's Discussions (4860)

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The cost of infiltration is our privacy and the continued exploitation of each one of us. I mentioned earlier in regards of my own space I intend to buy in the forseable future If anyone wanted to visit and spend weeks or longer I would employ a scr

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Ceci est un message pour Serge Labreze, ou toute personne qui puisse le contacter et lui proposer de délister le blog lezarceleurs.posterous.com, qui n'existe plus.

J'en profite

- pour signaler l'existence d'une association belge EUCACH qui se propo

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Clean Water

After sometime looking and not happy with the products I found I eventually found stainless steel cloth which has a smaller sub micron gause size than the many filters I had gone through in my search.

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German "race" 3.0

German "race" 3.0

New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip

“Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world” ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60/80 millions) !!

To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blo

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Hi Please suggest any reason

Thank you solielmavis. I got mails before from you. Thanks for keeping me updated about mind control. I have a issue here. It's a personal issue. If you don't mind and have time for this I will be much appreciate the suggestions you make. thanks.


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