Barrie Trower Talks with Victims of Non-Consensual Microwave and EMF Experimentation and Testing

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Please Read: Mr. Barrie Trower takes no money or gifts for his interviews. Sponsored by Kenneth Rhoades of Michigan, two victims of this domestic terrorism, ...

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  • German "race" 3.0

    New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip

    “Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world” ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60/80 millions) !!

    To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blood is brown (Turkey).
    Is German a race? (Switzerland).

    German Genetics ---- ... Genes of anti human being ... from generation to generation ... upgraded ... a simple species ...

    German Psycology ---- Nazi 卐-Bases determine German essence of Cheating, secret terror and anti humankind, and this is specifically hereditarily from Generation to Generation.

    Germany killed human being in the past openly, industrially and systematically; it kills humankind now secretly, informationizly and systematically. Cheating, secret terror and anti humankind are German essence.

    German MK-ultra-Genocide (WWIII): Attacking human hypothalamus and pituitary gland (24h/7d) by means of Electromagnetic Weapons leads to neuroendocrine disorder consisting of sterilization.

    New Auschwitz concentration camp (Electronic Version ---- MK ultra)
    It is neither peace nor  cease-fire!
    Germany had not lost the war, it is just moved, ... american version ... more clever ... more sophisticated ...

    Satellite Terrorism—MK-ULTRA: Dr. John Hall, author of A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America and a member of the FFCHS Medical Committee, informed the Commission of his having personally interviewed “upwards of 1500 victims” whose lives have been impacted by remote electromagnetic frequencies that are used in a covert manner. “We are seeing an alarming increase in the use of electromagnetic weapons - microwave auditory effect, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning – which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home”, said Dr. Hall. In the early 70’s, Congress, led by Senator Frank Church, conducted an in-depth investigation of the intelligence agencies which revealed the existence of the CIA’s secret mind control program, called MKULTRA.

    While the United States helped defeat the Germans in World War II, we failed to defeat the Nazis. At the end of the war, ranking Nazis, along with their young and fanatical protégés, used the loot of Europe to create corporate front companies in many countries, including the United States of America. Utilizing their stolen wealth, men with Nazi backgrounds and mentalities wormed their way into corporate America, slowly buying up and consolidating companies into giant multinational conglomerates. Many thousands of other Nazis came to the United States under classified programs such as Project Paperclip. They brought with them miraculous weapon technology that helped win the space race but they also brought their insidious Nazi philosophy within our borders. This ideology based on the authoritarian premise that the end justifies the means—including unprovoked wars of aggression and curtailment of individual liberties—has gained an iron hold in the "land of the free and the home of the brave."

    Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA's MK Ultra mind control programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry technologies in secret underground military bases.

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