Lynn Clarise Bahrenburg's Posts (97)

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Women – get rid of that stubborn belly fat due to “hormonal imbalance”

…  Dial 1 - 800-993-6339 for free trial offer of Amberen





Man-made OBESITY exposed

U. S. Government Mandated


Pentagon-backed researcherDepartment of Defense contractor - DOE inspired

Patented: SRI International Dielectric Elastomer Prototype - Manufacturer: Amberen

Referred to the biomedical community as: Synthetic Epidermis

Rubberized material that comes in thin layers – thick layers – patches

sophisticated” - “advanced” military technology implanted via remote – quantum physics

No hands-on necessary

Too hard to believe............ THINK AGAIN


Medical – Pharmaceutical Industry


One woman reports: She'd been sick for two weeks and gained 5 lbs

Another woman gains 25 lbs.  in 24 hrs.


Bloomberg knows: a famous Bloomberg quote: “SRI International is the 'soul' of Silicon Valley.”

You think he's the only Nazi Fascist Turncoat on the East Coast (?)


Not one Vermont Local – State elected official has come to my rescue


removing the biological body organs of a healthy active 60-year old woman and replacing with artificial devices for “secret” Medical – Pharmaceutical Industry non-consensual human experimentation – hooking me up to Department of Defense Satellite Remote Space-Based Directed Energy Weapons systems is state-sponsored

                                  it generates federal funding

additionally, Governor Peter Shumlin – U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders sold out every UVM student. Sold out to SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY aka LOCKHEED – MARTIN aka MILITARY - INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX - the same SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY assaulting defenseless American citizens in their homesNEUROSCIENCE WEAPONIZED - currently being used to RAPE & TORTURE men – women – children withsecret”covert” U. S. Military “advanced” so-calledsophisticated” technology. Electronic weapons systems completely unknown to the taxpaying public but known to politicians and those in the government. Military technology capable of accessing every body organ, muscle tissue and nerve in the human organism - no scalpel necessary – referred to by Defense Department as “no touch” – sexual assault in your own bedroom with no place to run and hide – unable to protect yourself or your children from total surveillance – weapons systems

              WHY ... because

          it generates cash flow for University – State and morality is not a consideration

It's not happening in Libya – it's not happening in Iraq – it's happening in the USA

since a criminal tyrannical gang of corporate mobsters took over the legitimate government

They need to be STOPPED

Vermont's elected officials will implant every man – woman – child in the State of Vermont with Synthetic Epidermis to make them FAT

Ask Miro Weinberger Ask Peter Shumlin Ask Bernie Sanders Ask Peter Welsh Ask Patrick Leahy

see how many of them keep their lips sealed (?)


        Read more: Obama Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research, Evidence With Sen. Wyden

                                 Wyden Letter 2/11/13-CANR Nonconsensual


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Women – get rid of that stubborn belly fat due to “hormonal imbalance”

…  Dial 1 - 800-993-6339 for free trial offer of Amberen





Man-made OBESITY exposed

U. S. Government Mandated


Pentagon-backed researcherDepartment of Defense contractor - DOE inspired

Patented: SRI International Dielectric Elastomer Prototype - Manufacturer: Amberen

Referred to the biomedical community as: Synthetic Epidermis

Rubberized material that comes in thin layers – thick layers – patches

sophisticated” - “advanced” military technology implanted via remote – quantum physics

No hands-on necessary

Too hard to believe............ THINK AGAIN


Medical – Pharmaceutical Industry


One woman reports: She'd been sick for two weeks and gained 5 lbs

Another woman gains 25 lbs.  in 24 hrs.


Bloomberg knows: a famous Bloomberg quote: “SRI International is the 'soul' of Silicon Valley.”

You think he's the only Nazi Fascist Turncoat on the East Coast (?)


Not one Vermont Local – State elected official has come to my rescue


removing the biological body organs of a healthy active 60-year old woman and replacing with artificial devices for “secret” Medical – Pharmaceutical Industry non-consensual human experimentation – hooking me up to Department of Defense Satellite Remote Space-Based Directed Energy Weapons systems is state-sponsored

                                  it generates federal funding

additionally, Governor Peter Shumlin – U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders sold out every UVM student. Sold out to SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY aka LOCKHEED – MARTIN aka MILITARY - INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX - the same SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY assaulting defenseless American citizens in their homesNEUROSCIENCE WEAPONIZED - currently being used to RAPE & TORTURE men – women – children withsecret”covert” U. S. Military “advanced” so-calledsophisticated” technology. Electronic weapons systems completely unknown to the taxpaying public but known to politicians and those in the government. Military technology capable of accessing every body organ, muscle tissue and nerve in the human organism - no scalpel necessary – referred to by Defense Department as “no touch” – sexual assault in your own bedroom with no place to run and hide – unable to protect yourself or your children from total surveillance – weapons systems

              WHY ... because


                it generates cash flow for University – State and morality is not a consideration

It's not happening in Libya – it's not happening in Iraq – it's happening in the USA

since a criminal tyrannical gang of corporate mobsters took over the legitimate government

They need to be STOPPED

Vermont's elected officials will implant every man – woman – child in the State of Vermont with Synthetic Epidermis to make them FAT

Ask Miro Weinberger Ask Peter Shumlin Ask Bernie Sanders Ask Peter Welsh Ask Patrick Leahy

see how many of them keep their lips sealed (?)


        Read more: Obama Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research, Evidence With Sen. Wyden

                                 Wyden Letter 2/11/13-CANR Nonconsensual


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Hi All,

I've been gone since May, 2011 and have gone through blogs that were posted by me.  Some have been substituted; others have been completely rearranged to protect the guilty.  There is no stopping criminals operating out of the highest levels of the government; i.e., Pentagon-backed researchers/ DOD DARPA taxpayer-funded predators and  killers for hire aka STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SRI);  - LOCKHEED - MARTIN - RAYTHEON, SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORY, et al.    [ I happen to know who is doing what to me ].   They know that I know and want nothing more than to shut me down permanently before I shut them down.    

