Jarkko Ronkainen
yes the voices?
- Yesterday
Ioan Vico
what Prince Enrage?
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
They kicked me yesterday
So thanks to marty and whatever provocateur
Luring people and reporting them...i live that everyday where i stay now
Also, rob left the website
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Marty spammed his twisted lie all over after too, but thats petty shit, back to work now here.
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
We're picking up where Rauni left off before she was killed
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
For anyone who thinks this isnt serious, that's a prime example, but it's world history and world future their distracting ud with v2k from
- Yesterday
hi capricorn1, my name is Rita. who was killed and by whom?
capricorn one-VPN
Voices are making you think of 'little old me' when we need to be thinking of man's future here as well as our quality of life in the present
Rauni Leanna Kilde wad killed by these perps last month youtube her videos
Her mother, father and best friend were killed. Ive lost an uncle and a girlfriend, and my stepdads wife
Ex wife
my whole family is being targed too
myself and children
capricorn one-VPN
Its a cover up, but somebody knows something or somebody most likely that ordered it
we dont know anything
capricorn one-VPN
Maybe someone is an activist?
Ill blog tonight
maybe they troll the internet for targets to simple get rid of
capricorn one-VPN
They filter everything yes, they dont need to look
what do they do to you
capricorn one-VPN
NSA sweeps data, then its moved to people who do the v2k, and people who mob, and then if you are luvved enough, they do a hit
why pick a whole family
capricorn one-VPN
V2k for 3 years straight. Brainwashing or NLP as its called
we're being poisoned
capricorn one-VPN
Almost killed me in my car accident on fire
Im very sorry...do u know by what?
lots of different stuffs. i dont know what they are. all kinds of texture, some chemicals, liquid, some look like blood
capricorn one-VPN
They want to fill the world with bad people or one's they can control, nobody individual, no activists, no freedom
why kill innocent people, like children
capricorn one-VPN
Yeah but why do you eat it then?
Maybe children to break you, cause a stir. They are just evil.
Theyre very very sick.
you wont believe me, but they can get into my fridge and get to the food that way, they can also put stuffs into your mouth as you eat the food
capricorn one-VPN
Im going to blog tonight about what ive deduced to be absolutely true
do you think the nsa and google spy all the time
capricorn one-VPN
It involves our covered history here, the real one
im surprise youre talking. no one talks in here
capricorn one-VPN
It involves where they want to take us, they dont want obstacles
Im talking causr i dont care to be frightened and they cant really scare me from far away anyway. They are cowards
they live in my house
Do you think people are dying from mind control, and or the thinking machine??
i have no clue
lol, mine to I shit you n ot
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
They wouldnt stop at killing you, for how u think i know that
what does that vk thing ffels like. they do it to my autistic son, i wanna make sure he's not suffering too much
capricorn one-VPN
They talk disgusting
i meant does it hurt when they do?
I have been made a target 3 years ago by google and the nsa..
capricorn one-VPN
I blogged about it on my acvount, ask sue
capricorn one-VPN
Its emotional control they want to ultimately have physical real world reactions
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Bbl. Gonna post tonight about your past and future
whats the nsa dragnet?
capricorn one-VPN
Be safe
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Carnivore? They got a bigger one now though
Carnivore? its bigger now
- Yesterday
Im just trying to figure out how to save my soul from the Underworld. 123333
- Yesterday
go to church, accept God as the only god and then repent and ask for forgiveness
capricorn one-VPN
In Utah yay for no freedom, pain is pleasure in nwo
The thing is , Im a Traget for 3 years and I no who and why but I just don't know what to do?
capricorn one-VPN
Forgiveness for what? All i did was speak out for all freedom
sins. we're all sin in a daily basis
capricorn one-VPN
This isnt god, they talk that gross talk in church too but im buddhist
Im a freedom fighter> lol 3 years ago Snowden left my email on his special and my brain has been hacked by the nsa.
capricorn one-VPN
Thats a 'never good enough' trap
Rat trap???
I took a lickin and kept on ticken.. vving 123
capricorn one-VPN
Youre already a fragment of byour maker if youre true without question. This is being done by people whove hurt many people to cover their asses
Welcome back labrat
voice to skull//
capricorn one-VPN
Its specifically to silence free speech, they use it everywhere
Dont listen to a thing these pigs say.
I remember something before i was born
I don't psyops bs... I just worry about my future.
capricorn one-VPN
You all would too if we werent fed msg, vaccinated with aluminum, trained psychologically and lied to about history
It involves the whole planets future
It is intermeshed with everything. Not just some short sided thing
Masons wrote the bible anyway. They chqnged it from jesus ministry
About 35 masonic scolars and its been highly edited removing the word reincarnation
I have no idea what your saying... sorry.
capricorn one-VPN
That happened in about the year 1400
Ok later. Ill blog better than rqmble here
what do you think of snowden?
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Theyre breaking the story on purpose to let people know of the spying, but hes not giving it all up
Hes not saying anything about human history or why they want people to slowly adjust to having the sense that, because they're spying, we should just accept it
Oh hell no never accept spying as an everyday thing.
