Africa Addio / Farewell Africa (English Subtitles) - 2:18:37 - Aug 6, 2007

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'Africa Addio' / 'Farewell Africa' (shot in 1964; released in 1966) is a documentary film about the decolonization of Africa, made by the Italian film directors Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco E. Prosperi. It shows like no other documentary what blacks are capable of if they get the chance. It is a masterpiece with beautiful music, composed by the Italian composer Riz Ortolani. Probably 'Africa Addio' is the best and most exposing documentary ever made about what happened in several African countries directly after decolonization, but because of political correctness the masses never heard of it. In the USA a censored version called 'Africa Blood and Guts' was released, which was deliberately stripped from the original music and the powerful message of 'Africa Addio' - so the sensors were able to portray the destruction, cruelty, savagery and genocide performed by the Africans as a 'struggle for indepence'. The directors Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco E. Prosperi dissociated themselves from this Hollywood (per)version of their film. Use to reveal the download links of this film, then you can save it in several formats. The supplementary subtitle-file is available for download at: How to add the subtitles: Keywords: farewell goodbye africa afrika addio uncut director's cut movie shockumentary mundo cane cannibal holocaust decolonasition decolonization human rights revolution struggle freedom independence blooddiamond blood diamond guts racism apartheid 46664 equality savagery savages less intelligent intelligence nobel prize winner laureate dr james watson blacks negros africans niggers uhuru kill killing murder massmurder massgraves sadism cannibalism boer genocide racewar race war rahowa slaughter hunting killing animals wildlife elephants hippopotamus zebras arabs arabic indian indians moslim moslims whites toto communist marxist nelson mandela foundation living the legacy«

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