I'm dealing with the same thing in my medical file that has been accessed with multiple misrepresentations, false allegations intended to make me appear to be a PSYCHIATRIC PATIENT with entries such as: suffering from  psychosis  - delusional, etc.   Obviously, I am a thorn in their side and a direct threat to the fun and games the bunch of total losers get off on.  

There were 45 PHOTOS that supposedly I posted.  Only 12 of them were posted by me.

I cannot stand these absolute Nazi pigs - the things they are doing to me and to the American people in general who don't have a clue what's being done to them;  they need to be rounded up, lined up before a wall and shot dead NAZI style.  I hope that I live to see that day.

Lynn Clarise Bahrenburg posted a blog post


Dated:  May 26, 2011  

CONTENT OF MY POSTING WAS DELETED AND SUBSTITUTED WITH WHAT IS NOW THERE....and, never saw the photo that goes with it until one week ago.

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     Bioethics Commission May 17 - 18 *Registration Information


Please visit the release for more information:


The Commission welcomes input from anyone wishing to provide public comment on any issue before it. There

will be a public comment session in the afternoon on May 18, 2011. Individuals who would like to provide public

comment at that time should notify Esther Yoo by telephone at 202–233–3960, or e-mail at before May 9, 2011.


To accommodate as many speakers as possible the time for each individual to speak may be limited. If the number of individuals wishing to speak is greater than can reasonably be accommodated during the scheduled meeting, the Commission may randomly select speakers from among those who register to speak.  Anyone planning to attend the meeting who needs special assistance, such as sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodations, should also notify Esther Yoo (contact information above) in advance of the meeting. The Commission will make every effort to accommodate persons who need special assistance.


Written comments will also be accepted and are especially welcome.  Please address written comments by email



or by mail to the following address:

Public Commentary

Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

1425 New York Ave., NW, Suite C–100

Washington, DC 20005


Comments will be publicly available, including any personally identifiable or confidential business information that they contain.  Trade secrets should not be submitted.


Dated: April 6, 2011.

Valerie H. Bonham,

Executive Director, Presidential Commission

for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

[FR Doc. 2011–9123 Filed 4–14–11; 8:45

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It amazes me that whoever gets to decide the Most Popular or Favorite postings lists (2) posts by Greg whose every other word is trashy and a lot of ti's do not trust him and another is a reminder about the upcoming Bioethics Committee Hearing wherein the post even neglects to mention the Committee 'topic' nor does it include names, phone #'s, addresses, etc.  If this is the best; I'd hate to see the worst.

We need someone with good common sense to be manning the fort and pointing the way.  I no longer have a computer at home so was not able to sign on when Soleilmavis was looking for people to help out.... Another article listed as a favorite is probably the worst New York Times article I've ever read with that 'psych' joker sitting on a park bench with his arm outstretched and who gives a God damned what he has to say... For God's sake, all he had to do was mention Columbia U - Columbia U is one of the top universities that houses a major criminal biomedical engineering lab where the professor was an understudy at the Stanford Research Institute and worked with the Intelligence Community in D.C.  His laboratory is all about the cerebral cortex and man - machine coupling.

Could somebody please step up to the plate to improve our situation here on peacepink (?)

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What I put together in my latest FLYER appears to be of concern of Americans and, I believe, has them contacting their State officials.  This is such a good thing and the FBI may be scheduling an appointment with me at long last because they don't like the publicity.  People are able to relate and understand the content of this FLYER; and that is why.  The organized gang stalking and EH flyers of yesteryear didn't do a thing to help me make any headway  with our horrible situation because people could not relate to it.   Maybe this will help shed some light on the rest of what's going on with us and these dreadful weapons.  


The technician at the controls has applied many tactics to keep the FLYER under wraps such as making it difficult for me to walk and at night after I get home and intend to go back out and distribute them throughout the neighborhood, I am made to be exhausted and weak.  Regardless, I will continue to get them out.

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What happened to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and six others who died; Andrea Yates who drowned her five children in the bathtub after the voice of God told her that her children could be saved if she drowned them. Andrea Yates who had never been diagnosed as schizophrenic and was reportedly a good mother; the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings; Timothy McVeigh who was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing; the military wife who shot her son and went home and executed her daughter.


These are a few of the more visible faces of Mind - Body Invasive U. S. Patent Technology that puts voices in the heads of people who can be programmed and mind controlled to kill – compliments of U. S. government intelligence agencies, THINK TANKS and corporate contractors.   It can happen anywhere, any time with weapons like Silent Sound and Microwave Auditory Effect – weapons systems that are deployed - secretly unleashed on an unwitting American public.  Lockheed – Martin (Lockheed Missiles and Space Systems)  and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) are major offenders and criminal organizations  involved in mind control military applications. Some targets (victims) have been threatened their entire adult lives; others throughout their childhoods. These people who do the shooting are not only killers – they are victims of the most horrific weapons ever to be manufactured by evil sick men of science and are known to be used by intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for the secret mind control programs.


“Woman drives car into the Hudson River drowning three children and herself;”   Ohio man shoots his wife and three small children and then shoots himself.   This news has become commonplace and so has the use of this technology...  the deliberate intentional targeting of unwitting American citizens. 


*Psychic Spying at SRI or CIA Mind Control? By Alex Constantine

* Military Use of Silent Sound - Mind Control Weapons Judy Wall 1998  “...Subliminally, a much more powerful technology was at work: a sophisticated electronic system to ‘speak’ directly to the mind of the listener, to alter and entrain his brainwaves, to manipulate his brain’s electroencephalograph i.e. (EEG) patterns and artificially implant negative emotional states-feelings of fear, anxiety, despair and hopelessness. “


*Artificial Telepathy: History of Artificial Telepathy, 1950 - Present Jun 11, 2006 ... This subliminal system doesn't just tell a person to feel an emotion ... 1994 NEXUS magazine reported: "Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockheed Sanders and ... is also known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy.

*In 1974, Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer working for Stanford Research Institute (a leading military contractor), "developed a computer system capable of reading a person's mind. It correlated brain waves on an electroencephalograph with specific commands."



