Resources, Religion and War—Ethical Living in a World in Decline50:38

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Resources, Religion and War—Ethical Living in a World in Decline50:38 - 12 months agoMarshall Vian Summers, The Society for the Greater Community Way of Knowledge, Boulder, Colorado. Presented at "A Renaissance of Local", Lyons, Colorado, September 2007. The 2007 Renaissance of Local was a county-wide community festival, conference and expo celebrating local food, local energy, local economy, local culture, and local community. It was an energizing focus for Boulder County Going Local! in their campaign to build community self-sufficiency and to strengthen the local economy through partnership, collaboration, and engagement.Marshall Vian Summers, The Society for the Greater Community Way of Knowledge, Boulder, Colorado. Presented at "A Renaissance of Local", Lyo...all » Marshall Vian Summers, The Society for the Greater Community Way of Knowledge, Boulder, Colorado. Presented at "A Renaissance of Local", Lyons, Colorado, September 2007. The 2007 Renaissance of Local was a county-wide community festival, conference and expo celebrating local food, local energy, local economy, local culture, and local community. It was an energizing focus for Boulder County Going Local! in their campaign to build community self-sufficiency and to strengthen the local economy through partnership, collaboration, and engagement.«

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