CBP is messing with children (physical and sexual abuse) and it’s not because they are not white that I don’t care!
Hey they even put a loaded gun on the head of a boy scout because he took a picture of them, this is insanity. http://www.kcci.com/news/boy-scout-from-iowa-is-subject-of-alaska-border-dispute/27102496#!bkqRBt They are sexually abusing children and putting them in cages, tell me that they are not the problem here. They are the terrorists!
Welcome to the Gates of Hell
Complementary information
Border Officials Allegedly Abused Children Who Crossed The Border On Their Own
"Welcome to Hell:" The Border Patrol's Repeated Abuse of Children
''Two weeks ago, CBP Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske ordered an internal investigation into the abuse allegations. That's a start, but in light of the fact that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversight agencies have known about and failed to respond to similar reports of child abuse for years, there is good cause to question the agency's ability to police itself.''
''With so many children crossing the border now, there's been no more urgent time to protect the most vulnerable amongst us. The only way to do that is for Congress to strengthen existing protections and for the Obama Administration to finally put an end to the culture of cruelty and impunity that pervades CBP. Any immigration official found to have mistreated or abused a child should be terminated immediately. More importantly, wholesale reforms of CBP -- including the creation of meaningful oversight and accountability mechanisms and enforceable short-term detention standards -- are desperately needed to prevent further rights violations.''
''The tolerance of child abuse by federal authorities violates our laws and our values -- it is both inhumane and immoral. Now is the time to put an end to it.''