This is just some info that might help people.These are some things that I have noticed that actually make me feel better, I thought I would share with you.!. Be nice to everyone around you, go out of your way to do nice things for people. help people.2. Think nice.3. Think positive.4. Think responsible.5. Respect for all.6. Patience.7. Try to relax the best way you know how.8. Try to do things that make you happy.Ok, these are some of the things I found that make me feel worse.1. Violence.2. Aggression.3. Lies.4. Breaking the law in any shape or form.5. Negativity, IE.. Negative thinking, pessimism.6. Any type of drugs or alcohol, cigarettes.Now if you'll notice these things that make me feel better are all positive and the things that make me feel worse are all negative... So I hope this helps anyone, it seems to help me.
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Posted by kevin kovach on February 3, 2009 at 11:01am
I very curious. I believe I have been a victim since 2004. I am under the impression that I am in prison for a crime I "did" commit. Everyone I know, knows I am here yet says nothing. So, I'm hoping I get out. Have any of you committed any crimes? anything? Or are you just victims who have no idea why you are here? I am very worried that I will never feel better. I can't think or feel and am scared out of my mind. i would very much appreciate your stories if possible. Some of the people I know say, "It takes a while", "Patience", "you'll be alright", "You are doing time".I am told to be patient, but I say "for what a miserable life?" It is impossible to survive for me under these circumstances. The people are the police, their job is to humiliate. I see all the similarities between here and real prison, even though I've never been to prison let alone jail. just the concept of "isolation and brutality"Very, very worried,kevin :(
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Posted by kevin kovach on January 31, 2009 at 11:13am
I have read a few stories and am horrified. I also am a victim of electronic harassment. I have been infiltrated since 2004 or so. I am told i am in "prison" By my captor "via" the voice in my head. I have been told I have been imprisoned for a certain amount of time. "from A to B" I have committed a crime and realistically the punishment fits the crime. What scares me the most is hearing stories about people who have done nothing wrong. I don't know why they would be victims. Am told this is the new prison. It is world wide, but I am solely governed by The United States of America. "I am being punished for a crime, I will be free and have all of my free will and thought back." Those who are being infiltrated may want to soul search and figure out what it is you might have done against the laws of your country. You might find the punishment fits the crime. Listen to "some" of the things they say, you will most likely find them relevant. It is abuse and punishment, but think of it as prison. you are going to get out and be well someday. Think of it this way, would you rather be here or be in Leavenworth State Prison? Compare regular prison to how you feel, it it the exact same in many ways. "Isolation", "no privileges" While you are here you will be subjected to "Behavior Modification" or in prison terms "Rehabilitation" on every aspect of your being. Everyone knows what I think, what I ate last night, what I dream about just like the rest of you. As you all know it sucks terribly. Bare with it and you will be released from prison at some point depending on your crime. Remember the crime can be anything from theft, domestic abuse, drug sales, prostitution, embezzlement to murder. I am a very good giving loving person also, so that has nothing to do with my crime. You do the crime and you will do the time. Anyway, I hope I get out because I am as miserable as you can get, trust me. Be patient!!!! Free will for everyone..It sounds like you all are doing time like me. If anyone would like to talk or respond i also can be reached at
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