After a long time hard working, we have already bring awareness of mind control abuse and torture to many people, including some Doctors and Psychiatrists.
Here are some Doctors and Psychiatrists who know about Mind Control Abuse and Torture.
If you know more other Doctors or Psychiatrists who know about Mind Control Abuse and Torture, please add their name to this list by "reply" .
(1) Physicians for Human Rights
2 Arrow Street, Suite 301 Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel. (617) 301-4223 Fax. (617) 301-4205
20 years of advancing health, dignity and justice
Intrudution of Physicians for Human Rights
Physicians for Human Rights was founded in 1981, It mobilizes health professionals to advance health, dignity, and justice and promotes the right to health for all. Harnessing the specialized skills, rigor, and passion of doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and scientists, PHR investigates human rights abuses and works to stop them.
Our research takes us to conflict zones, to AIDS-ravaged Africa, to US prisons and juvenile detention centers―and our advocacy brings us to the offices of national and international policymakers. The courts, decision makers and the media have come to rely on our credibility and expertise. Motivated by moral urgency, based on science, and anchored in international human rights standards, PHR’s advocacy advances global health and protects human rights.
(2) CCHR
CCHR Research work--Psychiatric and mind control
Vulnerable people who have sought help from psychiatrists and psychologists have been falsely diagnosed and forced to undergo unwanted and often harmful psychiatric methods.CCHR is investigating these and other psychiatric abuses. We can assist you with your evidence and reports of criminal psychiatric practice.
All information will be held in strict confidence. psychiatric Abuse Hot Line (314) 729-2854
Address: P.O. Box 300256, St. Louis, MO 63130-9256
Office (314) 727-8307
Please file the following online form:
(3) Moss David Posner, M.D. is a physician currently in practice in the California Department of Corrections. His article is about how to proof Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons are using to torture and harass innocent civilians.
How to Control Americans—thought control mind control, disinformation and other naughty things-concl
(4) The Doctor Who Hears Voices
The Doctor Who Hears Voices tells the true story of Ruth, a junior doctor, who has begun to hear a male voice telling her to kill herself. Suspended from her job, she turns to clinical psychologist Rufus May who is known for his unconventional approach to treating people with mental health problems. Although she admitted feeling depressed and suicidal to her employers, Ruth knows they would have sacked her immediately if she had told them about the voices.
(5) Murray Gillin Ph.D. Loris Gillin M. Ed (Psych), and Deva Paul
March 2000
(6) Cathy A. Meadows, Masters in Clinical Psychology.
Degree from: American International College, Springfield, Massachusetts.
Graduated: 1990 On-Call anytime. No appointment necessary. Sliding scale.
No government affiliations. Payments can be made by or other ways can be worked out.
I do counseling for targeted individuals and I also do relationship and family counseling. I am on-call and I will answer the phone unless I am sleeping, eating, or on the phone with another client. phone: 707-720-7137
(7) Dr. Colin Ross
is a psychiatrist, internationally renowned researcher, author and lecturer. In addition toThe CIA Doctors and Military Mind Control, he is also author of Project Bluebird, in which he exposes unethical experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects. His research is based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Dr. Ross is a past president of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. He is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.
-And more precisely on the file or on other ones?
Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation
(1) Carole Smith, UK
Carole Smith is a member of The College of Psychoanalysts, and an accredited member of the United Kingdom Register of Psychotherapists. She trained at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies, and currently serves on their Ethics Committee.
Auditory hallucinations: a comparison between patients and nonpatients
(2) Dr Kieran McKormack - Worthen Surgery in Shropshire UK. He put on my notes that I was chased by the CIA. Now my family think that is made up. I have never mentioned this US group and never discussed it. It is pure fabrication and they are suspicious by this on my notes
2(3) Dr F Murango - Pontesbury Surgery, Shrewsbury Shropshire UK. He tested my legs for heat, he said could I feel my legs. I said not really and then my legs heated up. This after copious amounts of research is related to the "magic room technique" written about in a torture manual from 1962. Written by Biderman and Zimmerman. This has huge conections with MKultra. They did it by using hands instead rather than legs. During that consultation he had three text messages, he tried to video me with a static video camcorder on a tripod. Now that is odd - a person with registrar status improving his patient contact and manner techniques was what he said he wanted the video camera for. Sorry - I do not believe that at all.
