Read the attache pdf. It is from IARPA's web site. poke around this web site and do a search for ICARUS it is a recipe of the technology that is used to target individuals.
I have been under the influence like a rat in a cage type experiment at logger heads with mi6 the ones the voices tell me operate me and take all my rights to thoughts brain and body just my soul is all i can call my own .
1. Do you have any idea who your abusers are? Is it possible for us to trace the connection to a common source so we can warn those they may victimize later, and be able to make those who have been pulled into their schemes to realize what is actuall
I come from China and have been as a target of MC for about 1 year since I known what is MindControl . In past six months, I collected articles and read lots of books to try finding the reality of MC.
안녕하세요. 원격 ..범죄기물셋트인 원격 전자 성희롱기기 및 원격 전자기 고문상해기기('medusa ray gun 란 미군용 무기이나 국내의 퇴역한 관인들 중에 ..부패한 자들이 이런 무기로 그네 식구들을 동원하는등 하여 ..범죄를 한다는 말이 있더군요.) 등이 이용된 갱 조직스토킹 ..범죄자들로부터 눈에 보이지 않는 테크놀로지 대인 지향성무기 마인드컨트롤 음/전파 방사