Hijacking Humanity Final Cut - Chapter 2 - It's a Rich Man's World.. Government? - 52:11 - Jul 18, 2008

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An important part of The Cause of Effect : Hijacking Humanity, Chapter 2 of the series, titled, "It's a Rich Man's World.. Government?" presents evidence about the North American Union, as well as a brief history on Currency and the Banking Banksters who control our money today. Writer/Director Paul Verge relays his personal story about coming to terms with the grand deception of society's System. His journey travelling across Canada and the United States reveals insights rarely heard in today's mass media, because it is simply too profitable to keep this information secret. The Banking cartels today seem to be trying to centralize their power to lead us towards a World Currency that has no intrinsic value, and will be controlled by a World Dictatorship. In order to further this goal, a step at a time, the Banksters, with their IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve System operating in conjunction with members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group are taking the United States into a financial nosedive, purposely, to devalue the currency, and thus introduce the Amero - A North American Currency for a North American Union. Do you think Canada, the US and Mexico should have a HARM-onization of laws, rules and regulations? Me neither

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