I have spoken to Rufus May - he thinks that the sensations we feel is related to trauma - text book crap. Not sure if he gets it to be honest. I applaud his non use of drugs anyway
(4) Dr.Rauni Kilde (Finland)
formerly the Chief Medical Officer for Lapland ( Finland ) , who know about this subject--- she write article " Microship implants, mindcontrol , and Cybernetics" . Now she has strill worked in that office .
(5) Dr. ANNA FUBINI--Italy
medico - specialista
I am a Medicine Doctor also Psychoanalyst - to be pointed up: "also" not "only"! - A doctor who prefer to know and manage HEALTH and health issues than to work on fighting illnesses. But my really more personal and agreed interest is to observe, to study and then to describe the DEVELOPMENTAL PHASES of normal childhood.
All this can be reached on a Web site that I continually up-date: and on the related books. The mail address to which one can contact and discuss these topics is .
But on working to care serious damaged persons I found the contrary of this optimistic evolutionary way to be: I met and became aware of the more evil wickedness of personal behavior, of personal purposes, of personal way to realize them. And so I built another Web site: - which mail address is: / also continually up-dated and source of mirroring books – It’s Abuse NOT Science fiction and its farther issues Up-to-date Dossiers .
It is to be pointed out that site and related books are a real Encyclopedic gather of collected different data and sources: then it needs to strongly dissuade to try to read in sequel the files/chapters; instead it fits to search time by time every wished topic through the main keywords of interest.
Any way the main chapters of the new book are Esperimenti su bambine/i and “Fake-mysteries on biological targets” but for being utterly informed it is necessary to go at and at
In fact at present even the new book does not follow the quick progress of Web site: then if it is possible to read easily on paper, to be better informed it is suitable to go to the actually revised Web files.
Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation
Murray Gillin ph.D. Loris Gillin M.Ed(Psych)
His paper is on the internet, his targeted individual died in there presence!
Canon City, Colorado, USA: Roy Havens, MD, Shawn Briggance, MD. Dr. Briggance has repeated prescribed medications that would interact with my heart condition. Dr. Roy Haven's has failed to help, even when I came to the office, after I was poisoned by perps...stating.."Well, it didn't kill you did it." Freaks! Any doctor that came to the Havens Family Clinic who helped me, was replaced. B. Stahl
I have seen some company that product instrument for detect or locate signal or detect subliminal such as . If our group want to buy some instruments I can donate some money to buy it.
If you know the detail of technology or patent paper about instrument , kindly send to me , I can contract some professional in university which I think that they can help us.
I know some where in Thailand that no signal from mobile or settelite reach to if someone who want to go to there.
Psychiatric Torture and Mind Control“And a huge part of what psychiatry has done really comes down to torture” — Lee Coleman, psychiatrist
Talk to the victims of psychiatry and they'll tell you they weren't “treated”, they were tortured. The History of Shock Treatment, a book produced by psychiatric survivors, says:
“First off, we will call things by their real names: treatment forced upon another against his will is torture. It's not drug treatment, it's drug torture; it's not shock treatment, it's shock torture; it's not psychosurgery, it's psycho torture. Barbarism in the name of benevolence is still barbarism.”
Another psychiatric survivor group, the International Association Against Psychiatric Assault, contains the following in its statutes:
“We declare as forms of torture all psychiatric persecution, psychiatric incarceration and psychiatrically forced bodily acts and intrusions, such as treatment with drugs, electroshock, psychosurgery, four point restraint and others. These have been consistently defined as torture by persons from all around the world and through the whole existence of coercive psychiatry….”
