The Future Of Energy - James Woudhuysen [UKH+] (6/10)

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When Western elites say, as a response to concerns about climate change, that individual consumers must change their lifestyles and use less energy, they are really abdicating their own responsibility to develop a new, cheap, clean and reliable energy supply. They are scared of investing in nuclear power, scared of moving ahead in carbon capture and storage, and scared of developing new, efficient biofuels whether on the land or in the laboratory. Public guilt about climate change is a waste of energy. Progress may have got us into this mess but it is also what is going to get us out of it.This talk builds on elements of the speaker's recent book "Energise! A future for energy innovation" (co-authored with Joe Kaplinsky). This book has been described "A cogent, widely researched analysis of the future of energy which will enable readers finally to distinguish fact from fiction" and "A hugely useful reframing of the debate". The talk will be of interest to everyone concerned with the future of technology, and the role of innovation and culture to support a richly energetic society.

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