MRG - Nazi Intention Through European Union Harry Beckhough - 1:54:27 - Oct 19, 2008

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Harry Beckhough was a code breaker during WW2 at Bletchley Park Alan Day cameraman. "Harry Beckhough, whose wartime experiences meant he saw first hand what Germany is capable of and how German leaders have always plotted and planned to rule Europe," Harry explains his viewpoints and knowledge on the subject and expands it to include The European Union. Harry Beckhough witness to Hitlers rise to power. Born in Bristol 1914, Honors Graduate at Bristol University, specialized in German at Freiburg University. Served in India, and worked as a codebreaker in WW2. Authored: 'Germany's Four Reichs', 'Secret Communications' (codebreaking in WW2), and 'In the Beginning' (who wrote the first five books in the Bible). Mr Beckhough is a witness to burning books by the Brownshirts and Hitlers speeches were signals of signs of trouble. Witnessed Smashing of windows of shops in the Crystal night in Freibourg. Met Conrad Adenauer. He relates that it was the Romans who orinially named them 'The Germani'. He relates Germanys postion, later, in the forming of the European Union. (Disclaimer: Views and opinions presented here are for informational and educational purposes only and may not necessarily be those of the makers of this video.) Tags: UKIP, rcoones, nazi, hilter, rcoonespolitics, European union, conspiracy, communism, eurosceptic, tony blair, regions, undemocratic, democracy, totalitarian, eu, uk, eussr, council tax, undemocratic, magna Carta, Brussels, constitution, police state, great Britain, secret societies society, bilderberger, illuminati, England, corpus juris jurus, tony blair, facism, european commission, tavistock institute, conservatives, labor, new, fabian society, agenda 21, royal institute of international affairs, riia, royal society, bilderbergs, g-8, world bank, wto, bank of england, london exchange, london school of economics, british labor, 3rd way, freemasonry, nato, common purpose, fema, sustainable development, united nations, imf, international monetary fund, international court of justice, peace palace

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