California psychiatrist and author of A Reign of Error, wrote:
“…mental patients become vulnerable to whatever manipulations psychiatrists decide to call treatment. Many of these so-called treatments have been crude experiments and sometimes they were no less than torture.” Lee Coleman, M.D., psychiatrist, The Reign Of Error
“Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” contains evidence of all these tortures, including actual electroshock machines that include one donated by a German psychiatric institution; ice-picks used by psychiatrists used to destroy the lives of tens of thousands of individuals around the world and recently purchased restraint belts and jackets—like those still used in psychiatric institutions today and responsible for hundreds of deaths each year.
Tracing Psychiatry's Mind Control Experiments
It also documents the history of psychiatry's mind control experiments conducted for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government agencies during the 1950s through to the 1970s. It contains documents obtained through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act showing psychiatry's role in torturing and brain-washing unwitting American and foreign citizens, including attempts to turn individuals into assassins.
One renowned author on this subject is Gordon Thomas, a recipient of CCHR's Lifetime Achievement Award and a former BBC and veteran foreign affairs correspondent. His best selling book, Secret History of CIA Torture and Germ Warfare Experiments, is being turned into a film and is aimed at worldwide theater release in 2008. Other books include, Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and The Mind Controllers and The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control. His work also includes the five-time nominated Academy Award winner "Voyage Of The Damned," "Enola Gay," winner of the Best Foreign Film Emmy and “A Bit Of An Experience,” winner of the Monte Carlo Film Festival Critics and Jury's prizes.
Featured in CCHR's Museum: Psychiatry: An Industry of Death is British psychiatrist, William Sargant. Thomas exposes Sargant's mind control experiments in several books and his new film. Here's an excerpt from one of Thomas' articles:
“On a bleak winter's February day, Anne Margaret White, mother of three small children, was admitted to one of the world's great teaching hospitals, St. Thomas's, in London. She was thirty-one years old…. Three months later, Anne emerged from the hospital physically and mentally so changed her father thought she was ‘a zombie’. The transformation had been achieved by a psychiatrist as respected as the hospital in which he worked.
“His name was William Walter Sargant—Will to his friends—who had long been regarded as a ground-breaking physician. His clarion call could be heard through the hospital corridors. ‘An ounce of phenobarbitone, or some rather more modern tranquilizer, may be worth more than a hundred-weight of persuasive talk.’
“But unknown to her, or the hospital, when Anne White became his patient, Sargant was at the forefront of ultra-secret mind-control experiments. He was the British end of the most sinister program ever approved by the United States government: MK-ULTRA—designed to control all human behavior.
“…At military bases in Britain, including one at Maresfield, near the south coast resort of Brighton, he conducted drug-related experiments on so-called ‘military volunteers.’ Other drug experiments were performed at Britain's most secret bio-chemical warfare establishment at Porton Down on Salisbury Plain. Again ‘volunteers’ from military mental hospitals and from military prisons were used.”
1942: Winfred Overholser was the chief psychiatrist for the U.S. Army Medical Corps and held the position of superintendent of St. Elizabeth's hospital, a government-run institution in Washington, D.C. He developed truth serums and mind-control experiments for the Psychological Warfare Branch of the Military Intelligence Services.
1949: Project BLUEBIRD involved psychiatrists reviewing drug-related work at U.S. psychiatric institutions. One project at Bethesda Naval Hospital sought to isolate drugs for use in “effecting psychological entry and control of the individual,” and lasted until 1972.
1950: In September, the Miami News published an article, “Brain Washing Tactics,” in which the first formal use of the word "brainwashing" appeared. The term had been invented by CIA psychiatrists to explain why American prisoners of war in Korea had publicly denounced America.
