's Discussions (4873)

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Think of a calming white light, filling your mind and body. Begin to remember happy moments. Now stay in a happy moments. Remember what it was like. Let your mind be free of intrusion and outside influences. Let it relax you.

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Demonstrated one by one to create remote mind control and remote surgeryexperimental targets are ONLY murders, as they didn't risk their lives to demonstrate to each and everyone in media at same time

Those who created remote mind control and remote surgery experimental targets secretly are ONLY murders. They can demonstrate to countless number of human-beings focused electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control technologies at same time

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I lose myself

This world has shown me something So big I had to stop caring No one can control it all At least not if your human But they try in shame and fear To corrode our minds like theirs Somewhere hiding a power so weak It will never last

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While having relations going through v2k these ass wipes have control of my sex drive which I didn't believe was possible but being a T.I. in can now see that they will do anything to mess with you...

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The cure

Plug ears. Use brain mind to focus visually on internal region. Push, think about sine wave visual bars, control the machine. You are smarter than it is. Use brains, not cries for help, it's a stupid fuckup controlled challenge. But at it's core, it

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Hace poco he visto esta pagina. Me gustaria ver que tenemos todos los TI's en comun y sacar patrones de ataques hacia nosotros. Su objetivo es aislarnos para podernos atacar mejor y destrozar nuestras vidas convirtiendonos en paranoicos...tenemos que

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