EXPOSING THE ILLUMINATI: The Order of the Skull and Bones - 1:08:14 - Feb 27, 2008

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This video brings the light the REALITY of the Order of the Skull and Bones that originates out of Yale University and elsewhere. This society is very Satanic in nature and is also referred to as "The Brotherhood of Death". It's members include the most promising figures of the wealthy elite and, after they leave the club, they assume great positions of power that include CEO's, Supreme Court Justices and even the Presidency of the United States. The Bonesmen, are forced to take part in a series of bizarre rituals that not only initiate them into the order but offer a means to entrap them through blackmail of the depraved deeds that they have indulged in. This way, the organization is protected from the chance of a former bonesmen revealing the dark secrets of the organization. In general, the Skull and Bones can be understood as just another branch of the Illuminati; or the secret power of lawlessness that the word of God spoke of. Their ultimate goal resonates with on of Lucifer's main desires; to bring the planet into a one world government which will be split into ten sectors that are all controlled by a single man - The Antichrist. If we understand the Skull and Bones, we are one step closer into understanding and exposing the literal road map that is leading towards the Beast kingdom, spoken of in the Book of Revelation«

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