Hope 2603 – Kevin Mitnick - Life a Computer Hacker – Revealed - 51:43 - Jul 26, 2008

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LIFE OF A COMPUTER HACKER – REVEALED, with Kevin Mitnick. At one time, Mitnick was known as the “world’s most dangerous hacker” and was the subject of a documentary on hacking called Freedom Downtime. In this presentation he gives us an update on what’s been going on in his life since the last time he appeared at the Hope Conference in 2004. Kevin Mitnick began social engineering, or perhaps discovered his first engineerable situation at the age of 12. He realized he could bypass the punchcard system used for the Los Angeles bus system: by buying his own punch, he could get free bus rides anywhere in the greater LA area. Social engineering became his primary method of obtaining information, whether it be user names and passwords, modem phone numbers or any number of other pieces of data. For More Information visit www.KevinMitnick.com Kevin Mitnick Hope Computer Hackers Planet Earth

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