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In addition to the view of one of my legs that shows the mechanical electronic 'system' that runs through my body and the view of what it has done to my feet; I am posting (3) photographs of my face; One dated 3-16-11; the next 3-27-11 and the more normal photo, dated 3-29-11.  The last one is dated 4-6-11 where they apply wrinkles above upper lip.   The good one of me that is typical of what i look like i posted yesterday wherein i was wearing a purple hat is dated: 4-5-11 3:23 p.m.  I have great evidence to indict these flunkies according to a couple of men friends but both say they can't imagine anyone taking the case, however.  What Lockheed Missiles and Space Systems - Stanford Research Institute holding hands with the CIA are doing to me is intended to 'break me.'  I can't wait to go to the N>Y> Bioethics meeting with my photos and oh, so much more.   I go out in public and never from day to day, moment to moment know if I will take on a good or grossly distorted image of a sickly old lady.  I suppose they want to make me look like a bag lady - what they also do a daily routine when leaving my apt in the a.m. is scoop of tons of dust and hairs, etc. and blast my black tights and skirt so that I will give the appearance of wearing dirty hose. YOU SEE - THEY ARE LOSING - AND THEY ARE POOR LOSERS!  I have taken on the attitude that I am in a theatre production - the lead role, of course.  One has to maintain a sense of humor about it; otherwise I might collapse and weep over it. I've had people look at me in very strange ways.  One example is when I was having lunch where  young college kids congregate and they transformed my neck into that of a turkey's and this one poor girl was literally sitting there starring at my neck and holding on to her own -  thank God I have a sense of humor ... if this wasn't so horrific it might be comical.  It'd be a good movie and these  bastards are all over the movie industry as in the Military - Industrial - Entertainment Industry.  They murdered Patrick Swayze with the same disease they've given Steve Jobs; Farrah Fawcett, Michael Douglas, Liam Neeson's wife are surely other 'hits' and on and on. They do it because they can get away with it; and they do it because death and destruction excites them.  It gets their genitals all hot and bothered.  Today they  are threatening me with wrinkles above the mouth inside laugh lines - this is their favorite assault - they artificially electronically manufacture these wrinkles using nano particles and then they 'activate' the area as though nudging me what they have done with a "ha ha ha."  What they would really like to be able to do is enhance that little stub they carry around in their pants.


Essentially, what is going on is holographic projections and transmitting images.  SRI/ Lockheed is known for psi operations and "technological exotics for CIA covert actions."  They've had this stuff down for ages.  They can do just one area as in the last photo dated 4-6-11 or age the texture of one's skin and wrinkle the entire face as depicted in the (2) others.   It's actually being done to a lot of other people only they don't know what's going on and think they have just gotten old from the weapons and not taking care of themselves.  It's not the case with me - I'm getting old numerically certainly, but I've been lucky in that time sort of cast a spell on me and i haven't gotten old physically AND THAT'S THE ONE THING THEY TOLD ME THEY WOULD GO AFTER.  These are all-time losers who WILL be caught if I have to hunt them down before this is ended.  I know a lot of the faces involved in my targeting and I can identify them.


Aren't we having fun...................

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I was told that all information about me - my data - was thrown into a super computer which spit out within seconds three methods of operation  designed to break me.

    1.  They would go after my son;

    2.  Destroy my face;

    3.  Go after the rest of my family -  The same way they targeted my stepmother with RH arthritis as soon as they found out she had a family predisposition but had never shown any signs of it until mentioning it to me and within 6 - 19 weeks she was diagnosed with the disease at age 84.

These dirt bags get to feel important and all powerful targeting defenseless Americans with disease.  Case in point, Steve Jobs, coming down with pancreatic cancer at the young age of 43... Silicon Valley just isn't big enough for the Stanford Research Institute aka SRI to have to share the spotlight with Apple. They can destroy someone this way or they can physically disfigure someone.  These flunkies have many means at their disposal.

I see targeted individuals all around me when I go to the public library and their faces have all been rearranged.      If they have it in for you, they will go all out.


American citizens over 50 yrs of age are easier to destroy with fewer questions asked.  This technology allows seniors to be made to look old and infirmed very quickly and when death comes it's no surprise.  With younger targets, they cannot rearrange their faces as easily because their collagen and everything is still firmly structured and intact - they are manipulated in other ways almost as evil but not quite.  It's called 'psychological assassination.


With the technology, they can rearrange your brain;

With the technology, they can rearrange your face;

With the technology, they can give you any form of cancer, heart disease, make every joint in your body crippled with arthritis - and everything in between.

And, there isn't yet a revolution in the country to kick all the the bums who call themselves Congressional leaders out of office.  Kick them in the butt and get them the hell out of office.


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Psychotronic Weaponry/ Trickery

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April 3, 2011



VT State Senator Bernie Sanders

One Church Street, 4th Floor

Burlington, Vermont 05401

Hand Delivered


VT State Senator Patrick Leahy

199 Main Street, 4th Floor

Burlington, Vermont 05401

Hand Delivered




Pursuant to past correspondence to your offices, I have not received a response.


I know you are doing your  best to be attentive to this matter trying to put an end to State-Sponsored Terrorism with Satellite Space-Based Directed Energy Weapon Systems and Organized Community Group Stalking or COINTELPRO operations– designed to torture, abuse, injure and slow kill this defenseless American citizen in addition to criminal, unethical, amoral, risky experimentation by SRI (Stanford Research Institute), Lockheed Martin and U C Berkeley.


There are thousands of others in Vermont alone who don’t have a clue about what is going on. I am talking about ordinary citizens like yourself who are not being abused and slow killed with EM Torture Technology but who are instead being used for the profits of large global multi-million/ multi-billion dollar corporations – Americans who have come down with a form of cancer, heart disease, arthritis or another serious ailment. Or, maybe you know someone with a bad knee or a stiff shoulder or someone who is losing his or her eyesight.  This insidious Mind – Body Invasive Technology does it all.   People cannot be expected to know about the technology when the media is under strict orders to keep it quiet. 


