Smart Dust microchip technology is in the air! You're breathing it!

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    Funded by DARPA

    Pretty flippant about the "dark side" of the technology




    A smart dust company.



    Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection?



    Scientists create remote control for the brain

     Low intensity ultrasound can trigger neural activity, create zombies?


    Biodigital brains and rebuilding eyes in people who are blind using adults stem cells. Growing brain cells onto computer chips to extend memory and processing power of human brain. How to fuse brain and computer power together. Brain control of machines, and computers. Remote robotic control by thought alone. RFID devices. Ethical issues in robot engineering using brain tissue. Digital enhancement of human brain function. Innovation, divergence and convergence in mobile phone devices, personal organisers, bandwidth and global positioning systems. Consumer and customer changes. Why benchmarking kills innovation. Lecture by physician and futurist keynote conference speaker Patrick Dixon for 2008 Stein Am Rhein leadership summit - facilitated by Professor Prabhu Guptara.


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