Anon Target's Posts (3)

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I found this as part of a larger comment post to this;

It gives me hope that this could be true, and that these atrocities could really be about to be exposed fro the world to know, and stopped. It gives me hope at a time that I have seen a lot of the many little things done to screw with me, little less severe pinpricks, sillier skits/street theater, etc, decreased greatly in exchange for an increase in the worse stuff, the really finely tuned psychological torture, an increase of projected sound to the point of absolute bombardment on a level not previously experienced, and the constant tickle of energy with little spikes here and there, traded up to also been more of a full bombardment level as the effects increase as well, and suddenly things have gotten critical. It gives me hope when I so desperately need it, as I feel the directed energies hit me as it does non stop now. I've realized this has passed harassment level, and is even more than just plain torture. It's seems they have shifted from things at the level of pinpricks, a million momentary harassments, into the mode of them being done harassing me, and moving into heavy bombardment for the kill. And it seems they use something that produces a sort of instant deer-in-headlights mode, or they have conditioned me to that. And it all just goes 'pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound-pound.'
But today I was reading through so much familiar repetition, and have seen this article on a number of pages, but was looking or info in the comments. It occurred to me that a lot of the comments I was reading to this seemed to be from regular every day non T.I.'s, as if maybe people really were starting to realize. It makes me wonder if these days could be the last gasps of this happening to people widespread. The technology exists, there will always be evil, evil people, and evil people using stuff on other people. But maybe it's really about to get to the point where a T.I. can say they are a T.I. and the result is that people look at those around them to see if they are dog these things, instead of looking at the T.I. like a lunatic. A moment of hope in hell;

"I know this technology exists because I have interviewed several leadingIEEE’s with dual PHD’s and lifetimes of the highest level ofachievement in their field. These are people with hundreds of patentswith their names on them. One dual PHD who once headed MIT’s Engineeringlaboratory described what the experience was to have this demonstratedon him. He got a kick out of it and found it fascinating. However, itwas an experience of only a few moments in a friendly professionalsetting where he knew what to expect.
If someone is subjected to relentless abusive input contrary to theirvalues for 24 hours a day, for years on end, and is not a willingvolunteer, it is not fascinating
at all. In that case, it’s a living nightmare.
There is reason to believe that this technology has been used onnon-volunteers. Further, there is reason to believe that this technologyhas long migrated beyond the realm of the classified military and intothe black market. The cat is out of the bag as far as having thetechnology and it’s operation kept as a military secret.
Keep in mind that it IS a military technology.
As I mentioned in a prior comment here, over the past
few years, certain members of Congress have been
discussing the issue of this technology with citizens who are demandingboth an investigation of the misuse of this technology as well aslegislation restricting the
use of this technology. I am also aware of state level representativeswho are aware of this technology and are opposed to its use. I am alsoaware of elected officials with rank and power in DC who are in theprocess of planning briefings about this technology with the intent tohold subsequent hearings.
The reality is that technology itself has advanced greatly withoutdebate from the people of this country. Legislation has not been able tokeep up with technological advancements because they have moved forwardin an accelerated manner.
However, we as a nation are on the threshold of having technologieswhich have the potential for violating civil and human rights placedunder the spotlight and examined publicly. When this much-neededprocess begins, Voice to Skull technology will be in the first round ofinvestigations. Much will be revealed at that time. It will mostcertainly put an end to the off handed mocking that some people enjoy.There is a huge ugly story behind the curtain which will some day berevealed as to capabilities of military technologies which are designedto dominate the freedom and inner world of a human being. At that time,the issue of freedom and enslavement will be more clearly defined andthe new various means for taking away freedom will redefine theseconcepts as never before. There won’t be any tin foil hat jokes at thatpoint in time. People will be shocked and appalled, or should be."
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A little of what is happening

I posted this in a thread elsewhere, am copying it to here.

And the heat/burning sensations I get are;

-full body or one whole side of body with even heat like from a fire.

-part of body only, heated evenly, but only that part, usually genitals or buttocks.

-tailbone, as if the heat is a finger tip spot, that then radiates a little from it.

-hot spots that are more surface, but feel like a heat gun that usually are just on one spot.

-hotspots that feel the same, but that feel as if they go through me, that move across me, stop at a point, usually stomach, then chest,sometimes head, sometimes groin, and when left at one of those spotsproduce a secondary pain that is completely different from the secondarypain caused when it stops at other points, while the heat part feelsthe same. Groin aches, stomach feels like it’s hot poker burning, chestsuddenly feels hollow w/dropping out feeling, head gets something thatis like a combination clench/shock/something I can’t describe. Thesepenetrating feeling spots are not felt nearly as often as the others,but seem to be the same thing I have moved to avoid, then feel itfollow/catch up.

Another time a hotspot hit me, moved across me, and did it a few times, but then never again.
I think I was supposed to get the impression of being scanned, but ithit me across my chest, not my head.

What is this, any idea? And none of these are the prickly electric, all over body, feels like I’m mesh and a slight breeze is going throughmy body sensation.

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Some links I've felt worth saving.

These are most of the links I've saved that I've felt gave some of the best information on things that are clearly some of what I experience and have experienced, as well as an awful lot of stuff that is different things I've been looking at as I build a sort of checklist to figure out exactly what is happening to me. Within these is also some stuff that is just with stuff I found generally relevant to all of this. I'm sure that a lot of people on here have already seen most of it, scouring the internet themselves for answers of what is happening to them as I am. But I thought I'd put these up here anyway in the name of just getting as much information about it all in as many places out there as possible so as many people as possible see it. And I like to think maybe someone struggling like me will find one in my list they haven't stumbled on, and think to themselves that it is awesome, and that it answers some questions for them.
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