John Hall - Satellite Terrorism, Surveillance Technology - 1 April 2010 part 1/6

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Playlist : Hall, author of A New Breed; Satellite Terrorism in America joins us to talk about electronic harassment, snooping and stalking technology, mind control and how CIA & NSA technology is being used to track, intimidate and even read the thoughts of people. Johns researcher partner Don Raumaker also joins us for the last five minutes of the first hour and then stays with us for the entire second hour. We discuss the implementation of biometric identification cards, satellite terrorism, the world wide implementation of the control grid. Topics Discussed: Project Galileo, Microchips, Biometric ID Card, Verichip, Sexual Assault, Freedom from covert surveillance, Agency Sterile, Multimodality System, GWEN towers, Cell phones, Mind Control, Frey, Microwave hearing effect, Manchurian Candidate, Murder of our foreign Minister Anna Lindh, Hearing Voices, Norway Spiral, de-population, John Holdren, How are People tracked? Biometric Signature, EEG, optical tracking, Haptic Devices, Smart Houses, Touch Sensitive Walls or an Office Building with Weight Sensors in the Floors, Loss of Privacy, Allergic to Radio Waves, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Inqtel, CIA funding, Skype, X-Box Live and more. We continue to talk about Electronic Harassment in our next hour with John Hall and Don Raumaker. We talk about Skype, Acxiom, Eschelon and RFID (thats Radio Frequency identification). We discuss DARPAs information Awareness Office their activities and their choice of their Pyramid and All Seeing Eye logo, we talk about the European Unions Project Indect, and their All seeing Eye logo as well. We go into some really interesting stuff about potential Alien Abduction Experiences that could be achieved with some of the technology that weve been talking about like hallucinations and voice to skull technology. We discuss Michael Persinger, his God Helmet, a way to manipulate the brain with Electromagentic fields to produce religious, drug related and alien type experiences. We also touch upon Mk-Ultra and talk about some of the victims of the technology, sexual harassment and more.

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