Is there any help i can get so this person will stop using v2k voices on me & stop with her mobbing activities? She also has false victimization syndrome in which she falsely says i stalk her. She looks for people to mob, and then she claims they are
Ive noticed by focussing myself internally, not spiritualy or emotionaly but physicly. And focussing on a specific thing say volume level, or mind reading i get internal systematic clicks of tissue and subsequent reductions in hearing feeling and tra
We have included 'full symptoms list' from surveys of the targeted individual community, with a link at the bottom of the page to the survey page itself from FFCHS.
The speaker on a conference call I listened to recently for TIs mentioned the term "hate stalking" and suggested the audience look it up. I had never heard the term before and did a google search. It's where a person hates someone and follows their a
If u wish to help people of this community you would be developing such a thing... look listen to me carefully u all r the one whose mind is open... and could be read by people surrounded by you... and those who have it mind have only 1 limit that is
UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Human Rights Community International Criminal Court Canadian Governments
This pill would be for "mental illness"
It send dosage and time data to your doctor.
So lets say i have depression and bipolar but now im paranoid about a pill. Lawsuit time!
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government hack UN, International Human Rights Community , International Criminal Court, and me, Canadian victim of torture
1) cover up their ongoing torture, threats, terror, attempted murder
a block diagram showing the interconnection of the components of the apparatus of theinvention;FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing signal flow in one embodiment of the apparatus.DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTReferring to the drawings, specific