THE BASICS OF MIND CONTROL AND BODY CONTROL ATTACKS: We are often asked, 'How can perps pinpoint places in my brain [or body] to achieve their intended malicious results'? Clearly, the most popular way is to direct two electromagnetic or ultrasonic signals from different angles into you brain or body. The first signal is just a straight high frequency single-frequency carrier wave. The second signal is that same carrier wave but modulated with the control or destructive signal they want to deliver to that specific area of your brain or body to perform their exact intended evil function. Where the signals intersect inside your brain or body, they interfere with each other, producing what we call the Fessenden effect. The resulting signals are the sum and difference frequencies of the two signals. Basically, a heterodyning process. The sum frequency is likely ignored by your brain and body. The difference frequency is the demodulated (ie: fully restored) control/destructive signal - now let loose in the targeted area of your brain or body. If microwaves are used, sound may be perceived due to the Microwave Hearing Effect phenomenon. If the demodulated signal is strong enough, tissue damage or destruction may occur. The humming, hissing, ringing or whistling sound perceived by the TI may result from either the carrier signals of the two transmissions being different from 20 Hz-to-20 KHz, or the control/destructive signal is using a single-tone signal (usually for test or targeting acquisition purposes). In mind control labs, these studies are often done by using electrodes because electrodes are much more efficient than remote transmitters. However, since perps can rarely secretly place electrodes on TIs, they use remote transmitters. "Cell" magazine published its research on this. To protect yourself, you MUST stop these signals from entering your head or body.
A base station (GNSS-based mobile communication system) also has GNSS and Internet access, and provides differential (e.g., DGPS) correctors to the mobile unit via the Internet. The Internet communications link enables audio and/or video (AV) clips to be recorded and played back by the mobile unit based on its GNSS location.
Software-defined Radio Technologies for GNSS receiver with L band continuous pulse transmitting radio frequency that carries a signal to the brain to get a EEG reading. A computer to brain tag is made with a programs called Matlab with EEGlab toolbox and GPS toolbox and RF toolbox BCI toolbox and other that creates a RFID. GNSS soft-receivers (GPS) are UHF/VHF frequencies that carry voice and video to the brain. The RFID uses radio frequency in UHF waves and microwave bands width. With radio frequency (VHF/ UHF) transmitted between the computer and the brain around the world. The intermediate frequency is being used to transmit with GPS and Radio Frequencies combined. The terrorist are using other radio signal to heat and cause pain to: human body, mind and creates radio frequency static discharge, heating (also called RF heating) microwave radio frequencies pass through our atmosphere, oceans, and ice caps in a destructive manner. The frequencies travel in a multipath system that covers 150 meters. Using triangulation of the radio signal with transmitter signal strength divided by frequency equal distance with direction antenna that need to be monitored by the Government. Formal to locate distance is Gain Hz /Frequency Hz = distance in meters with a directional antenna.
IF Carrier phase tracking by satellite (broadcast in the L1 signal) changes phase at 1.023 MHz, but the L1 carrier itself is 1575.42 MHz that carries Very low frequency 0 to 50Hz that are extracted from the brain that are unique set of brain waves: Alpha (8 Hz - 12 Hz - Awake, mild/moderate stimulation), Beta (15 Hz - 25 Hz - Awake, moderate/excited stimulation), Delta (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz - Stage 3 Sleep, Stage 4 Sleep), Theta (4 Hz - 8 Hz - Stage 1 Sleep and REM Sleep), and Spindles (12 Hz - 15 Hz - Stage 2 Sleep, often with K-Complex) waveforms.
A few of the Brain Area Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation:
Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense
Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts
A-GNSS Acquisition is a conutious wave from in the telecommunication sector. this work as a whole unit do to it is the small area network in the GNSS in urben area's.this is for communication between towers......
programs used to electronic harass us:
sdr engineering toolbox
lsl lab streaming layer
Audio System Toolbox
Video Processing in MATLAB - MATLAB & Simulink Video
mathworks dsp system toolbox
mathworks SATNAV system toolbox
Control System Toolbox
RF Toolbox - MATLAB
Voice Over IP (VOIP) - MathWorks
put away your GPS devices and use a jammer to brack the link...
regards: santbir singh sekhon
A base station (GNSS-based mobile communication system) also has GNSS and Internet access, and provides differential (e.g., DGPS) correctors to the mobile unit via the Internet. The Internet communications link enables audio and/or video (AV) clips to be recorded and played back by the mobile unit based on its GNSS location.
