The perps are part of America's Shadow Government, they are terrorists committing High Treason; They have been trained through mind control to commit criminally insane acts against the United States and American citizens alike~
Is the FBI being used to cover up prior experimentation under Cointel Pro, MK-Ultra, V2K and mind control? Has the Federal Gov't coerced the Sherrif's dept into gangstalking TIs using unmarked or marked cars in order to shift responsibility for parts
The cost of infiltration is our privacy and the continued exploitation of each one of us.
I mentioned earlier in regards of my own space I intend to buy in the forseable future If anyone wanted to visit and spend weeks or longer I would employ a scr
Ceci est un message pour Serge Labreze, ou toute personne qui puisse le contacter et lui proposer de délister le blog, qui n'existe plus.
J'en profite
- pour signaler l'existence d'une association belge EUCACH qui se propo
After sometime looking and not happy with the products I found I eventually found stainless steel cloth which has a smaller sub micron gause size than the many filters I had gone through in my search.
Explore for a source of Biofeedback Therapy (for example EEG or Brain Wave) and/or Mind/Body (Behavioral) Medicine Providers to help Mind Control/ DEW TI's Cope in a Healthy Way with problems from Abuse such as Muscular Pain or We
Less than 20% CIAs know that their brains were damaged by remote surgery when they were sleeping.
The broadcast on the existence of remote surgery technology was not so efficient as mind control probably because the real boss don’t want the CIAs know
Thank you solielmavis. I got mails before from you. Thanks for keeping me updated about mind control. I have a issue here. It's a personal issue. If you don't mind and have time for this I will be much appreciate the suggestions you make. thanks.