silvia miras sanchez's Posts (245)

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science sexuality robs us of the soul with the quantum bioresonance. Artists as expressed over time. The Lorenz fractal butterfly is called mental psyche. No more ignorance, here you can understand todo.El knowledge of the truth save us


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

"The psyche, the Greek ψυχή, psyche," soul ", is a concept from the worldview of ancient Greece, which designated the life force of an individual, his body bound in life and detached from it after his death. '
imagesCAWD9EL2.jpgCupido y psique

In spiritual or religious schools, or relating to psychology sexual drive is the human soul.Sexuality is our source of life.A teacher well versed in philosophy and general history, told me yesterday while having something that the old schools and esoteric teachings "special" took care to make their mark in time with art, so taught their students. And had teachers like Da Vinci, who understood the human soul, and knew transmit knowledge through His art. For any initiated what would capture and learn from it.Teaches classical philosophy, and has been so smart, that transmitted the knowledge of the soul to join the art.
Society teaches us that sexuality is the relationship between the vagina and the penis, the church has mortified with the guilt of having pleasure with vagina and penis. Thus sexuality is demonized.By establishing the power of the Catholic church and company, and destroy the community that worshiped nature and had as God to the earth and the fruits that she will otorgaba.Surgio Satanism, totally against castrating doctrine, not only
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science sexuality robs us of the soul with the quantum bioresonance. Artists as expressed over time. The Lorenz fractal butterfly is called mental psyche. No more ignorance, here you can understand todo.El knowledge of the truth save us


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

"The psyche, the Greek ψυχή, psyche," soul ", is a concept from the worldview of ancient Greece, which designated the life force of an individual, his body bound in life and detached from it after his death. '
imagesCAWD9EL2.jpgCupido y psique

In spiritual or religious schools, or relating to psychology sexual drive is the human soul.Sexuality is our source of life.A teacher well versed in philosophy and general history, told me yesterday while having something that the old schools and esoteric teachings "special" took care to make their mark in time with art, so taught their students. And had teachers like Da Vinci, who understood the human soul, and knew transmit knowledge through His art. For any initiated what would capture and learn from it.Teaches classical philosophy, and has been so smart, that transmitted the knowledge of the soul to join the art.
Society teaches us that sexuality is the relationship between the vagina and the penis, the church has mortified with the guilt of having pleasure with vagina and penis. Thus sexuality is demonized.By establishing the power of the Catholic church and company, and destroy the community that worshiped nature and had as God to the earth and the fruits that she will otorgaba.Surgio Satanism, totally against castrating doctrine, not only
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science sexuality robs us of the soul with the quantum bioresonance. Artists as expressed over time. The Lorenz fractal butterfly is called mental psyche. No more ignorance, here you can understand todo.El knowledge of the truth save us


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

"The psyche, the Greek ψυχή, psyche," soul ", is a concept from the worldview of ancient Greece, which designated the life force of an individual, his body bound in life and detached from it after his death. '
imagesCAWD9EL2.jpgCupido y psique

In spiritual or religious schools, or relating to psychology sexual drive is the human soul.Sexuality is our source of life.A teacher well versed in philosophy and general history, told me yesterday while having something that the old schools and esoteric teachings "special" took care to make their mark in time with art, so taught their students. And had teachers like Da Vinci, who understood the human soul, and knew transmit knowledge through His art. For any initiated what would capture and learn from it.Teaches classical philosophy, and has been so smart, that transmitted the knowledge of the soul to join the art.
Society teaches us that sexuality is the relationship between the vagina and the penis, the church has mortified with the guilt of having pleasure with vagina and penis. Thus sexuality is demonized.By establishing the power of the Catholic church and company, and destroy the community that worshiped nature and had as God to the earth and the fruits that she will otorgaba.Surgio Satanism, totally against castrating doctrine, not only
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science sexuality robs us of the soul with the quantum bioresonance. Artists as expressed over time. The Lorenz fractal butterfly is called mental psyche. No more ignorance, here you can understand todo.El knowledge of the truth save us


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.

Sexuality is our source of life, the human soul.
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literature Quixote and Don Juan are a mine of knowledge for qeu seeks freedom, knowledge is learned, not given to technology, the technology can be used to learn. But it is best that the attitude of the spiritual warrior?

martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Transhumanism aims of quantum physics become chipped sanchos

Transhumanism aims of quantum physics become chipped sanchosKnowledge is not given the freedom fisica.El knowledge should be accepted with humility, not lopueden implement. Only implemented a computer program and another computer. The state is not interested in your developments and not rebel.The state needs Sancho souls, souls operational obey authority, for a predatory capitalist world that separates humans hate and money.The new order promised by such mystics as the Dalai Lama and whether synthesis or renaissance project, are a spiritual scam.A spiritual warrior is formed with their effort and their experience with the relaidad of life, these people intended that we form manufactured by an aura, electromagnetically, and qeu center serves sensopercepciones simulations to learn the hard way to accept a religious leader to lead us. With spiritual rules learned and accepted by the coercion of labiorresonancia quantified in our mind.Our mind receives the message informatic teleported by our proprioceptive centers, and accepts them as real being virtual, and agrees to abide trauma.Don Juan Matus taught us that the teacher must despise the disciple, not emotionally chained to his Learning Center.The contempt for the ignorance is necessary for a being "Sancho" stop being a human cow grazing alone knows where he tells his master.By Don John teaches us disregard the autonomy of our being. If we do not want to be free and we will not be alone.Sanchos all.Knowledge is freedom.When you acquire start listening to barking dogs, those dogs that Don Quixote Sancho appoint a chapter of the book.They went from a town where there were dogs barking, and told Sancho were farther against most would hear his barking

Knowledge gives spiritual freedom on the other. Attitude empowers if you accept it with humility, but does not save you from this world Sanchos.The sanchos of this world do not want the power to have their insula.Insula as possession, is a simile used by Miguel de Cervantes, to hide the true meaning of the teachings of Don Quixote to Sancho.Miguel de Cervantes was taught as a surgeon for his family, and he knew that part of the central nervous system.
The insular cortex, or insula simply, is a structure of the human brain. It is located deep in the brain lateral surface within the lateral groove (Sylvan fissure), which separates the temporal and parietal cortices lower. These regions are known as cortical opércula overlapping, part of the frontal, parietal and temporal form a opércula on the island, the island therefore not visible on the outside of the brain and is covered by the structures mentioned.[edit] Role in the emotions and feelings (relationship with the limbic system)The insular cortex, especially the anterior portion is related to the limbic system. The island is becoming the focus of attention for its role in emotional subjective experience and its representation in the body
Don Quixote
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