Angels And Demons Revealed - US

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This movie lost all credibility in my book at 15 minute mark when this lady starts talking about how the Church finds its authority from Peter being the first to see Jesus raised from the dead, which is absolutely ridiculous. It’s based off of Jesus giving Peter the keys to the kingdom in matt ch 16 and telling him to guard his sheep in John ch21 along with the tradition that started in the Acts of the apostles and flowed continually through to the present day. Later it talks about how the Vatican archives might house gospels which contradict the Church teachings like that would be a big deal. There are plenty of gospels which are matters of public record that contradict Catholic dogma (ie the gospel of Thomas) but they’re not divinely inspired. even protestant bibles don't use them.Later, they talk about how similar Christianity is to ancient Egyptian and other religions because of stories and symbols; stating the major difference is the duality of good and evil. What about the fact that the fundamental tenant of Christianity is God come down to earth as man? Christianity differs from other religions primarily because of Christ, everything else is secondary.I don’t really know much about the history of masonry and Illuminati, but they’re prejudicial look at the church makes me wonder how accurate those assertions are as well.

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