lee poll's Posts (2)

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Keys To Overcome The Enemy

 It is a good Ideal to keep in the New Testament, This is after Jesus came to earth. Get a "red letter addition" everything that Jesus spoke is in red letters. The first 4 chapters Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are four of Jesus disciples that traveled with Him. They all wrote there experience that they had with and when walking the earth with Jesus. These are four good stories from different Men... The 5th book is the book of Acts " the acts of the Holy Spirit" It would be a good book to read Out Loud. The book of Acts is after Jesus was crucified and rose from the grave and walked the earth in His resurrected body. He traveled and told many different details on how to walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit. All of the New Testament is Good reading, although when reading "What Jesus Said In Red Letter Print" puts the demons to flight and you will notice Angelic active when reading the red letters. There will be a battle going on in the Spiritual realm around you and if you are sensitive you will be able to see the Light spirits chasing the dark spirits away..... Keep up the good fight of faith, and sing songs like  (Jesus Loves Me This I Know) and other good old gospel songs, you can [Goggle] the name of the songs, add youtube to the name of the song you are looking for... God Bless and let me know how things are going... Lee

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How To Stop The Jezebel Spirit.

Reply by lee poll just now

To stop the Jezebel spirit you need some help that will put an end to this spirit's wicked assignment against you. Talk about the spirit of Jezebel is one thing - revelation and practical ways to help you overcome the spirit of Jezebel is another.I went through years struggling with something that I couldn't see and didn't even know existed. But 20 years ago the Holy Spirit put the pieces together for me. I got victory over the spirit of Jezebel and you can too." Jonas Clark
<p>You have probably experienced the crafty spirit of Jezebel, her dangerous messengers, dedicated students, and deceiving servants. The bible teaches about the spirit of Jezebel and there are many things that spirit does to control and make your life totally miserable. Jezebel is not a person, Jezebel is a spirit that releases demonic controlling and manipulating witchcraft against your mind and into your life.You can stop the Jezebel spirit now. Many consider Jonas Clark an expert on overcoming the spirit of Jezebel. If you are serious about getting the victory he can help you. You are probably grappling with this unseen spirit that is trying to undermine and ruin your life, family, ministry and future -Right now! With the information that Jonas provides and the right kind of prayer, you can stop the spirit of Jezebel. Don't let another day go by. Let Jonas help you win!UNCOVER THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL'S EIGHT FORMS OF CONTROLSee through Jezebel's deceitful camouflage.Learn how the spirit of Jezebel slowly chains and addicts you to her.
Learn how Jezebel uses you without your knowledge.
LEARN HOW THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL HIJACKS YOUR AUTHORITYThe Jezebel spirit has 6 ways to manipulate you. One will really mess you up. The others are worse.Learn how Jezebel creates the perfect Ahab.Learn how the Jezebel spirit turns your children against you.Learn how the Jezebel spirit destroys a good relationship and marriage.Find out how Jezebel takes over ministries and churches.
LEARN NOT TO GIVE THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL THE MAIN THING SHE WANTS. Learn what kind of personal information you give the Jezebel spirit. But Should Not! Learn how to break loose from Jezebel’s approval.The Jezebel spirit seldom works alone, find out who works with her? This could be your best friend. SCRIPTURAL TIPS, PROVEN STEPS, AND WISDOM TO STOP THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT. Uncover Jezebel’s weakness. Knowing this weakness gives you the edge. Learn how to remove the guards of the Jezebel spirit.These guards are more dangerous than you think. Learn how Jezebel finds your spiritual weakness. Learn the 3 most effective ways to stop the Jezebel spirit.
Stop the Jezebel spirit now. Thousands have and you can too after learning these proven truths. WITH THE KNOWLEDGE IN THIS MATERIAL YOU CAN STOP JEZEBEL IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS In this Stop Jezebel Now material Jonas will give you a proven list of things you can do to stop the onslaught against you. Many write about the Jezebel spirit but they don't know what to do about it, Jonas does. Learn how to stop the spirit of Jezebel now.This material includes the Christian bestsellers Jezebel, Seducing Goddess, Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft, and over 8 hours of audio teachings. This is the best material ever assembled exposing the spirit of Jezebel and her witchcraft control by bestselling author and creator of The Voice magazine Jonas Clark. Don't let that spirit steal from you anymore. Take action today! INCLUDED IN THE STOP JEZEBEL SPIRIT NOW KIT:These Christian bestsellers JEZEBEL, SEDUCING GODDESS: How to stop Jezebel now! EXPOSING SPIRITUAL WITCHCRAFT: How to overcome curses, demons, witchcraft, and controlling powers. over 8 hours of audio teachings.Audio Teachings Include: BREAK JEZEBEL'S CONTROLLING POWERS AND DISMANTLING JEZEBEL'S NETWORK
Recognizing the messengers of Jezebel. How the Jehu spirit stops the Jezebel spirit. What to do when you meet the Ahab spirit. Closing doors to Jezebel's attacks. What every person should do when attacked by the Jezebel spirit.
How to identify the weakness of the Jezebel spirit. How to identify the sneaky spirit of Ahab. What to do when you meet Jezebel's messengers, students, and servants Google Jonas Clark to order the 8 cd set.
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