The following document was addressed to:  The Mayor, Executive Offices of the Governor, Vermont State Attorney General, VT State Senator Bernie Sanders, Vermont State Senator Patrick Leahy, Congressional Representative Peter Welsh,  U.S. Department of Justice, Burlington Free Press and the Bahrenburg Family, dated January 24, 2011 after learning that the criminal black-budget aerospace giant plans to set up shop in Vermont.


Lockheed – Martin is coming to Vermont for “climate-change-related issues" and  the first thing that comes to mind is a new Pentagon assignment; possibly weather manipulation and the HAARP facility for determining which regions of the world to target next with a catastrophic event and other such noble endeavor in collaboration with the U. S. Air Force.

Lockheed – Martin is a corporation linked to a Department of Defense Black Psychological Operation that has my name on it. Lockheed works in collaboration with a criminal organization known for decades as the Stanford Research Institute and now SRI International. My life was stolen out from under me and my days now consist of being terrorized and brutalized with invisible beams of Satellite Space-Based Directed Energy Weapon Systems and every elected official in Burlington, Vermont from the Mayor to the Governor to State Senators and our` elected Representative, Peter Welch, who sits on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform – apparently they all sit in the back pocket of these Corporations in a system of denial… programs costing anywhere between $5 - $10 million annually at a time of budget crisis that increases military spending through the roof which I assume includes these illegal criminal programs. To date, not one elected official has come forward to voice opposition to gross human rights violations terrorizing me and thousands of others  with the same weapon systems used for the inhumane interrogation methods devised by Lockheed -Martin and used at Guantanamo and black prison sites.  How is it that no one will punish sick perverts who sit at the head of global multi-million dollar corporations linked to the Department of Defense (?)   YOU ARE MY ELECTED OFFICIALS; AND I EXPECT SOMETHING TO BE DONE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON!   I WANT IT STOPPED now!

In addition to using me as a laboratory specimen that responds to stimulus and tracking - surveillance devices, my body and mind is raped and pillaged; I’m jerked around every which way due to my insides being overrun and polluted with Advanced Nanotechnology particles and devices that pose serious DNA risks to humans and the environment and used for human engineering based on the Human Genome Project and Converging Technologies of Nano – Bio – Info – Cogno and the study and manipulation of human control functions and mechanical and electronic ‘systems’ designed to replace them involving the application of statistical mechanics and communication engineering – the use of computers For the creation of technological robots resembling man.  My body is kept heated; I am forced awake all night long subjected to loud remote beaming of artificial electronic 'noise' and audible signals into my brain; I get electric shocks and jolts; an electromagnetic 'electric' current runs – often races – through my body along systems with a micro-generator (activation point)  anchored to the 2nd toe of my left foot – a toe that is curled up, pulled  back and crippled along with a foot that is deformed with skin peeling off heels of both feet from the frequency or current that has been established in my body.

They do it because they are sick perverted men.  They do it because they can get away with it. They do it because my body is not bloody and bruised with visible signs of injury and lying in the street. – Because DISTURBED MEN WITH MONEY AND POWER HAVE INFILTRATED EVERY AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and it appears from the lack of response that they operate at the State and local government levels as well.  Every elected official in the town of Burlington, Vermont goes about his day as though this is not going on. 

As was true of the architects of the Nazi Concentration Camps of Europe in the 2nd WW and Gestapo methods devised by the Germans for torture and elimination of Jews, the disabled and other undesirables, these predators are from top universities and are electrical and mechanical engineers, physicists, psychologists, medical doctors and scientists who are not working in anyone's best interests.  And, not one of my elected officials or brave State Senators will stick their neck out for fear of getting it lopped off.

All the while    “...Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” Eli Weisel

This time around they not only go after who they consider undesirable including the homeless, disabled and whistleblowers, they will go after anyone. There are tens of thousands of victims and very possibly hundreds of thousands to a million worldwide when a head count is done - It is spearheaded by the United States. Many don’t know what is being done to them – they don't have a clue. They only know they’ve become sick or crippled or are in pain and don’t look beyond ‘natural causes’ because it is inconceivable and too incomprehensible that they could never imagine the truth of what is really going on.  They will get around to you and your loved ones if it is not stopped.  They are predators with no conscience, and they seem to enjoy the line of work they’re in.  They are the counterparts of the German Nazi war machine and Japanese war crimes carried out in laboratories. 

