees of phase change,
    respectively. In both of the designs modulation was brought about by
    changing the effective index of the structure through switching between the
    open and short states of the DSRRs while maintaining high transmission.
    One of the attractive features of our design was the thin layers of DSRRs,
    where for the vertical and planar models the DSRRs layers were 5 mm and
    2.28 mm respectively. The numerical results obtained by simulation
    matched well with the theoretical prediction.
    © 2009 Optical Society of America
    OCIS codes: (160.3918) Metamaterials; (060.5060) Phase Modulation; (070.5753)
    References and links
    1. V. G. Veselago, The electrodynamics of substances with simultaneously negative values of permittivity and
    permeability, Sov. Phys USPEKHI 10, 509 (1968).
    2. R. A. Shelby, D.R. Smith, and S. Schultz, “Experimental verification of negative index of refraction,
    Science 292, 77-79, (2001).
    3. Z. Lu, J. A. Murakowski, C. A. Schuetz, S. Shi, G. J. Schneider, and D. W. Prather, “Three-dimensional
    subwavelength imaging by a photonic-crystal flat lens using negative refraction at microwave frequencies,”
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 153901(4) (2005).
    4. Z. Sheng and V. Varadan, “Tuning the effective properties of metamaterials by changing the susbstrate,” J.
    Appl. Phys. 101, 014909-1, (2007).
    5. D. K. Ghodgaonkar, V.V. Varadan, and V. K. Varadan, “Free-space measurement of complex permittivity
    and complex permeability of magnetic materials at microwave frequencies,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
    39, 387-394, (1990).
    6. K. Aydin, I. Bulu, K. Guven, M. Kafesaki, C. M. Soukoulis and E. Ozbay, “Investigation of magnetic
    resonances for different split-ring resonator parameters and designs,” New J. Phys. 7, 168 (2005).
    7. K. Aydin, K. Guven, N. Katsarakis, C. M. Soukoulis and E. Ozbay, “Effect of disorder on magnetic
    resonance band gap of split-ring resonator structures,” Opt. Express 12, 5896 (2004)
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    1. Introduction
    Recently metamaterials have drawn a lot of attention in the research arena [1, 2, 20]. The
    ability of this class of materials to respond to an electromagnetic field and bring about
    changes in a material’s fundamental properties has opened up doors for new applications such
    as flat lens, antenna miniaturization and artificial magnetic conductors to name a few [3, 16,
    17]. One of the advantages of these artificial materials is that they can also be tuned over a
    frequency range by effectively changing the substrate properties, the geometry of the
    resonating metamaterial structure, or by changing the external fields with non linear
    dielectrics [4, 6, 7, and 8]. Another effective way of tuning resonating metamaterials such as
    the split ring resonators is by changing the resistance properties of the rings using capacitors
    that can be controlled by an applied voltage [11]. As these tunable structures are scalable with
    the wavelength, they can be used for modulation for any desired frequency range. In
    particular, a Terahertz modulator was demonstrated where the metamaterials were grown on a
    conductive substrate and the amplitude of the incoming wave was modulated using electrical
    controls to change the resistivity of the metamaterial on a GaAs substrate [9, 15]. Also
    recently, another research group demonstrated phase shifting with tunable negative refractive
    index metamaterials using variable external magnetic field [12]. Similar work was also done
    with negative index material by means of photoconductive coupling [10]. Complementary
    split ring resonators and their applicability in tuning frequency has also been studied [13].
