When a stalking victim calls or e-mails the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and reports a single stalker, he or she is provided assistance, including referrals to other government agencies, victim support groups and more.

When a stalking victim calls or e-mails OVC and reports multiple stalkers, he or she is told that

"OVC does not offer any direct assistance to victims of multi-stalker incidents."

Why is that?

Why the double standard depending upon how many stalkers a victim has?

"One-on-one" stalking victims get help....Multi-stalker victims do not.

There is now a petition to President Obama to instruct the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to offer assistance to ALL stalking victims.

Those of us who are being stalked and harassed by organized stalking groups deserve to be treated with as much dignity and respect as those stalking victims who have a single stalker.

Please consider signing the Care 2 Petition To President Obama, and ask your friends to sign it too.

Only by supporting one another will we be treated as real victims of a very real crime, organized stalking.

To sign the petition, go to:


Stop the psychotronic warfare, the electronic harassment, surveillance and mind-control-international prosecution

Take action sign this partion too help Mind-control vitims.

Searches and seizures without judicial warrant...

Sweeping wiretapping of phone calls and emails...

Invasive searches without probable cause...

The indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial by jury...

This isn’t some far-fetched nightmare. This is today’s reality in the United States.

Whether it's FISA, indefinite detention within the NDAA, or the so-called "PATRIOT" Act, the Big Government statists in Washington, D.C. have launched an all-out assault on our personal liberties.

Our Fourth Amendment rights are under direct attack. They are being slowly peeled away in the name of national security.

And an oath to God is something I take seriously.

I'm going to do everything I can to defeat statist schemes to trample our Fourth Amendment freedoms.

And I hope I can count on your continued support as I lead the fight in Washington against the all-out assault on our personal liberties.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Please consider chipping in with a contribution to help me mobilize millions of Americans to stop the government snoops all-out war against our Constitutional freedoms.

Sign at this link


I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama which says:

"Use of Neuro-electromagnetic weapons against humans is inherently evil and unethical. Please stop using these weapons against human beings everywhere. We request President Barack Obama to make laws that declare the use of NEM weapons illegal forever. "

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Sign Petition too open Investigation into gangstalking around the world.

Dear Peacepink members:

I am sharing the following words of Rosanne Schneider who became a TI similar to her mother.  Please take a moment to watch her video and learn more from her story! 

From Rosanne: "...I am a 60 year old victim of Cointelpro tactics ... my mother was a published human rights advocate and she was also targeted ... I watched in disbelief as this kind and compassionate woman suffered ... My targeting might be connected to her or it could result from my later role as an animal rights activist."

WATCH video from here and please SHARE:

Dear friends,


Edward Snowden risked everything to expose mind-boggling and illegal US surveillance -- and now faces solitary confinement and life in prison unless Brazil grants him asylum. Let's send the largest citizen-supported asylum bid in history to President Dilma this week, and win a battle for democracy everywhere:

The world's greatest whistleblower is stuck in the Russian winter, facing solitary confinement, ridicule, and life in prison if US agents grab him. But this week, we could help get him to safety.

Edward Snowden exposed the mind-boggling and illegal level of surveillance the US government is conducting on, well, all of us. His welcome in Russia runs out soon, and he's got nowhere to go. But Brazilian President Dilma is angry at US surveillance and experts say she might brave massive US pressure to consider asylum for Snowden!

This is about much more than one man. If Snowden's act of truth-telling leads to crippling punishment, it sends the wrong signal to abusive governments and whistleblowers everywhere. If 1 million of us take action now, we can send President Dilma the largest citizen-supported asylum bid in history -- click below to safeguard Snowden and defend democracy everywhere:

U.S. Congress: Stop the Military and Intelligence Agencies from Microwaving American Citizens.

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