1951: Psychiatrists advised the government that by lowering the setting on an electroshock machine a patient would experience excruciating pain, making it an effective method of coercion. A CIA document stated that electroshock had the effect of making a man talk and a person could be reduced to the vegetable level.
1952: A CIA memo cited a successful application of narcotic-hypnotic interrogation on Russian agents. Concealing the experiment as psychiatric care, the Russians were admitted to a hospital as part of the ruse. Posthypnotic suggestions succeeded in giving the subjects amnesia of the interrogation to which they were subjected.
1953: OPERATION ARTICHOKE evolved into Project MKULTRA. It attempted to create unwitting assassins using drugs and hypnosis. MKDELTA covered policy and procedure for use of biochemicals. Through the front organization, the Josiah Macy Foundation, international CIA conferences on LSD were headed by psychiatrist Frank Fremont-Smith.
1953-55: After testing 139 different drugs, including amnesia potions, the most promising drugs were given to unwitting subjects in normal social situations in a Federal Bureau of Drug Abuse Control experiment. Dr. Frank Olsen, a CIA biochemist, jumped to his death while under the influence of LSD, slipped into a drink without his knowledge.
1955: Harold Wolff taught psychiatry in Cornell University's Medical College when he was conducting brainwashing studies for the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles. He “asked the Agency to give him access to everything in its files on threats, coercion, imprisonment, isolation, deprivation, humiliation, torture, ‘brainwashing,’ ‘black psychiatry,’ hypnosis, and combinations of these with or without chemical agents.” Beyond mere study, Wolff volunteered the unwitting use of Cornell patients for brainwashing experiments, so long as no one got hurt. He added, however, that he would advise the CIA on experiments that harmed their subjects if they were performed elsewhere, according to The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
1970s: The Congressional Select Committee to Study Government Operations in 1976 concluded: “The research and development program, and particularly the covert testings, resulted in massive abridgements of the rights of American citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences” and “demonstrate a fundamental disregard for the value of human life.”
To find out more about psychiatry's torturous brainwashing and mind control experiments that continued even after this congressional hearing, visit the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum.
Charting the psychology of evil, decades after 'shock' experiment
By Elizabeth Landau
(CNN) -- If someone told you to press a button to deliver a 450-volt electrical shock to an innocent person in the next room, would you do it?
Common sense may say no, but decades of research suggests otherwise.
In the early 1960s, a young psychologist at Yale began what became one of the most widely recognized experiments in his field. In the first series, he found that about two-thirds of subjects were willing to inflict what they believed were increasingly painful shocks on an innocent person when the experimenter told them to do so, even when the victim screamed and pleaded.
The legacy of Stanley Milgram, who died 24 years ago on December 20, reaches far beyond that initial round of experiments. Researchers have been working on the questions he posed for decades, and have not settled on a brighter vision of human obedience.
A new study to be published in the January issue of American Psychologist confirmed these results in an experiment that mimics many of Milgram's original conditions. This and other studies have corroborated the startling conclusion that the majority of people, when placed in certain kinds of situations, will follow orders, even if those orders entail harming another person.
"It's situations that make ordinary people into evil monsters, and it's situations that make ordinary people into heroes," said Philip Zimbardo, professor emeritus of psychology at Stanford University and author of "The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil."
How Milgram's experiments worked
Milgram, who also came up with the theory behind "six degrees of separation" -- the idea that everyone is connected to everyone else through a small number of acquaintances -- set out to figure out why people would turn against their own neighbors in circumstances such as Nazi-occupied Europe. Referring to Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, Milgram wrote in 1974, "Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?"
His experiment in its standard form included a fake shock machine, a "teacher," a "learner" and an experimenter in a laboratory setting. The participant was told that he or she had to teach the student to memorize a pair of words, and the punishment for a wrong answer was a shock from the machine.
The teacher sat in front of the shock machine, which had 30 levers, each corresponding to an additional 15 volts. With each mistake the student made, the teacher had to pull the next lever to deliver a more painful punishment.