    Although these works had been successful in bringing out the idea of frequency and
    amplitude modulation, little investigation has been carried out in terms of phase modulation
    using metamaterials. Also a major challenge in working with metamaterials has been the
    inherent loss that arises from their resonating nature. To address such issues, in this paper we
    demonstrated phase only modulation using tunable metamaterials, namely the DSRRs. We
    mitigated the issue of material loss by employing thin resonating metamaterials operating at
    an off-resonant frequency to demonstrate a high degree of phase modulation with very
    minimal loss. Particularly, in our paper we demonstrated phase modulation using two
    #106965 - $15.00 USD Received 30 Jan 2009; revised 4 Mar 2009; accepted 13 Mar 2009; published 16 Mar 2009
    (C) 2009 OSA 30 March 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 7 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5090
    different polarizations for the DSRRs: in the first configuration, the polarization of magnetic
    field, H, was perpendicular to the DSRRs as shown in Fig. 1 (a), whereas in the second
    configuration, shown in Fig. 1(b), the wave vector k was perpendicular to the ring. The
    DSRRs consisted of single split rings packed very closely where the adjacent rings’ split gaps
    were alternated in orientation. The key advantage of the DSRRs in the first configuration was
    that the rings could provide an off-resonance high permeability value when excited by the
    magnetic field [18]. Whereas in the second configuration the symmetric nature of the
    alternate rings could avoid electric coupling from the magnetic resonances that might lead to
    cross-polarization effects [21] when excited by the electric field .The key advantages in both
    of our designs were the constituent elements which could be readily manufactured using
    standard lithography processes and simple electrical connections could be used to regulate
    between the two states of the modulation using very thin layers of DSRRs in the propagation
    direction. Compared to conventional phase modulators, metamaterial-based phase modulators
    operating in transmission mode, promise to produce enhanced phase modulation in terms of
    exhibiting a high degree of phase change within a small volume. Moreover, being physically
    small it can ensure ease of structural integration and can offer scalability with wavelength that
    can reduce design constraints while operating in different frequencies. We believe these
    modulators can be the building block for spatial light modulators in the microwave frequency
    regime that can add significant advantage over conventional modulators by simplifying future
    Digital Micromirror Devices (DMD) and phased array antenna design by controlling each
    element of the array or pixel electronically [22, 25].
    The first step in the recipe to build a tunable phase modulator was to design the DSRRs
    that could provide the resonant frequency around which the phase modulation would occur.
    Standard numerical techniques were used to retrieve the constitutive parameters and the
    effective refractive index information of the unit cell of the DSRRs for the two different states
    of modulation: electrically open and closed rings [5]. The difference in the value of the
    effective index for the two different states was used to calculate the phase change. We also
    calculated the change in phase using the volumetric field data obtained inside the
    computational region and explained the differences with the calculated theoretical result. In
    the following sections we will provide the details of the numerical setup, extraction of the
    relevant parameters to calculate the modulation and discuss the simulated results with a
    conclusion for improvement and our plan for experimental verification.
    Transmission plane Reflection plane Transmission plane
    Reflection plane
    3.81 mm
    5 mm
    15 mm
    15 mm
    (a) (b)
    3.63 mm
    Fig. 1. (a). Configuration 1: H-field perpendicular to the DSRR. (b) Configuration 2: k vector
    perpendicular to the DSRR
    #106965 - $15.00 USD Received 30 Jan 2009; revised 4 Mar 2009; accepted 13 Mar 2009; published 16 Mar 2009
    (C) 2009 OSA 30 March 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 7 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5091
    2. Design and modeling
    The DSRRs needed to be designed in such a way so that it could operate for a particular
    frequency where the values of the effective permeability and permittivity of the DSRR’s
    would meet the following criteria: a) numerically large to create appreciable phase change
    through a change in the effective index, b) impedance matched interface, and c) minimize the
    power loss. This is formalized in terms of the Figure Of Merit (FOM) = nreal / nimaginary, where
    nreal and nimaginary are the real and imaginary parts of the refractive index respectively. The
    goal will be to achieve a high FOM for each state for both of the configurations.
    In order to meet these requirements we carried out several numerical simulation using the
    commercial software HFSS to obtain an optimal design. Two different orientations of the
    DSRRs with respect to the wave vector were considered: case1) wave vector, k, parallel to the
    structure and case 2) wave vector, k, perpendicular to the structure. The setup in Fig. 1(a),
    shows the unit cell analysis for the configuration 1 which will be discussed in the following.