Others are being used without their informed consent or knowledge for new drug clinical trials.  Still others to test the latest directed energy weapon systems; i.e., slow-kill EM torture weapons manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, for example. No one is going to sign up to be tortured and it is, therefore, doled out to those deemed ‘undesirable.’ All of the above is targeted on those deemed 'undesirable' and that unlucky portion of the population consists of the entire senior community - including those who have worked hard their entire lives.  It also includes former government employees, whistleblowers, prisoners, people on disability, single women, the homeless and others. When this happens to people – they often end up homeless.


No one will ever again know if a medical condition they have developed is due to so-called ‘natural causes’ or was just as easily the creation of artificial electronic U. S. Patent Technology THINK TANKS and corporate contractors to the Pentagon are collecting huge taxpayer dollars and classifying their work as research and development.  It is called making people sick and profiting from it.


Isn't it time people started asking some questions (?)


What happened to Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords and six others who died; Andrea Yates who drowned her five children in the bath tub after the voice of God told her that her children could be saved if she drowned them. Andrea Yates who had never been diagnosed as schizophrenic and was reportedly a good mother - IT'S  REALLY NOT ALL THAT DIFFERENT FROM MY BEING TOLD THAT MY SON WOULD BE SAFE IF I COOPERATED;   the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings; Timothy McVeigh who was involved in the Oklahoma Federal Building bombing; and the military wife who recently shot her son and went home and executed her daughter.  These are the more visible faces of Mind - Body Invasive U. S. Patent Technology that puts voices in the heads of people who can be programmed and mind controlled to kill – compliments of U. S. government intelligence agencies, its THINK TANKS and corporate contractors. It can happen anywhere, any time with weapons like Silent Sound and Microwave Auditory Effect – weapons systems that are deployed - being secretly unleashed on the unwitting American public. The name Lockheed – Martin comes to mind as does SRI International as major offenders and criminal organizations involved in these military applications. Some targets (victims) have been threatened their entire adult lives; others throughout their childhoods. These people who do the shooting are not only killers – they are victims of the most horrific weapons ever to be manufactured by evil malicious men of science and used by intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) whose long-time quest for a Manchurian Candidate I understand continues to be ongoing.


I’ve had the technology directed at me; and know the kind of damage it can do – deliberately intentionally targeting unwitting American citizens and carried out by criminals wearing an Armani sweater and slacks and loafers with tassels – in full disguise.      Like the Mafia in a tuxedo.


Another side of Mind – Body Invasive U. S. Patent Technology I will describe as a ‘psychological’ warfare tool. It is not only being done to women - but also men over the age of 50. I see it all around me – it can be written on people's faces. During the summer months when women sometimes expose bare legs beneath a dress or skirt, evidence can be seen of a mechanical – electronic system on the backs of their calf muscles running down the leg. It isn't just me they're going after with a vengeance. I am able to identify these things because the technology leaves visible signs behind. Evidence appears to be saying that somehow the U. S. government is able to target populations of people whether it's via the HAARP facility or the cell phone towers, I wouldn't know – but people are being targeted and there's no question about it.


When someone suddenly begins to appear old with 'wrinkles' on their face and neck with a breakdown of collagen it is automatically attributed to getting old when it often is nothing of the sort.   It is artificial electronically manufactured and just mimics getting old – but in fact is something quite different.


I enclose a personal photo gallery so that you will have a greater understanding of what this hideous Mind – Body Invasive Technology is capable of doing – and to give you a glimpse into my life since it came to a screeching halt.

'handler' as the CIA calls themselves or a technician sits at a display screen in a remote location with his “illuminati” pen to point of influence where he spends his nights assaulting my face and neck.  wRINKLES IN THE FACE ARE ACCOMPLISHED USING ADVANCED NANOTECHNOLOGY AND THE APPLICATION OF AN ILLUMINATI PEN TO POINT OF INFLUENCE WHERE IT LIGHTS UP THE DISPLAY SCREEN AND TRANSFERS TO MY FACE.  Artificial electronic pockets are manufactured around the eyes and filled with fluid or air transforming delicate area around the eyes which is smooth and unlined as reflected in recent photos  into a mass of wrinkles and other 'aged' appearance.  They are even able to alter the texture of the skin as well so that it takes on an 'aged' appearance.  Other areas of the face are assaulted using various techniques but basically to  artificially electronically manufacture wrinkles (lines) a template is used and modified to the face being worked over.  The technician more or less uses his pen to display screen to sketch wrinkles and moves from one area to the next. 


The 1st area of my face the technician set out to destroy two years ago was the area above lips between nose and mouth and inside laugh lines.  Nano devices which appear on the surface of the skin as tiny pimples or bumps were used as markers with penciled (penned) in vertical lines emerging out from these tiny devices and also take on the appearance of a 'V' shape on top of the tiny pimple/bump.  By tweaking a nerve, a squiggly line can be created - for a variety of wrinkles.   When the technician completed the job and before moving on to the next area of my face, he would tweak or "activate" the nano devices with a frequency so as to reinforce what he'd done and as a way of threatening me... as though nudging me with a "ha ha ha - look what we can do"

 before moving on to the next area of my face which turned out to be my jawline.


I should note here that just before they began assaulting my face - one morning I was standing at the bathroom mirror - having just gotten up - I looked in the mirror and my face was covered with wrinkles but only for a split second - just enough to register, as though a mask had been put in place and quickly whisked away.  Perhaps to imprint the image on my visual cortex.


When this procedure is 1st undertaken, the face is targeted minimally and then they go back later and fill in where they left off - so it's not an immediate monumental shock so as not to alarm friends, etc. with  the drastic alteration.  Robbing one of his/her physical identity is in line with engineering the maximum deleterious effect on victim's psyche.  As I was reminded for a 2nd time not long ago - "Little by little we will break you."  It is designed to ultimately cause target (victim) to self destruct.  Victims are disposed of in a variety of ways - some kill themselves to escape the pain and injury that is so severe; others are targeted with the Remote Heart Attack weapon (the other Vermont  ti, Kay Barnes, was killed in this way in July, 2009.  There was no autopsy done and her death was chalked up to heart 'attack;'  others are given lethal diseases - others are slow killed and come down with diseases and still others are sometimes poisoned - all done covertly / remotely.  That way nobody gets in trouble.  Convenient, isn't it (?)