While the machine didn't generate shocks and a recorded voice track simulated painful reactions, the teacher was led to believe that he or she was shocking a student, who screamed and asked to leave at higher voltages, and eventually fell silent.
If the teacher questioned continuing as instructed, the experimenter simply said, "The experiment requires that you go on," said Thomas Blass, author of the biography "The Man Who Shocked The World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram" and the Web site
About 65 percent of participants pulled levers corresponding to the maximum voltage -- 450 volts -- in spite of the screams of agony from the learner.
"What the experiment shows is that the person whose authority I consider to be legitimate, that he has a right to tell me what to do and therefore I have obligation to follow his orders, that person could make me, make most people, act contrary to their conscience," Blass said.
An update
Because of revised ethical standards for human subject research, this kind of experiment cannot be replicated exactly. But Jerry Burger, professor of psychology at Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, California, made some tweaks to see if Milgram's results hold up today. Watch an audio slide show for more on these experiments »
His study's design imitated Milgram's, even using the same scripts for the experimenter and suffering learner, but the key difference was that this experiment stopped at 150 volts -- when the learner starts asking to leave. In Milgram's experiment, 79 percent of participants who got to that point went all the way to the maximum shock, he said.
To eliminate bias from the fame of Milgram's experiment, Burger ruled out anyone who had taken two or more college-level psychology classes, and anyone who expressed familiarity with it in the debriefing. The "teachers" in this recent experiment, conducted in 2006, also received several reminders that they could quit whenever they wanted, unlike in Milgram's study.
The new results correlate well with Milgram's: 70 percent of the 40 participants were willing to continue after 150 volts, compared with 82.5 percent in Milgram's study -- a difference that is not statistically significant, Burger said.
Still, some psychologists quoted in the same issue of American Psychologist questioned how comparable this study is to Milgram's, given the differences in methods.
The idea of blind obedience isn't as important in these studies as the larger message about the power of the situation, Burger said. It's also significant that the participant begins with small voltages that increase in small doses over time.
"It's that gradual incremental nature that, as we know, is a very powerful way to change attitudes and behaviors," he said.
Stanford Prison Experiment
This idea of circumstances driving immoral behavior also came out in the Stanford Prison Experiment, a study done in 1971 that is the subject of a film in preproduction, written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. Work on the film will resume in 2009 after McQuarrie's "Valkyrie" is released, his spokesperson said.
In this study, designed by Stanford's Zimbardo, two dozen male college students were randomly designated as either prison guards or prisoners, and lived in the basement of the university's psychology building playing these roles in their respective uniforms.
Within three days, participants had extreme stress reactions, Zimbardo said. The guards became abusive to the prisoners -- sexually taunting them, asking them to strip naked and demanding that they clean toilet bowls with their bare hands, Zimbardo said. Five prisoners had to be released before the study was over.
Zimbardo's own role illustrated his point: Because he took on the role of prison administrator, he became so engrossed in the jail system that he didn't stop the experiment as soon as this cruelty began, he said.
"If I were simply the principal experimenter, I would have ended it after the second kid broke down," he said. "We all did bad things in this study, including me, but it's diagnostic of the power situation."
Turning the principle around
But while ordinary people have the potential to do evil, they also have the power to do good. That's the subject of the Everyday Heroism project, a collection of social scientists, including Zimbardo, seeking to understand heroic activity -- an area in which almost no research has been done, he said.
Acts such as learning first aid, leading others to the exit in an emergency and encouraging family members to recycle are some heroic behaviors that Zimbardo seeks to encourage.
"Most heroes are everyday people who do a heroic deed once in their lifetime because they have to be in a situation of evil or danger," he said.
The criminal investigation conducted by the army of the United States began in January 2004 following a complaint made anonymously by Sergeant Joseph Darby. The reports that followed, as well as photographs showing U.S. military personnel abusing prisoners caused a worldwide uproar in April when the program 60 minutes of CBS and an article by M. Seymur Hersh in The New Yorker magazine to uncover the story.
