
VOICE TO SKULL: Joseph Sharp’s voice to skull success, performed with Dr. James C. Lin’s pulsed microwave transmitter, and publicly announced in 1974 at the University of Utah, can transmit audible sound, heard by the target but silent to others nearby, transmitted directly into a target’s skull, through a target’s wall, of course, can drive the through-the-wall target “crazy,” and if the target complains, the target will be immediately diagnosed as mentally ill. The perfect crime: In 2008, a target was able to get a Freedom of Information document showing that the U.S. military is considering the use of voice to skull, which they call MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) and which exploits the microwave audio effect. The device is aimed for military or crowd-control applications, but may have other uses. One target reports that some deaf people can hear voice to skull harassment signals.
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