...Empathetic people will not say things like "you're too sensitive" or "you're hysterical". If they truly believe you're exhibiting these behaviors, they will either try to help you, or they will create a healthy distance so that you can heal on your own. Toxic people, on the other hand, will stick around and openly mock your mental health, obsessively trying to prove that you are crazy for reacting to their abusive behavior. They will use tactics such as minimization, projection, blame-shifting, and veiled humor as a way to paint you in an unstable light. Empathetic people don't do this. If they sense that a friend or loved one is suffering, they will try to make it better, not worse. Sometimes this might involve forming boundaries or taking breaks, but it will never involve laughing at someone who is in pain.
Empathetic people.....
Posted by Marty on March 17, 2015 at 4:12am