Neurosciences and Free Will Symposium 2008 - Part 1 3:05:45

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- 1 year agoWill neuroscience explain free will? Will science distinguish between right and wrong? Will morality be explained as an evolved trait under positive natural selection? On Sunday and Monday, March 30-31, 2008, the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, in collaboration with the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, held a public symposium to discuss Neurosciences and Free Will at Columbia University. For two days, this program brought together leaders in the fields of neuroscience, physics, philosophy, psychology, and theology from a variety of religious traditions to discuss the scientific, philosophical, and moral questions raised by recent findings in the sciences on free will. -------------------------------------- Session I--Free Will in the Natural World Sunday, March 30, 2008 Welcoming Remarks: Paul Gailey, Jeffrey Sachs Introduction/Moderation: Bob Pollack "The Volitional Brain": Darcy Kelly "I'm Not a Heretic, I'm a Pagan": David Helfand "Behavioral Genetics and Free Will": Paul Appelbaum Will neuroscience explain free will? Will science distinguish between right and wrong? Will morality be explained as an evolved trait under positive natural selection? On Sunday and Monday, March 30-31, 2008, the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, in collaboration with the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, held a public symposium to discuss Neurosciences and Free Will at Columbia University. For two days, this program brought together leaders in the fields of neuroscience, physics, philosophy, psychology, and theology from a variety of religious traditions to discuss the scientific, philosophical, and moral questions raised by recent findings in the sciences on free will. -------------------------------------- Session I--Free Will in the Natural World Sunday, March 30, 2008 Welcoming Remarks: Paul Gailey, Jeffrey Sachs Introduction/Moderation: Bob Pollack "The Volitional Brain": Darcy Kelly "I'm Not a Heretic, I'm a Pagan":...all » Will neuroscience explain free will? Will science distinguish between right and wrong? Will morality be explained as an evolved trait under positive natural selection? On Sunday and Monday, March 30-31, 2008, the Center for the Study of Science and Religion at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, in collaboration with the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, held a public symposium to discuss Neurosciences and Free Will at Columbia University. For two days, this program brought together leaders in the fields of neuroscience, physics, philosophy, psychology, and theology from a variety of religious traditions to discuss the scientific, philosophical, and moral questions raised by recent findings in the sciences on free will. -------------------------------------- Session I--Free Will in the Natural World Sunday, March 30, 2008 Welcoming Remarks: Paul Gailey, Jeffrey Sachs Introduction/Moderation: Bob Pollack "The Volitional Brain": Darcy Kelly "I'm Not a Heretic, I'm a Pagan": David Helfand "Behavioral Genetics and Free Will": Paul Appelbaum«

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