Caltech: The Mechanical Universe - 11 - Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism - 28:49 - Feb 23, 2008

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Lesson 11: Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism Forces at play in the Physics Theater. The gravitational force between two masses, the electric force between two charges, and the magnetic force between two magnetic poles -- all these forces take essentially the same mathematical form. Newton's script suggested connections between electricity and magnetism. Acting on scientific hunches, Maxwell saw the matter in an entirely new light. Instructional Objectives * State one connection between electricity and magnetism. * Give examples of the concept of "field." * State some similarities and differences between the force of gravity and electricity. * Explain how the speed of light in "buried" in the forces of electricity and magnetism. This series helps teachers demystify physics by showing students what it looks like. Field trips to hot-air balloon events, symphony concerts, bicycle shops, and other locales make complex concepts more accessible. Inventive computer graphics illustrate abstract concepts such as time, force, and capacitance, while historical reenactments of the studies of Newton, Leibniz, Maxwell, and others trace the evolution of theories. The Mechanical Universe helps meet different students' needs, from the basic requirements of liberal arts students to the rigorous demands of science and engineering majors. This series is also valuable for teacher professional development. Produced by the California Institute of Technology and Intelecom. 1985.

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