My son was  viciously attacked over the Thanksgiving holiday and was almost out the door ready to go to the hospital when it ended as abruptly as it began -like the flick of a light switch which he simply couldn't figure out and because he has been so thoroughly brainwashed into not believing any of this – I could not convince him of the truth of the matter. I went into the other room and documented in my diary that I intended to notifly the FBI and they immediately backed off. Maybe they're afraid of the FBI (?) His (L) side was targeted just up under the rib cage delivering pain; and he believed there was something seriously wrong – obviously! >BODY INVASIVE< they can give you any disease known to man or they can scare you into believing something is seriously wrong.


Those who have been given diseases have no way of proving that their DNA was altered or that a few damaged cells were introduced or that their autoimmune system was disseminated  BECAUSE IT IS INCONCEIVABLE AND INCOMPREHENSIBLE THAT THIS IS GOING ON and going on IT IS.   People like Apple's Steve Jobs who suspiciously came down with pancreatic cancer at 43.  I'd say that Silicon Valley is not big enough for a giant like Apple and the Stanford Research Institute and Mr. Jobs is being taken out.


I was told a super computer within split seconds spit out methods of operation designed to break or destroy me –  PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSASSINATION IT'S CALLED . First, they would go after my son; 2nd they would destroy my face. Your tax dollars are not only going to bomb Libya with cruise missles – they also pay these idiots they call handlers to do this sort of thing and while I don't mean to scare you - you could be next.

With this technology, they can rearrange your brain;

With this technology, they can rearrange your face

With this technology, they can give you any form of cancer; heart disease, every joint crippled with arthritis – and everything else.

This is where your tax dollars are going; and it's all kept quiet.



American citizens over 50 years of age are easier to destroy with fewer questions asked. This technology allows seniors to be made to look old and infirmed very quickly as I said and when death comes it's no surprise. With younger targets, they cannot rearrange their faces because their collagen and everything is still firmly structured and intact – they are manipulated in other ways almost as evil as destroying a person's face -the result of which steals one's identity and further isolates the target and this is what they set out to do.


Entire senior communities are being targeted – senior recreational facilities as well as HUD housing which shows evidence of being blanket targeted.



Getting back to my face – It's kind of like the reverse of how a plastic surgeon works. In the case of my neck – my body is manipulated and within seconds  (like the flick of a light switch) extreme changes take place to exaggerate a wrinkled-up transformation on a face that has none.  With an illuminati pen at the display screen he pencils in an outline at precise location/s he intends to target as you'll notice in photos. On Wednesday night last at 12:32 a.m. I was awakened and noticed it was difficult to swallow and that my throat was sore. The next morning  I  captured  zoom-in  photographic  shots  of what had   been  done the night before when the operator implanted and positioned nano devices at center (mid) points of my neck. Photographs reveal how the neck is marked in ink and manipulated with the application of psychotronic weaponry and trickery – much the way a plastic surgeon uses a marker; and, of course, this procedure was fashioned and engineered by medical doctors some of whom were obviously schooled in the specialty of plastic surgery at SRI International aka the Stanford Research Institute in one of their 150 medical – scientific laboratories in Menlo Park, CA where this sort of thing goes on in the shadows. It's all so reminiscent of Adolph Hitler and the German Reich; Pol Pot – Cambodia's ruthless dictator; the Rwandan genocide and wherever such a hatred for mankind exists.  It's now in the United States and leaders dare to show themselves on television talking about democracy as though it still exists in this country.  Elected officials are seen on the street with a security detail.  Are these same elected officials concerned about their safety with regard to the weapon's research they endorse to fund each year with billions and billions of taxpayer dollars - weapons technology used to target, torture and murder defenseless American citizens (?)


It's one thing to grow old. We all will eventually as the natural course of events. It's quite another story to have a bunch of high-ranking flunkies in the military and criminal contractors to the Pentagon hell bent on my destruction and working feverishly towards that end.


Please let me know what is being done about this breach of my civil liberties and gross criminal violations of the law not to mention the Constitution - if anyone in a position of authority still believes it stands for something.




Lynn C. Bahrenburg


Enclosure (Photos)

cc: Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss w/enclosures

Letter and photos also to:   VT STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM SORRELL, ESQ. hand delivered

                                          GOVERNOR PETER SHUMLIN - hand delivered

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Where is Soleilmavis(?)

Hi everyone,

I haven't been here much lately.  Intend to post a whole bunch of photos very soon so you will learn even more about psychotronic weaponry and trickery.  It will boggle your mind that this wretched technology is capable of even so much more in the way of holographic projections.  They have messed with the cd where i posted the photos but will get it straightened out.