What is an Aphrodisiac?
By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer Lauran Neergaard, Ap Medical Writer –Wed Feb 10, 1:25 am ET
WASHINGTON – Don't say "mental retardation" — the new term is "intellectual disability." No more diagnoses of Asperger's syndrome — call it a mild version of autism instead. And while "behavioral addictions" will be new to doctors' dictionaries, "Internet addiction" didn't make the cut.
The American Psychiatric Association is proposing major changes Wednesday to its diagnostic bible, the manual that doctors, insurers and scientists use in deciding what's officially a mental disorder and what symptoms to treat. In a new twist, it is seeking feedback via the Internet from both psychiatrists and the general public about whether the changes will be helpful before finalizing them.
The manual suggests some new diagnoses. Gambling so far is the lone identified behavioral addiction, but in the new category of learning disabilities are problems with both reading and math. Also new is binge eating, distinct from bulimia because the binge eaters don't purge.
Sure to generate debate, the draft also proposes diagnosing people as being at high risk of developing some serious mental disorders — such as dementia or schizophrenia — based on early symptoms, even though there's no way to know who will worsen into full-blown illness. It's a category the psychiatrist group's own leaders say must be used with caution, as scientists don't yet have treatments to lower that risk but also don't want to miss people on the cusp of needing care.
Another change: The draft sets scales to estimate both adults and teens most at risk of suicide, stressing that suicide occurs with numerous mental illnesses, not just depression.
But overall the manual's biggest changes eliminate diagnoses that it contends are essentially subtypes of broader illnesses — and urge doctors to concentrate more on the severity of their patients' symptoms. Thus the draft sets "autism spectrum disorders" as the diagnosis that encompasses a full range of autistic brain conditions — from mild social impairment to more severe autism's lack of eye contact, repetitive behavior and poor communication — instead of differentiating between the terms autism, Asperger's or "pervasive developmental disorder" as doctors do today.
The psychiatric group expects that overarching change could actually lower the numbers of people thought to suffer from mental disorders.
"Is someone really a patient, or just meets some criteria like trouble sleeping?" APA President Dr. Alan Schatzberg, a Stanford University psychiatry professor, told The Associated Press. "It's really important for us as a field
to try not to overdiagnose."
Psychiatry has been accused of overdiagnosis in recent years as prescriptions for antidepressants, stimulants and other medications have soared. So the update of this manual called the DSM-5 — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition — has been anxiously awaited. It's the first update since 1994, and brain research during that time period has soared. That work is key to give scientists new insight into mental disorders with underlying causes that often are a mystery and that cannot be diagnosed with, say, a blood
test or X-ray.
"The field is still trying to organize valid diagnostic categories. It's honest to re-look at what the science says and doesn't say periodically," said Ken Duckworth, medical director for the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill,
which was gearing up to evaluate the draft.
The draft manual, posted at, is up for public debate through April, and it's expected to be lively. Among the autism community especially, terminology is considered key to describing a set of poorly understood conditions. People with Asperger's syndrome, for instance, tend to function poorly socially but be high-achieving academically and verbally, while verbal problems are often a feature of other forms of autism.
"It's really important to recognize that diagnostic labels very much can be a part of one's identity," said Geri Dawson of the advocacy group Autism Speaks, which plans to take no stand on the autism revisions. "People will have an emotional reaction to this."
Liane Holliday Willey, an author of books about Asperger's who also has the condition, said in an e-mail that school autism services often are geared to help lower-functioning children.
"I cannot fathom how anyone could even imagine they are one and the same," she wrote. "If I had put my daughter who has a high IQ and solid verbal skills in the autism program, her self-esteem, intelligence and academic progress would have shut down."