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Well. Its bigger than that. He might be true, but he absolutely has to know more and he's not sqying
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
The spying is an inevitability but the way they wield information is irresponsible and since they arent leaders at all, we neednt respond
They have info on me and i asked them tocheck facts, but the brainwashing goes on
Only respond with the dirt they tried to cover
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Rauni kilde is a leader, mooji is a leader, mlk was a leader, rfk, jrk, milton william cooper
Do they talk to you in your head?? They do me and im not a mental anything. Its started 3 years ago with by the end of this you will amout to nothing and you will be nothing. Do you know anything about that.
capricorn one-VPN
We stand for the true, not the cult of fraudulent
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
I will not. And that makes you sound like a perp. Dont give your energy to them
I just feel their are a lot of frightend Americans...
capricorn one-VPN
Why be scared?
I tell them, "see you when you get here"
Im not , that's the problem im having with the nsa...
capricorn one-VPN
They are afraid of us. We outnumber them
- Yesterday
They did illegal research on me due, to Mr Snowden leaving my email address on his nsa special about how they are privacy raping us.
capricorn one-VPN
Information gathering is a bit easier than that these days
They already have your password, bank account, anything, without spying emails, thats why i said snowden is a red herring
that's exactly what I am... my eyes see their nsa crocs... when I close them.
capricorn one-VPN
im I
capricorn one-VPN
All you are is all you know. - curt cobain
Perspective man
ring of FirE
pass the fiddle pa
- Yesterday
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Oh yeah, fire and brimstone, so what happened to all the Buddhist that were here 5000 yrs before Christians? They must hzve just floated huh.
What about the neanderthal? Must be in neanderthal hell then.
- Yesterday
Or neverland.. lol
- Yesterday
If mind reading and mindcontrol was our future do you think we would have one.
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
Some will choose to die, some will take the abuse to eat and live. Human slavery hasnt stopped and wont until we hold these 'people' accountable
- Yesterday
capricorn one-VPN
The American revolution was started by 3% resistance
- Yesterday
what can we do??? I think there a lot of victims but they afraid to come forward. Do you think what happened to me was because of Snowden?
- Yesterday
David ofTomorrow
Hello John!
human slavery won't stop when these people 'are Hawks accountable...
- Yesterday
David ofTomorrow
We need to overcome with a proper agenda. Or we'll end up being them,
- Yesterday
Shaun Vincet
I have just signed in.
- 3:14 AM
Shaun Vincet
JULIANNA Did you receive any message from me?
- 3:17 AM
Shaun Vincet
- 3:21 AM
capricorn one
Good morning everyone
- 8:33 AM
- 12:54 PM
im being attacked by the goverment
- 2:36 PM
David ofTomorrow
- 2:39 PM
Tom Ehaj
hi LB, welcome back!
- 2:43 PM
capricorn one
Their taking the bible to the lodge to make it look like biblical events are happening on earth from god.
Its still deceit. Masons wrote that book. God is a force of goodness and enlightenment
Soulcatcher is your entire consciousness being cloned and stored.
If nasa says "activate the wave shield" it's so they can get out of the atmosphere safely
- 2:48 PM
Tom Ehaj
Hi Ioan, how are you?
- 2:54 PM
Ioan Vico
I'm fine
capricorn one
My teacher says, "im giving you a banquet, why are you talking about table scraps?"
Tom Ehaj
i'm glad, ioan, i'm great
- 2:57 PM
Tom Ehaj
have any questions for me ioan?
- 2:58 PM
Ioan Vico
I don't have any questions at the moment, but thx for asking
- 3:00 PM
Tom Ehaj
how old are you ioan?
- 3:01 PM
Ioan Vico
I'm 27
Tom Ehaj
i'm 42, what do you think about my web site?
- 3:04 PM
Ioan Vico
it's cool, but I must say that I don't share your views entirely
Tom Ehaj
with what do you disagree?
Ioan Vico
with the psychiatrics
Tom Ehaj
so what's your theory, how is behind this?
- 3:06 PM
Ioan Vico
top organizations
Tom Ehaj
which ones?
- 3:08 PM
Ioan Vico
I don't want to give names
the highest ranked ones
Tom Ehaj
why not? I'm curious which ones do you think?
capricorn one
Bait bait bait
Tom Ehaj
capricorn stay out of this, please
- 3:10 PM
Tom Ehaj
- 3:12 PM
Ioan Vico
the ones that have always made experiments
Tom Ehaj
which one is that do you think?
- 3:14 PM
Ioan Vico
I ain't gonna give names
all public institutions are corrupt
Tom Ehaj
maybe cia, nsa?
- 3:15 PM
Ioan Vico
I already gave you the answer
Tom Ehaj
public institutions is vague answer
- 3:17 PM
Tom Ehaj
ioan, staff about hidden psychiatrists and exposed shrinks who are dealing drugs officially i described is the only answer, and it's a fact
- 3:20 PM
Ioan Vico
could be
Tom Ehaj
it is ioan, it is
- 3:27 PM
Tom Ehaj
i'll light up too ;)
- 3:28 PM
Ioan Vico
where are you from Tom?
Tom Ehaj
europe, croatia
it's world wide - what do you think all coutries have in common: psychiatry
- 3:40 PM
Tom Ehaj
which city do you live in us, ioan
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