God is NOT mocked. You do NOT use the Lord’s name in vain in order to perfectly take advantage of the vulnerable individuals !!! This “homeless” man is a LYING SET UP to trap you and destroy you in every ways he possibly can !!!
Read Kissinger – The Kiss of Death
for this report.
6th paragraph of:
The Male Psychopaths (Reprobates) are Misogynists (Gynophobes) who target, hate and secretly want to destroy all women (and by any means that they can conjure up in their twisted mind.
This man was the “perfect” lying set up. I never met a con person like him.
1- Went on Jeff Rense program
2- Is an author and I must say he’s good at writing books (his father was an author)
3 – had the well known David Dees to make his book covers
4- he is very convincing
5- got me and Janelle with his “homeless video” posted on youtube
6 – and finally almost had his “homeless picture” and “broken van” on his book cover “Everything is a test” – THIS WAS HIS PERFECTED VERSION (the youtube video was the previous version and we could distinguish his face) TO TRAP WOMEN IN ORDER TO DESTROY THEM.
Soul Esprit caring for abused children?!? (ref. his book Seven Who Dared) Give me a break !!
How in the world he would care for abused children (UNLESS THAT WOULD BRING HIM MONEY) when in fact he abuses the WEAKER VESSEL who happens to be DISABLED due to TRAUMATIC EVENTS and a TRUE WIDOW on a LOW FIXED income and takes advantage of her every way he possibly can in order to DESTROY her?
All I did was OUT OF AGAPE LOVE FOR SOMEBODY I THOUGHT WAS IN A WORSE POSITION THAN I AM (and I am far from being rich) and he repays by asking me TO LIE to JEFF RENSE and DAVID DEES about myself (because somebody totally independent from me reported him to Jeff Rense and Jeff Rense forwarded those emails to David Dees) as well as PRETENDING to be able to assess my mental health over the Internet (he was backstabbing me by saying to David Dees and Jeff Rense that I was MPD and DID while I was sending him money, HE WAS SETTING ME UP FOR MY DESTRUCTION) and to MAKE THINGS WORSE, he is NO specialist in this area? (while I do have a masters degree in psychology) He does that to EVERY WOMAN who had the “blessing” to come across his path. Once he saw that I was not removing the skype sessions BECAUSE IT IS EXPOSING HIS GAME AND HOW MUCH HE PLAYED WITH ME, HE TURNED AROUND AND MADE A CRUEL CHARACTER ASSASSINATION OF ME ON HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL. How nice is that?
Was this a government program to finish the victims of abuse or what? It sure makes you wonder….
I READ THROUGH Soul Esprit and I KNOW HIS GAME NOW. HIS GOD IS MONEY $$$$$ http://youtu.be/IrC2tZzHcMA The God of the Bible is judging as I am typing those words because he is the God of the widow, the fatherless and the foreigner. (Jr. 7:6, Dt. 10:18; Dt 24:17; Za 7:10) S.E. DOES NOT KNOW who he is messing with YET. He is messing with God Almighty Himself. HE IS UNDER GOD’S WRATH.
Soul Esprit needs so much to publicize that he is a servant of Jesus Christ that it is written all over his books. What does it say?
Related articles
- Kissenger – The Kiss of Death (streetdemocracy.wordpress.com)
- Kerry, Kissinger and the Other Sept. 11 (southweb.org)