PDX 9/11 Truth - Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF - The Patriots Tour1:37:18

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- 2 years agoPortland Oregon 9/11 Truth was proud to present Dr Bob Bowman on 6-21-07. "The Patriots Tour is an attempt to wake up the American people, to take back America" http://www.thepatriots.us/ "The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor.Dr. Bob Bowman , Lt. Col., USAF, ret. is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation, and retired Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. The recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President's Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Republic Aviation Airpower Award, the Society of American Military Engineers' ROTC Medal of Merit (twice), the Air Medal with five oak leaf clusters, authority on national security. Dr. Bowman spent several years as an unpaid "People's Lobbyist" to Congress. Colonel Bowman flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the DoD "Star Wars" programs under presidents Ford and Carter. He has been an executive in both government and industry, and has chaired 8 major international conferences. Professor Bowman taught at 5 colleges and universities, serving as Department Head and Assistant Dean. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal tech. http://www.911truthgroups.org/portland/PortlandHome/tabid/1317/Default.aspx Tags: rcoones, New world order, The patriots, loose change, Col, Colonel, Robert, Alex Jones, Conspiracy theory, CFR, Portland Oregon, PDX 9/11 Truth, George w Bush, Bill Clinton, Trilateral Commission, North American Union, European Union, nafta, wto, EU, veterans for peace, code pink, green party, libertarian, deibold Portland Oregon 9/11 Truth was proud to present Dr Bob Bowman on 6-21-07. "The Patriots Tour is an attempt to wake up the American people, to take back America" http://www.thepatriots.us/ "The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor. The marriage of government and the investor class has succeeded in exporting our jobs, importing illegal aliens to provide a pool of cheap labor, and thus driving down wages for all American workers and destroying the middle class. Their foreign and military policies have led us into unnecessary wars of aggression to gain raw materials and enhance profits of the global robber barons. Their trade policies have resulted in capital flight, job loss, trade deficits, and the ownership of much of our infrastructure by foreign interests." Dr. Bob Bowman , Lt. Col., USAF, ret. is President of the Institute for Space and Se...all » Portland Oregon 9/11 Truth was proud to present Dr Bob Bowman on 6-21-07. "The Patriots Tour is an attempt to wake up the American people, to take back America" http://www.thepatriots.us/ "The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship where big government and big business combine to rule, and where the people are considered just a source of labor.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4047019588367019338&hl=en&emb=1#

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