Regards, Lynn

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Under Assault

Sensations are present that I am in the process of being short circuited... that all systems have been hooked up and interconnected into the transformation  of a mechanical electronic technological robot of sorts.           Since 6 a.m. they are striking at the belly of the beast... my stomach is under heavy assault and a system is in place that runs up esophagus into trachea and up throat with dizzying sensations felt up the back of neck, base of skull, into head and throughout... it's not individual hits this time around but rather systemic as through a system of blood vessels or running along meridians or pathways all feeding into each other with no loose ends remaining.  Reverberations can be felt traveling down arms into hands... each system feeding off the whole until I am a completed network put in place.  I have worked hard to enlighten my fellow Vermonters and know now that it is paying off.  I believe the criminal organization, SRI International, is under investigation or in the works and for that I thank God for guiding me.   I only hope they will be lead in the right direction to be able to identify and round up all those who need to be gotten rid of, but I know it's so pervasive by now - who knows if it can be stopped by the "good guys."  Some of them I can identify, and I would like to be able to point them out as they stand before me in a federal courtroom or Congressional hearing.  They need to be hunted down and thrown in prison not only for turning me into a mixing of human and machine parts  but for those they have murdered with forced suicide.  I have told my elected officials that I have all the evidence the Federal Government needs and they can obtain it by cutting me open to see what's inside at a microelectronic nano scale -my body is filled with artificial muscles, actuators, sensors, microcomputers that fit inside a molecule and all  kinds of advanced nanotechnology.  If I remain living, I hope for a good outcome at last.
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A Military – Industrial Complex that tortures and abuses defenseless American citizens and good corporate citizens like Lockheed – Martin and Stanford Research Institute can cozy up after hours to a life-size autonomous (intelligent) robot designed to both give and receive sexual pleasure...  a sex toy or mannequin designed by the same doctors and scientists who go about setting up mechanical and electronic systems in the sexual organs of targeted individuals using biomedical devices or Advanced Nanotechnology particles and devices to study and manipulate and replace.  As far as I am able to determine, my body is accessed through DNA and a cybernetic double of sorts at a display screen in a remote location where an operator or CIA “handler” as they call themselves, digitally records every thought, emotion and perception and watches every movement and gesture in 3D – recording impulses to and from the Central Nervous System and neural network – an INTERFACE that mimics or replicates the memory function in the brain artificially replicating my mental processes to know my every thought for technological robots that closely resemble human beings.  SRI International through the Total Information Awareness System are, I believe, preparing to not only introduce sophisticated electronic communications technology but also introduce life-like nannies who are able to interact and emote with everything fine tuned including a sense of smell to know when the babies milk is burning on the stove and household helpers – robots with artificial skin to promote a human-like appearance. Universities are presently working on teeth that can be grown by these freaks.  Little boys with toys who somewhere along the way became devious and twisted put your tax dollars to work.


Was Lockheed – Sanders involved in the Columbine 1999 Shooting (?)

The Oct-Nov. 1994 NEXUS magazine reported:  “Directed-energy weapons currently being deployed include, for example,  a microwave weapon manufactured by Lockhed-Sanders and used for a process known as ‘Voice Synthesis’ which is remote beaming of audio (i.e., voices or other audible signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target.  “Synthetic Telepathy.”  This pychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.”  http://artificial




Technology is called voice-to-skull technology (V2K) a relentless set of voices …. by Lockheed – Sanders, and used by the CIA, who call the process 'voice ….. Internal voice technology is most applicable within the same language and culture. …


The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has done extensive research into microwave heating and voice-to-skull devices, according to a Washington Post article on voice hearers at this link:


Families of shooting victims have the right to know about Military EMR Mind Control V2K weapons that can be used to kill and that are being secretly tested and deployed around the world –  weapons that politicians continue to vote in favor of.  It is information that needs to be published by the media to inform and educate the public because of shootings.  It should be front-page news and out in the open for the families of both the Columbine shooters and the victims and the Arizona Congresswoman and others too numerous to mention.  One would have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not notice a direct correlation. Intelligence agencies have a history of involvement of criminal Mind Control and Voice-to-Skull Technology with an interest in programmed assassins or a “Manchurian Candidate.” Stanford Research Institute has a long history of CIA criminal collaboration, and it would be par for the course to lump Lockheed – Martin in with that same bunch.

There is no statute of limitations on murder.


Recently a Florida mother married to a Military officer shot and killed first her son and then shot her daughter in the head killing her.

Arizona Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in the head. She is married to a NASA astronaut.  NASA is involved in this.

Andrea Yates, a mother who drowned her children in the bathtub heard voices and was told her children would be safe. I was told they'd go after my son if I didn't cooperate so there's not a lot of difference here really. Andrea Yates heard voices yet had never before been diagnosed as Schizophrenic. She could have been targeted for many years which is how these programs operate – with no time off for good behavior and many known victims of the technology have a history of hearing voices going back to childhood.

Timothy McVeigh was executed shortly after being found guilty so there could be no time for him to speak of technology that might have been involved. Timothy McVeigh targeted a Federal Government Building. Why do you think he targeted the Oklahoma Federal Building (?)


Money is handed over to criminal organizations that go unchecked and their lies are all supported.

Congress continues to approve increased Military spending for development of laser – plasma and microwave weapons of mass destruction – plasma weapons which ethical scientists refuse to comment on because they can be turned into hideous torture weapons.  If these ethical scientists refuse to work under strict Military orders, they lose their funding and their livelihoods… weapons the USAF insists on developing that are tested on Human Subjects. 

Congress okays the spending and corporations are left to their own devices.


I thought I recognized one of my Vermont State Senators walking through the main town square two weekends ago with a plain-clothes police escort at his side. This same elected official who has repeatedly over past decades turned his back on thousands of defenseless American civilians asking him for help – to get criminal corrupt corporations to do legitimate experimentation and leave the rest of us alone but for political gain, re-election and power, he turns his back every time.   To keep the Military – Industrial machine going strong.


Now even heating assistance programs for needy Vermonter’s homes is to be taken away. Soon we will look like the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution when homes were expropriated and heat to keep warm was closely monitored and allocated and it was a criminal offense to hunt down wood to burn so they could try to keep warm.  


Bad times are being declared all to keep the Military – Industrial machine going strong.  Now they want to bring the global multi-million dollar weapons manufacturer, navigation -  aerospace giant and defense contractor to the Pentagon that goes by the name of Lockheed - Martin to set up shop in Vermont.  Lockheed -Martin - a landmark recipient of DARPA taxpayer-funded dollars.

While typing this document to my elected officials, when I closed the screen a new screen opened to a google search: Burlington, Vermont Cemeteries and today they posted a BURIAL SITE as advertisement at my yahoo page. This, in addition to the manipulation of my HEART MUSCLE as a tactical threat to my safety and well being. Most targeted individuals will not talk openly about what is being done to them and their loved ones because they have been made to fear the repercussions. Many of us have been locked up on mental wards trying to get help. As I said, the CIA/ DIA was very clever to enlist the help of medical doctors and psychiatrists in designing these programs: A thorough job is done to discredit victim/target. They didn't neglect to leave anything out. I hope those who can do something will finally see that these people who operate in the shadows are stopped... criminal corporations joined at the hip to the Pentagon (corporations that make up the U.S. government) which funds these programs along with the intelligence agencies.