Software-defined Radio Technologies for GNSS receiver with L band continuous pulse transmitting radio frequency that carries a signal to the brain to get a EEG reading. A computer to brain tag is made with a programs called Matlab with EEGlab toolbox and GPS toolbox and RF toolbox BCI toolbox and other that creates a RFID. GNSS soft-receivers (GPS) are UHF/VHF frequencies that carry voice and video to the brain. The RFID uses radio frequency in UHF waves and microwave bands width. With radio frequency (VHF/ UHF) transmitted between the computer and the brain around the world. The intermediate frequency is being used to transmit with GPS and Radio Frequencies combined. The terrorist are using other radio signal to heat and cause pain to: human body, mind and creates radio frequency static discharge, heating (also called RF heating) microwave radio frequencies pass through our atmosphere, oceans, and ice caps in a destructive manner. The frequencies travel in a multipath system that covers 150 meters. Using triangulation of the radio signal with transmitter signal strength divided by frequency equal distance with direction antenna that need to be monitored by the Government. Formal to locate distance is Gain Hz /Frequency Hz = distance in meters with a directional antenna.
IF Carrier phase tracking by satellite (broadcast in the L1 signal) changes phase at 1.023 MHz, but the L1 carrier itself is 1575.42 MHz that carries Very low frequency 0 to 50Hz that are extracted from the brain that are unique set of brain waves: Alpha (8 Hz - 12 Hz - Awake, mild/moderate stimulation), Beta (15 Hz - 25 Hz - Awake, moderate/excited stimulation), Delta (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz - Stage 3 Sleep, Stage 4 Sleep), Theta (4 Hz - 8 Hz - Stage 1 Sleep and REM Sleep), and Spindles (12 Hz - 15 Hz - Stage 2 Sleep, often with K-Complex) waveforms.
A few of the Brain Area Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation:
Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense
Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts
A-GNSS Acquisition is a conutious wave from in the telecommunication sector. this work as a whole unit do to it is the small area network in the GNSS in urben area's.this is for communication between towers......
programs used to electronic harass us:
sdr engineering toolbox
lsl lab streaming layer
Audio System Toolbox
Video Processing in MATLAB - MATLAB & Simulink Video
mathworks dsp system toolbox
mathworks SATNAV system toolbox
Control System Toolbox
RF Toolbox - MATLAB
Voice Over IP (VOIP) - MathWorks
put away your GPS devices and use a jammer to brack the link...
regards: santbir singh sekhon
A base station (GNSS-based mobile communication system) also has GNSS and Internet access, and provides differential (e.g., DGPS) correctors to the mobile unit via the Internet. The Internet communications link enables audio and/or video (AV) clips to be recorded and played back by the mobile unit based on its GNSS location.
Software-defined Radio Technologies for GNSS receiver with L band continuous pulse transmitting radio frequency that carries a signal to the brain to get a EEG reading. A computer to brain tag is made with a programs called Matlab with EEGlab toolbox and GPS toolbox and RF toolbox BCI toolbox and other that creates a RFID. GNSS soft-receivers (GPS) are UHF/VHF frequencies that carry voice and video to the brain. The RFID uses radio frequency in UHF waves and microwave bands width. With radio frequency (VHF/ UHF) transmitted between the computer and the brain around the world. The intermediate frequency is being used to transmit with GPS and Radio Frequencies combined. The terrorist are using other radio signal to heat and cause pain to: human body, mind and creates radio frequency static discharge, heating (also called RF heating) microwave radio frequencies pass through our atmosphere, oceans, and ice caps in a destructive manner. The frequencies travel in a multipath system that covers 150 meters. Using triangulation of the radio signal with transmitter signal strength divided by frequency equal distance with direction antenna that need to be monitored by the Government. Formal to locate distance is Gain Hz /Frequency Hz = distance in meters with a directional antenna.
IF Carrier phase tracking by satellite (broadcast in the L1 signal) changes phase at 1.023 MHz, but the L1 carrier itself is 1575.42 MHz that carries Very low frequency 0 to 50Hz that are extracted from the brain that are unique set of brain waves: Alpha (8 Hz - 12 Hz - Awake, mild/moderate stimulation), Beta (15 Hz - 25 Hz - Awake, moderate/excited stimulation), Delta (0.5 Hz - 4 Hz - Stage 3 Sleep, Stage 4 Sleep), Theta (4 Hz - 8 Hz - Stage 1 Sleep and REM Sleep), and Spindles (12 Hz - 15 Hz - Stage 2 Sleep, often with K-Complex) waveforms.
A few of the Brain Area Bioelectric Resonance Frequency Information Induced Through Modulation:
Motor Control Cortex 10 Hz Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex 15 Hz Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex 25 Hz Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory 9 Hz Phantom touch sense
Thought Center 20 Hz Imposed subconscious thoughts
A-GNSS Acquisition is a conutious wave from in the telecommunication sector. this work as a whole unit do to it is the small area network in the GNSS in urben area's.this is for communication between towers......
programs used to electronic harass us:
sdr engineering toolbox
lsl lab streaming layer
Audio System Toolbox
Video Processing in MATLAB - MATLAB & Simulink Video
mathworks dsp system toolbox
mathworks SATNAV system toolbox
Control System Toolbox
RF Toolbox - MATLAB
Voice Over IP (VOIP) - MathWorks
put away your GPS devices and use a jammer to brack the link...
regards: santbir singh sekhon