our "World changed for ever" with Sept 11 th 2001 we heard of all sorts of things that our military was doing to "not kill" Before our "World changed for ever" with Sept 11 th 2001 we heard of all sorts of things that our military was doing to "not kill" others.Of course, if you mention "mind control" people look at you crosseyed now.This is a video dealing with that very subjectSome mind control weapons are based on the electromagnetic signaling system of the brain and nervous system, while some weapons are known to be based on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation at the cellular level. Therefore, the related cold war story of the development of electromagnetic radiation (emr) weapons is important to the history of mind control weapons. Mind control weapon research is more secret than the Manhattan Project, the project to develop the atomic bomb, and information is hard to find.1 But as revealed in UN documents, weapons experts papers, and scientific journals, a classified emr arms race between Russia and the US became public knowledge with the momentous event of the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989.2 Given this fascinating and rarely-reported history, claims of nonconsensual mind control experiments become plausible.Some cover stories for mind control weapons have been maintained by the US government for almost fifty years and are now obsolete. One cover story was the US policy for emr health exposure limits, based on the theory that emr has no provable health effects, only the effects from heating. But with the breakup of the Soviet Union, the military flip-flopped, threw out this fifty-year scientific fallacy, and in 1997 revealed US military funding for the development of "new" weapons based on the biological effects of emr. A second cover story is that sophisticated mind control is not possible today: it is still science fiction. Three recent newspaper articles on fighting terrorism challenges this myth and expose the defense industry's flip-flop attempts to perpetuate it.As will be shown, human rights experts and top political figures make comparisons of emr weapons to the atomic bomb, the most powerful weapons on earth. Freedom of thought can be obliterated with emr weapons' attack on the brain in addition to the body. Because emr weapons are silent, undetectable, and leave no trace, some experts say WWW III could be fought and won without a electromagnetic radiation weapons work on the theory that the mind and nervous system communicate with electrical, magnetic, and emr signals. One theory is based on the development and technology of electromagnetic brain signals and the organization of the central nervous system. Signals from outside sources can mimic, block, or alter the mind and body's own signals. Louis Slesin, editor of the trade journal Microwave News, provided a rudimentary example of this process in a 1997 US News and World Report article entitled "Wonder Weapons":[T]he human body is essentially an electrochemical system, and devices that disrupt the electrical impulses of the nervous system can affect behavior and body functions. But these programs--particularly those involving antipersonnel research--are so well guarded that details are scarce. "People [in the military] go silent on this issue," says Slesin, "more than any other issue. People just do not want to talk about this."8In addition, emr weapons are based on a theory that emr can cause biological effects at the cellular level, rather than within the nervous system. In any discussion about the science of emr weapons, it is important to know that the thermal effects of emr are limited to those biological effects caused only by heating, as in warming food in a microwave oven.Category: Science & Technology
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