It’s easy for them to target senior citizens and they particularly go after women who often have less of a support system, often live alone, and it’s more believable when they die of a heart attack and various other things that could be chalked up to age related, but the chief reason as I see it is because it gives the “handlers” more of an opportunity to DISFIGURE their prey. Disfigurement is a chief component of the assaults (it is this aspect of the targeting that gives these losers a thrill – it’s like having a box of crayons) and with women over the age of 55 yrs they can accelerate the aging process with the technology which depletes the layer of collagen beneath the dermis and  artificially electronically  manufacture  lines and wrinkles on our faces with the stroke of an “illumination” pen to point of influence at the display screen or console which houses a DNA double. Two years ago my skin was flawless and I looked 40 yrs instead of 60 yrs.  I was told they would do something about it and destroy my face putting wrinkles and a so-called age-related story on it. – Today is 2-24-11 and lately they have been busy working at the destruction of my well rounded flawless cheeks after manufacturing a bunch of small lines/wrinkles where there were none just a couple weeks before.. In August, 2010 they got on my phone line as the phone rested on my pillow after listening in on a conference call telling me “...little by little we will break  you."  I've kept a diary entry of how they are able to do do what they do to carry out these tactics and will speak more of it in another document wholly related to this issue.

One of the latest threats besides ending my life with the remote heart attack weapon is that they intend to knock out a front tooth with attention paid to causing the gum to be sore and tender.

I have endured excruciating pain to my legs while standing at a computer station trying to complete this document all the while my computer has been remote electronically manipulated to prevent me from doing so and it has taken me close to two weeks to type it.   


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The following document was addressed to:  The Mayor, Executive Offices of the Governor, Vermont State Attorney General, VT State Senator Bernie Sanders, Vermont State Senator Patrick Leahy, Congressional Representative Peter Welsh,  U.S. Department of Justice, Burlington Free Press and the Bahrenburg Family, dated January 24, 2011 after learning that the criminal black-budget aerospace giant plans to set up shop in Vermont.


Lockheed – Martin is coming to Vermont for “climate-change-related issues" and  the first thing that comes to mind is a new Pentagon assignment; possibly weather manipulation and the HAARP facility for determining which regions of the world to target next with a catastrophic event and other such noble endeavor in collaboration with the U. S. Air Force.

Lockheed – Martin is a corporation linked to a Department of Defense Black Psychological Operation that has my name on it. Lockheed works in collaboration with a criminal organization known for decades as the Stanford Research Institute and now SRI International. My life was stolen out from under me and my days now consist of being terrorized and brutalized with invisible beams of Satellite Space-Based Directed Energy Weapon Systems and every elected official in Burlington, Vermont from the Mayor to the Governor to State Senators and our` elected Representative, Peter Welch, who sits on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform – apparently they all sit in the back pocket of these Corporations in a system of denial… programs costing anywhere between $5 - $10 million annually at a time of budget crisis that increases military spending through the roof which I assume includes these illegal criminal programs. To date, not one elected official has come forward to voice opposition to gross human rights violations terrorizing me and thousands of others  with the same weapon systems used for the inhumane interrogation methods devised by Lockheed -Martin and used at Guantanamo and black prison sites.  How is it that no one will punish sick perverts who sit at the head of global multi-million dollar corporations linked to the Department of Defense (?)   YOU ARE MY ELECTED OFFICIALS; AND I EXPECT SOMETHING TO BE DONE ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON!   I WANT IT STOPPED now!

In addition to using me as a laboratory specimen that responds to stimulus and tracking - surveillance devices, my body and mind is raped and pillaged; I’m jerked around every which way due to my insides being overrun and polluted with Advanced Nanotechnology particles and devices that pose serious DNA risks to humans and the environment and used for human engineering based on the Human Genome Project and Converging Technologies of Nano – Bio – Info – Cogno and the study and manipulation of human control functions and mechanical and electronic ‘systems’ designed to replace them involving the application of statistical mechanics and communication engineering – the use of computers For the creation of technological robots resembling man.  My body is kept heated; I am forced awake all night long subjected to loud remote beaming of artificial electronic 'noise' and audible signals into my brain; I get electric shocks and jolts; an electromagnetic 'electric' current runs – often races – through my body along systems with a micro-generator (activation point)  anchored to the 2nd toe of my left foot – a toe that is curled up, pulled  back and crippled along with a foot that is deformed with skin peeling off heels of both feet from the frequency or current that has been established in my body.

They do it because they are sick perverted men.  They do it because they can get away with it. They do it because my body is not bloody and bruised with visible signs of injury and lying in the street. – Because DISTURBED MEN WITH MONEY AND POWER HAVE INFILTRATED EVERY AGENCY OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and it appears from the lack of response that they operate at the State and local government levels as well.  Every elected official in the town of Burlington, Vermont goes about his day as though this is not going on. 

As was true of the architects of the Nazi Concentration Camps of Europe in the 2nd WW and Gestapo methods devised by the Germans for torture and elimination of Jews, the disabled and other undesirables, these predators are from top universities and are electrical and mechanical engineers, physicists, psychologists, medical doctors and scientists who are not working in anyone's best interests.  And, not one of my elected officials or brave State Senators will stick their neck out for fear of getting it lopped off.

All the while    “...Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” Eli Weisel

This time around they not only go after who they consider undesirable including the homeless, disabled and whistleblowers, they will go after anyone. There are tens of thousands of victims and very possibly hundreds of thousands to a million worldwide when a head count is done - It is spearheaded by the United States. Many don’t know what is being done to them – they don't have a clue. They only know they’ve become sick or crippled or are in pain and don’t look beyond ‘natural causes’ because it is inconceivable and too incomprehensible that they could never imagine the truth of what is really going on.  They will get around to you and your loved ones if it is not stopped.  They are predators with no conscience, and they seem to enjoy the line of work they’re in.  They are the counterparts of the German Nazi war machine and Japanese war crimes carried out in laboratories. 