My stepmother was targeted with Rh Arthritis as soon as they learned she had a family predisposition to the disease… We were driving in the car one afternoon two years ago and because they hear what I hear and see through my eyes (I know it sounds sci fi, but unfortunately it's real life in 2011.) She told me this and going on to say, however, that she'd never shown any signs of the disease. She was 84 at the time. Six weeks to (2) months later, she was diagnosed with this crippling disease and today her quality of life has been dessimated... a designer drug was sent her way. These predators are at work in Lockheed – Martin and Stanford Research Institute and at least (20) universities – in this case U. C. Berkeley; also Columbia University (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Paul Sajda) and City College of New York (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Lucas Parra) – The two professors learned the ropes while employed at the Stanford Research Institute where they were introduced to the Intelligence community in Washington, D.C. . It appears to be sport for the bunch of them and from where I'm standing they do not fit Webster's definition of human. They would just as soon put a bullet through anyone's head or strike them down with a debilitating – deadly disease because they have that kind of hatred for mankind.

The government has been hijacked and as long as this technology is out there in the hands of criminal agents and agencies that today seemingly makes up the United States government, no one will ever again know if that stiff shoulder or bad knee or arthritis, cancer, heart disease, anything and everything else someone can come down with – no one will ever again know if they came down with it from so-called 'natural causes' or whether it was artificially electronically induced. Maybe someone you know has a child with Autism after receiving a vaccination.  Could there be another reason WHY (?)

Every man, woman and child will be affected if it is not stopped. People being used for the medical – pharmaceutical industry – drug trials, et cetera. People are coming down with all kinds of ailments and diseases so new pharmaceuticals can be tested and patented such as those at SRI International.. I visit a Bioethics site that stated somewhere around 20,000 people are needed each year to test pharmaceuticals (The figure was much larger but cannot quote exactly.)

Young men in their 60's who have worked hard all their lives are coming down with cancer and all kinds of diseases.. Young men like Steve Jobs who was in perfect health and could afford to take excellent care of himself as I'm sure he did; nevertheless, he came down with pancreatic cancer in his mid forties. Patrick Swayze, the same thing in his mid fifties. Like science fiction or the X-Files – I think I'll wake up from a nightmare and then like clockwork the technology is used with pressure applied to bladder and colon forcing me to the bathroom for about the 16th time in 24 hours and the acoustics playing in my head are altered to another frequency with a click, click, clicking sound in the ears superimposed over the microwave auditory effects beaming auditory signals into my brain with 'noise' resonating throughout my head.

  Our Mayor is willing to overlook Lockheed’s transgressions for the boost in economic growth.  I delivered a testimonial to the Mayor’s office but he may have considered it “too fantastic” to be  credible or is he part of the system of denial (?) Is he willing to overlook Domestic State-Sponsored Terrorism (?)

Representing the Military – Industrial Complex,, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta, Robert Mueller,  Eric Holder, high-ranking Military officials and elected State Senators are all complicit and have given their stamp of approval by remaining neutral, denying that anything is going on through maintained silence, and by refusal to investigate and instead covering up the criminal activity so that it can continue. YET, they are all too cowardly to come out in the open and deny the charges... All that Military might and muscle and these two-bit cowards hide out with their tail between their legs and no testicular fortitude without a weapon by their side.

Is this how America has maintained it’s lead in electronic robotic communications, cutting-edge technology and weapon systems development - by assaulting and brutalizing defenseless American citizens and then going about making victims appear to be delusional when they attempt to get help for vigilante gang stalking, assault and battery with Military-grade weapons and all kinds of medical conditions brought on my these Military-grade weapons and radiation. It’s a well thought out criminal operation put in place by the CIA / DIA for growth of the economy and improving corporate profits and medical advances, many  that would make you cringe and the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry as briefly outlined. The grand prize is, of course, that all this Nonconsensual Human Testing, Research and Development comes to them free of charge... rather, it is taxpayer supported.

Cont'd tomorrow - It's too long for one document

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  • Ok, it should be electrical shocks-not blizzards (I found out that was snowstorm..;)I got carried away, it should also be "we have no options" but figthing this..//Annie
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