
This is what I have learned since I am the age of 6 years old approximately so I'm going to continue in that direction.
Please note it does not say:  ''The Lord helps those who seek help from others''
but ''The Lord helps those who help themselves''.

You are your specialist and every time you turn to another human being for help, you are giving your power away.
We are so conditioned in the society to do so.  Lawyer, doctors, nutritionists and so on and so forth

That's not how it is supposed to work.

You are your own specialist in everything concerning you, period and end of the discussion.  Control as much you possibly can.

Now that you are controlling as much as you possibly can, that does not mean that you don't need the help of others or outside source but this is only when you first relied on yourself for everything you possibly can control but we are not gods, we don't know everything.  (at least those who are not narcissists)

So this is when others can enter in the picture and not before this. So if everybody lets you down, you did not let you down and God will help you through. 

Only exceptions will give an f**k about you so give an f**k about yourself first and foremost.
Plain and true knowledge and experience.

And I don't give an f**k about whoever says because that's the truth that was verified since I'm 6 years old.

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