Three words :
Where am I ?
You know my friends life is as simple as it is,
What Is history ?
Is it correct that they say history repeats itself ?
Ya ! it is damn right !
and you know why ?
Because those who create it are always the same,
Players change but the roles are permanent
But not actually have to be permanent
We are condemned to make the same lame history as long as we are the same beings
Four words :
Hell, heaven, devil, god
What do they mean ?
Hell means all that same lame history ….
Heaven means the future that can be made right now …
Devil means a kid with a huge inferiority complex in all humans minds!
And god – oh dear god ! – god is that kid who has been cured ! that existence we all wanted to be and deep down in our unconsciousness do know we actually are, but has been scared to not even think about it by … devil ? no by our previous kids, by our ancestors, by …
They say this is masses who has created the history and will create it again and again ….
Is it true ?
Lets change the history, I’m also talking to you my dear perps !
I know it’s painful, you know it must be, cause you are already in so much pain by torturing and killing all these people,
Cause it has been proven that human existence is a whole, when you are torturing others, you are doing the same thing to yourselves, ask ex-torturers in all security services all fuckin over the world.
One who kills, kills his very self as well ….
Once again I beg you
lets change the history for the very first time !
Lets grow up !
Dear perps !
Three words :
Where am I ?