Terminology also reflects cultural sensitivities. Most patient-advocacy groups already have adopted the term "intellectual disability" in place of "mental retardation." Just this month, the White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, drew criticism from former GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and others for using the word "retarded" to describe some activists whose tactics he questioned. He later apologized.
AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner in Chicago contributed to this report.
Death by Mind Control? Part 2
"The Laughing Guru" by Raffi Khathchadourian, from the August 30, 2010, New Yorker, considers an experiment involving rats, the relationship between the immune system and the brain, particularly the largely uncharted limbic system, and whether, in the experiment, rats ended up willing their own deaths. "In other words," Khathchadourian writes, "their minds were killing them."
What about death by mind control? What about its opposite? Life by mind control.
The so-called laughing guru is Dr. Madan Lal Kataria. He hopes some day to build a Laughter University, founding it on his own work as well as that of William James, Norman Cousins (in Anatomy of an Illness, as Perceived by the Patient), and lesser-known scientists in the sometimes-amorphous field of psychoneuroimmunology.
Laughter is a funny thing as the article says. It has been a favorite subject of philosophers and psychologists, though it is rarely touched on by Judeo-Christian theologians. (There are many life lessons but not many yuks in the Bible.) Cousins asks, "If feelings of physical and mental distress damage the body's chemistry, then shouldn't positive ones rehabilitate it? 'Is it possible that love, hope, faith, laughter, confidence, and the will to live have therapeutic value?' Cousins goes on to ask further. 'Do chemical changes occur only on the downside?'"
The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo
"MKULTRA continues today under the name of "MARATHON" which includes modern technology and no touch capabilities. " Ted Gunderson - Retired Chief FBI Officer. That is the charge against this government today and the Congressional Oversight Committee needs to do a complete and thorough investigation of the intelligence agencies.
The CIA Mind Control Doctors: From Harvard to Guantanamo
Psychiatrist, Author,
The CIA Doctors, Military Mind Control
and Project Bluebird
September 3, 2009
My book, The CIA Doctors,[i] is based on 15,000 pages of documents I received from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act and dozens of papers published in medical journals. These papers report the results of research funded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Department of the Army, the Office of Naval Research and the CIA. From 1950 to 1972, the CIA funded TOP SECRET research at many leading universities including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Johns Hopkins and Stanford. There was a series of CIA mind control programs including BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, MKSEARCH and MKNAOMI.
MKULTRA and related programs had several over-lapping purposes. One was to purchase mind control drugs from suppliers. Another was to form relationships with researchers who might later be used as consultants at the TOP SECRET level. The core purpose of these programs was to learn how to enhance interrogations, erase and insert memories, and create and run Manchurian Candidates. All of this is described clearly and explicitly in the declassified CIA documents, which provide a glimpse into the tip of the iceberg of CIA and military mind control.
The CIA mind control experiments were interwoven with radiation, chemical and biological weapons experiments conducted on children, comatose patients, pregnant women, the general population and other unwitting groups who had no idea they were subjects in secret experiments. Radiation, bacteria and funguses were released over urban areas. A large cloud of radiation was released over Spokane during OPERATION GREEN RUN; plutonium was injected into a comatose patient in Boston by Dr. William Sweet, a member of the Harvard brain electrode team; plutonium was placed in the cereal of mentally handicapped children at the Fernald School in New England; 751 pregnant women were injected with plutonium at Vanderbilt University; the bacteria serratia maracens was released into the air in San Francisco, resulting in a series of infections and plutonium was injected into an amputee at the University of Rochester. All these experiments were conducted without any informed consent or meaningful follow-up. Hallucinogens, marijuana, amphetamines and other drugs were administered to imprisoned narcotic addicts in Lexington, Kentucky, terminal cancer patients at Georgetown University Hospital, hospitalized sex offenders at Ionia State Hospital in Michigan and johns picked by prostitutes hired by the CIA in San Francisco and New York.