    The dimensions of the DSRR were 3 mm x 3 mm with a gap and strip width of 0.33 mm. The
    thickness of the metal was 0.02 mm printed on a 0.25 mm thick Duroid substrate (ε = 2.2).
    The unit cell of dimension 5 mm x 1 mm x 3.63 mm was placed in between the waveports
    with a perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) boundary condition in the y-direction and
    perpendicular to the ring and a perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundary condition in the z-
    direction and parallel to the ring. By doing so, we were able to simulate a two dimensional
    periodic structure along both y and z directions with minimal computation. A similar setup
    was used in [4]. Based on this orientation, the DSRRs were excited by the magnetic field
    which was perpendicular to the DSRRs. The dense stack of DSRRs acted as metalsolenoid
    which helped to concentrate the magnetic flux inside the structure giving rise to a strong
    magnetic resonance. Similar design was considered and discussed in [18] where it was
    highlighted that the main benefit of this design was that a high value of permeability could be
    obtained away from the resonance. The large off-resonance permeability value leads to a
    large effective index at the same frequency for the DSRRs which could be exploited for
    maximum phase modulation. The reflection/transmission spectra results obtained from the
    simulation were used to extract the effective index of the DSRR using the formulation
    described in [4, 5].
    For a normally incident wave in free-space, at the air-sample boundary the scattering
    parameters, namely the S11 and S21 can be related to the reflection ( Γ ) and transmission (T)
    coefficients [5] as:
    Γ = R ± R2 −1 (1)
     S 2 − S 2 +1
    R = 0.5  11 21  (2)
     
     S + S −Γ 
    T =  11 21  (3)
     1 − ( S11 + S21 )Γ 
    ncomplex = nreal + nimag ,
    Following this, the complex refractive index can be formulated as
    2mπ − arg(T ) − log(| T |)
    nreal = and nimag = . The parameter d indicates the slab
    dk0 dk0

    , where λ0 is the operational
    thickness in the direction of propagation and k0 =
    #106965 - $15.00 USD Received 30 Jan 2009; revised 4 Mar 2009; accepted 13 Mar 2009; published 16 Mar 2009
    (C) 2009 OSA 30 March 2009 / Vol. 17, No. 7 / OPTICS EXPRESS 5092
    wavelength in free space. In our studies, m was set to zero as the wavelength inside the
    DSRRs was larger than the slab thickness. Detailed discussion of the parameter m can be
    found in [4]. The extracted data are shown in Fig. 2(a), where the real and imaginary parts of
    the effective index for the open and closed cases of the DSRRs were plotted. From the graph,
    at 4 GHz the real part of the effective index was 5.9 for the open state DSRRs while for the
    closed state the value of the real part of the effective index was 1.6. The closed state had a flat
    real part response and minimal loss since the DSRRs were off-resonance within the frequency
    range of 3.5 – 4.5 GHz. The closed state for the DSRR was achieved by effectively shorting
    the gaps in the DSRRs by placing a piece of metal inside the gap. Due to the large index
    difference between the two states, we chose a frequency band centered at 4 GHz for our phase
    modulation application. Although, at resonance the real index was at a maximum which
    would provide the maximum phase modulation, the imaginary part which indicated the loss of
    the structure was also very high that could potentially degrade the overall performance of the
    device. In particular, the transmission data as shown in Fig. 3(a) indicated that for
    configuration 1 the transmission was -1.6 dB and -2.8 dB for the open and short case
    respectively. The value of the imaginary parts for both the cases at this frequency was
    negligibly low and the difference in the real parts of the effective index was calculated as 5.9-
    1.6 = 4.3. The calculated FOM for the open state was 5.9/0.325 = 18.2 and for the closed state
    the FOM was 1.6/0.0003 = 5.3 x 103. As expected the FOM was much higher for the closed
    state because of the absence of a resonance.
    Freq: 4GHz
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