Bob Bowman - Whistleblower & Patriot on 9/11, Impeachment, Constitution1:36:04

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- 1 year agoBob Bowman was head of the Star Wars Program under Presidents Carter and Regan. What if I won the Presidential Election? He outlines what he would do and and who he would appoint in his cabinet. Considering how the Bush administration has damaged this country, Mr Bowman would put it right once and for all. (Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video.) Tags: rcoones, New world order, The patriots, loose change, Col, Colonel, Robert, Alex Jones, Conspiracy theory, CFR, Portland Oregon, PDX 9/11 Truth, George w Bush, Bill Clinton, Trilateral Commission, North American Union, European Union, nafta, wto, EU, veterans for peace, code pink, green party, libertarian, deibold

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