Faces Of Death - 2:31:19 - May 20, 2007

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The 1978 cult classic! I probably won't be uploading the rest, you guys should be able to find them via Torrents though. If you have any questions about whether or not a torrent is legit or not refer to this website:http://fenopy.com/fakefinder/ Now I'll address a few comments in paraphrased form. "this is fake." Yes a good portion of the scenes on here are FAKE, if you have any question as to which scenes are real and which are fake you should refer to the thousands of sites on the web which tell you whether the scene in question is real or not. "This is gross." Then why did you google it? "This should be taken down from Google Video" Google Video said otherwise, not everyone who googles this type of stuff are snuff junkies who get off by watching people die, this film actually does have some value.«

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