DOE Shield DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the ProjectBuilding Public TrustUse search words:bill clinton Public Trust government experimentsDown down load this video and much more here:Multimedia NOTES on mind control etcWeb Results 1 - 10 of about 228 for "MIND CONTROL" deprogramming techniques "how to" nlp. (0.17 seconds) og.view&friendID=13524445&blogID=8832529 4&MyToken=56b mind control OFF YOURTELEVISION! Of Monarch Mind Control Methodology Swerdlowcryptocracywww.stewartswerdlow.com1-269-429-8615yogiesheavy rock stars frequencyCountry western triggers in many of the words in the songscharkas.. creating antenna that can be tape into exploited"end time programming" maybe related to end game1962 creation of mk-ultra mk-delta UBRELLA radiation electric shock.. standard psychology psychiatry para military devices and materials1940'smonarch program sex slaves AKA presidential models human taper recorders spies used to download and install programming vai sexual activitiesmarlan Monroe a prisoner "blow it all open" before she was killedProgramsmk dracohatterRcacRMK XENOdsncergreenstar1951 project artochokesodium pentathol narco hypnotic interrogation drugs and hypnosis simultaneously bulbocapnine1949 project blue birdconditioning of personnel not to revel information if tortured in case captures they would not reveal information and memory enhancementBostonmental hospital Detroit psychiatric clinic mayo clinic NIH national institute of health"new age" nuasiamalien ginsbergjohn lenonJim MorisonAlex Huxleytimothy leery NIMH funding mk-ultradr Albert Hoffman bezel Switzerland sandals labs ye fungus experiment came up with LSD 1938 CIA bought 100 million doses for experimentation test on military personnel and publicdr. ewan camarn canada 1940 1950s basis for monarch programming.. from Scotland worked in mental facilities.. electroshock entrain the mind through trauma break or fragments a persons personality MONARCH known for his brutality with his patentsenergy (orgone) wilhem Reich 1920 - 190 50s oregone energy not available to the public considered to be illegal in the united statesDr. George estrabrooks 1940sdr watkinsinduce criminal behavior in people through suggestions ... can't make you do something that is not within your patterningmind control and programming through sexualitytrauma reactions classical conditioning, (repetition)drugs
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