SDI - Strategic Defence Initiative 1984-vs Kissingers Mutual Assured Destruction - 25:25 - Oct 17, 2008

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Bill Clinton Calls For A Return To Reagan's SDI Offer To Russia July 2, 2007 (LPAC) -- Former President Bill Clinton, speaking in Ukraine on June 29, denounced the Bush-Cheney plan for missile defense systems in Eastern Europe as a "colossal waste of money" for a system which is not "reliable enough to create an impact." He said that the US was "creating a crisis here where none is necessary." Most importantly, Clinton called for a return to the original proposal by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983, for the US and the then-USSR to collaborate on building missile defense systems based on new physical principles. "He wanted the Russians to have it, he wanted everyone to have it," Clinton said to the Yalta European Strategy (YES) annual conference in Yalta. This echoes the long-standing policy of Lyndon LaRouche - in fact, it was LaRouche who convinced Reagan to adopt the original policy, and the proposal for cooperation with the Soviets. The Soviet rejection of that offer was the immediate cause of the demise of the Soviet economy and the Soviet Union itself. But it also brings to mind the April 1993 proposal by then Russian President Boris Yeltsin to then US President Clinton, at a Summit in Vancouver, to revive the Reagan proposal of 1983. As described in Izvestia on April 2, 1993, the proposal, called "Trust," called for the US and Russia to jointly test the plasma anti-missile weapons systems then under development by the Russians. 21st Century Science and Technology ran a cover story on the plan in its Summer 1993 issue. The potential Yeltsin/Clinton plan was turned over to the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, run by the equally corrupt Vice President Al Gore and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, where it sunk into oblivion and was never heard of again - until now, that is. Besides Clinton's new proposal, Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, at a, also revived the Reagan proposal of 1983 for the two great nations to work together on the frontiers of scientific progress

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