National Debt Video - 11:18 - Dec 19, 2007

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GAO - Reports a very uncertain future for American's based on our National Debt. Is anyone listening other than Ron Paul? DevelopmentsAgencies seek comment on proposed interagency guidance on funding and liquidity risk managementFederal Reserve announces results of auction of $150 billion in 28-day credit held on June 29, 2009Written agreement with AMCORE FinancialBanking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratiosFederal Reserve offers $150 billion in 28-day credit through its Term Auction FacilityApproval of proposal by Morgan Stanley to retain up to 9.9 percent of the voting shares of Herald National BankApproval of proposal by Morgan Stanley to acquire up to 9.9 percent of the voting shares of Chinatrust Financial Holding CompanyAgencies issue interim final rule for mortgage loans modified under the Making Home Affordable ProgramRemarks by Chairman Bernanke at the Bureau of Labor Statistics 125th anniversary celebrationAnnual report to the Congress on credit card operations of depository institutionsFeatures

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