Most of these experiments were conducted by psychiatrists with TOP SECRET clearance. These included Louis Jolyon West, Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oklahoma and later at UCLA; Dr. Robert Hyde in Boston; Dr. Carl Rogers at the University of Wisconsin; Dr. Martin Orne at Harvard; Dr. Charles Osgood at the University of Illinois; Dr. James Hamilton at Stanford; Dr. Charles Geschichter at the University of Richmond and Dr. Harold Abramson and Dr. Harold Wolff at Cornell. Other TOP SECRET-cleared MKULTRA contractors included Dr. Maitland Baldwin, a neurosurgeon at the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, a pharmacologist at Emory.
The CIA doctors violated all medical codes of ethics dating back to Hippocrates, including the Nuremberg Code. The experimental subjects were not told the real purpose of the experiments, did not give informed consent, were not afforded outside counsel and received no meaningful follow-up. As described by the psychiatrists in published papers, experiments with LSD and other hallucinogens, combined with sensory deprivation, electroshock and other interrogation techniques, resulted in psychosis and death among other “side effects.” The purpose of these experiments was to see how easily a person could be put into a psychotic state or controlled.
In a series of MKULTRA projects, the CIA paid a former Bureau of Narcotics officer, George White, to set up safe houses in San Francisco and New York that were decorated like brothels. George White then hired prostitutes to pick up johns at bars, bring them back to the safe house, give them LSD without their knowledge, and then have sex with them. The CIA officers watched the sex through one-way mirrors. The project documents state that the purpose of the experiments was to test the effects of LSD on unwitting subjects under field conditions that mimicked an interrogation of a foreign operative.
In one of the memos contained in the MKULTRA files for these projects, however, another purpose of the safe house operation is revealed. The CIA was actually testing the performance of “Jekyll-Hyde” identities they had created in the prostitutes. They wanted to see if they could make female spies or female agents with alternate controllable personalities. Another purpose of these experiments was to test the CIA’s Manchurian Candidate prostitutes under conditions that mimicked a field operation. The johns were given LSD as part of the cover for testing the CIA’s female Manchurian Candidates prior to their use in actual operations (the mission being to have sex with and extract information from targets). The recruitment of street prostitutes provided an additional layer of cover for the testing of the Manchurian Candidates, plus it provided free live pornography for the CIA officers.
In other experiments, conducted by Dr. Jose Delgado at Yale and Drs. Vernon Mark, Frank Ervin and William Sweet at Harvard, brain electrodes were implanted in people and their mental state and behavior was controlled from a remote radio transmitter box. These experiments were conducted with funding from the Office of Naval Research. In experiments at Tulane funded by the CIA and the Army, implantation of brain electrodes was combined with injecting mescaline and other substances directly into the experimental subjects’ brains.
BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA were the precursors of present-day enhanced interrogation programs used by the CIA at secret prisons outside the United States. Water-boarding, electric shock, hooding, prolonged sleep deprivation, death threats and other techniques discussed in the Senate and Congress and in the media, are, in my opinion, elements of a limited hangout, a CIA strategy in which a little bit of the truth is revealed in order to cover up the greater part of the truth. None of these experiments or operational programs would be possible without the participation of doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. The doctors are directly involved in testing the interrogation techniques and monitoring their effects.
The purpose of mind control experiments is controlling human behavior: making enemy combatants open up during interrogation; protecting secret information by erasing memories; making spies more resistant to interrogation because secret information is held by hidden identities and making people more prone to influence, social control and suggestion. It has nothing to do with medical treatment, easing suffering or curing disease. The mind control experiments and operational programs violate basic human rights and all codes of medical ethics.
Dr. Colin Ross is a psychiatrist, internationally renowned researcher, author and lecturer. In addition to The CIA Doctors and Military Mind Control, he is also author of Project Bluebird, in which he exposes unethical experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects. His research is based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Dr. Ross is a past president of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. He is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.
[i] Colin A. Ross (2006). The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists. Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications.