dear madam
nice to meet you. have a nice day. hope you will help me in my case. i am from chennai, S.india. i am suffered from voice to skull technologies.(vk2)normally indians are not aware of this. moreover they are threatning that we are inside of everyone, if you move to somewhere like police or government or advocate we are acting behlf on them they are asking that are u a fool lady reporting against us?when we act behalf of others sitting inside whom you talk then how can you win us? they usually called me in abusing words, here while i go thru several articles and incidents arounds us i felt that several loopholes are existing. several months back one small boy is shot dead by retd colonel.(here prepators are showing that they are everywhere, controlled each and everybody),but at the same time in magazines somes peoples condemn colonel action and described them as a animal.likewise in inside of indian army some incidents happening.these are the loopholes for victims like us. will you plz reply me about this loophole.moreover i know personely very well about that colonel for past few years, his name is colonel pannerselvam.he is involving in a groupstalking.voice to skull method. moreover while i am watching tv, reading magazines as we are indians usually visit ti temple, thier statues are talking and showing actions,they take more advantage in my case because i dont have getting any moral support from my husband and my sisters and relatives. they are not believing, my husband is saying if something is controlled your mind then plz dont disturb me get along with him know.why you disturbing others.he is saying. these covert group never touch my husband, sometimes i shout why you are not exposing your power to my husband means they are silent.plz help me. will you plz find out one person mr.vijay from TIS,can i get his contact number. plz arrange for it.plz reply soon madam god will bless you.