HAILE SELASSIE I & The HOLY BIBLE part One - LOJ Society of HIM32:46 - 1 year agoOnce again, get a Good Bible! http://lojsociety.org/books We suggest to all serious students/disciples of His Imperial Majesty: HAILE SELASSIE I the very same "English Version" (for English speakers) that the Lion of Judah also advised and recommended, namely, the KJV SCOFIELD STUDY BIBLE! However, there are many so-called "Rastas" and even Real RASTAFARIS that are under the false impression and misconception that the "Bible" and "preaching of the Message of Salvation", i.e. the GOODNEWS is somehow irrelevant or unimportant. This is Heresy and extremely BLASPHEMOUS and simply far from the Truth! Many are offended but the truth may be offensive to liars and blasphemers HOWEVER is never a "sin". Thus, we advise that ALL INTERESTED investigate and find the TRUTH FOR THEMSELVES and don't believe anything and everything that a so-called "Rasta" or "Nattydread" may say, even in "Selassie I's" name! DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK! KNOW THE TRUTH because may "half truths" are out there and in circulation to lead the lost sheep further away from the LIGHT of the LION OF JUDAH HATH PREVAILED!!! FOR EXAMPLE: His Imperial Majesty speaks briefly on the Goodness of the Bible and the Great Message contained therein when He says: "Today man sees all his hopes and aspirations crumbling before him. He is perplexed and knows not whither he is drifting. But he must realise that the Bible is his refuge, and the rallying point for all humanity. In it man will find the solution of his present difficulties and guidance for his future action, and unless he accepts with clear conscience the Bible and its great Message, he cannot hope for salvation. For my part I glory in the Bible." THUS, any so-called "Rasta" However, there are many so-called "Rastas" and even Real RASTAFARIS
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