My stepmother was targeted with Rh Arthritis as soon as they learned she had a family predisposition to the disease… We were driving in the car one afternoon two years ago and because they hear what I hear and see through my eyes (I know it sounds sci fi, but unfortunately it's real life in 2011.) She told me this and going on to say, however, that she'd never shown any signs of the disease. She was 84 at the time. Six weeks to (2) months later, she was diagnosed with this crippling disease and today her quality of life has been dessimated... a designer drug was sent her way. These predators are at work in Lockheed – Martin and Stanford Research Institute and at least (20) universities – in this case U. C. Berkeley; also Columbia University (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Paul Sajda) and City College of New York (Biomedical Engineering Lab, Professor Lucas Parra) – The two professors learned the ropes while employed at the Stanford Research Institute where they were introduced to the Intelligence community in Washington, D.C. . It appears to be sport for the bunch of them and from where I'm standing they do not fit Webster's definition of human. They would just as soon put a bullet through anyone's head or strike them down with a debilitating – deadly disease because they have that kind of hatred for mankind.

The government has been hijacked and as long as this technology is out there in the hands of criminal agents and agencies that today seemingly makes up the United States government, no one will ever again know if that stiff shoulder or bad knee or arthritis, cancer, heart disease, anything and everything else someone can come down with – no one will ever again know if they came down with it from so-called 'natural causes' or whether it was artificially electronically induced. Maybe someone you know has a child with Autism after receiving a vaccination.  Could there be another reason WHY (?)

Every man, woman and child will be affected if it is not stopped. People being used for the medical – pharmaceutical industry – drug trials, et cetera. People are coming down with all kinds of ailments and diseases so new pharmaceuticals can be tested and patented such as those at SRI International.. I visit a Bioethics site that stated somewhere around 20,000 people are needed each year to test pharmaceuticals (The figure was much larger but cannot quote exactly.)

Young men in their 60's who have worked hard all their lives are coming down with cancer and all kinds of diseases.. Young men like Steve Jobs who was in perfect health and could afford to take excellent care of himself as I'm sure he did; nevertheless, he came down with pancreatic cancer in his mid forties. Patrick Swayze, the same thing in his mid fifties. Like science fiction or the X-Files – I think I'll wake up from a nightmare and then like clockwork the technology is used with pressure applied to bladder and colon forcing me to the bathroom for about the 16th time in 24 hours and the acoustics playing in my head are altered to another frequency with a click, click, clicking sound in the ears superimposed over the microwave auditory effects beaming auditory signals into my brain with 'noise' resonating throughout my head.

  Our Mayor is willing to overlook Lockheed’s transgressions for the boost in economic growth.  I delivered a testimonial to the Mayor’s office but he may have considered it “too fantastic” to be  credible or is he part of the system of denial (?) Is he willing to overlook Domestic State-Sponsored Terrorism (?)

Representing the Military – Industrial Complex,, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta, Robert Mueller,  Eric Holder, high-ranking Military officials and elected State Senators are all complicit and have given their stamp of approval by remaining neutral, denying that anything is going on through maintained silence, and by refusal to investigate and instead covering up the criminal activity so that it can continue. YET, they are all too cowardly to come out in the open and deny the charges... All that Military might and muscle and these two-bit cowards hide out with their tail between their legs and no testicular fortitude without a weapon by their side.

Is this how America has maintained it’s lead in electronic robotic communications, cutting-edge technology and weapon systems development - by assaulting and brutalizing defenseless American citizens and then going about making victims appear to be delusional when they attempt to get help for vigilante gang stalking, assault and battery with Military-grade weapons and all kinds of medical conditions brought on my these Military-grade weapons and radiation. It’s a well thought out criminal operation put in place by the CIA / DIA for growth of the economy and improving corporate profits and medical advances, many  that would make you cringe and the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry as briefly outlined. The grand prize is, of course, that all this Nonconsensual Human Testing, Research and Development comes to them free of charge... rather, it is taxpayer supported.

Cont'd tomorrow - It's too long for one document

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February Contact

February 1,  2011



VT State Senator Bernie Sanders

One Church Street

Burlington, VT 05401    HAND DELIVERED 


VT State Senator Patrick Leahy                            Congressional Representative Peter Welsh

Main Street                                                           Main Street

Burlington, VT 05401   MAILED  CERTIFIED          Burlington, VT 0540l    HAND DELIVERED



As you know from past correspondence, my life is threatened by criminal activity at the highest levels of government.  As State of Vermont  elected officials from my District, I am asking you to intercede on my behalf  to put an end to  Domestic State-Sponsored Terrorism  with Satellite High Tech Weapon Technology. 

The fusion of Military and Corporate America or The Military – Industrial Complex  that President Eisenhower had the foresight to warn of in  his Farewell Address To The Nation is responsible for the shredding of the Constitution and is the reason America can no longer refer to itself as a democracy when it clearly is anything but a democracy.

How is it that the United States Government is permitted to go freely about targeting, terrorizing, injuring and disabling innocent defenseless Americans with no prosecution and no conviction and people in positions of authority who know what is going on and could do something about it feel compelled to ignore and sweep it under the carpet (?)

Innocent defenseless American citizens being used for abuse and torture with Satellite High Tech (emr) Weapons in addition to being used for Medical – Scientific  R e s e a r c h  and  D e v e l o p m e n t  and our elected officials are doing nothing to stop it.

When  experimentation, research and  development  cannot get approval from an Institutional Review Board because it is unethical, risky and amoral, it gets funding from the Department of Defense and typically the CIA  as a covert black budget project. They even get to label it CLASSIFIED  to cover it up.

'Scientific' abuse, torture and experimentation by profoundly disturbed sick individuals who operate out of global multi-million dollar corporations  sit on each others Boards of Directors - men in a business suit and a tie who like the smell of blood and our elected officials in Congress continue to advocate funding in the billions of dollars annually for BLACK Military projects.  Are Congressional leaders aware of what goes on behind the closed doors of these corporations (?)  Do Congressional leaders socialize with corporate gentlemen  who get together after hours to sip martinis and view real time video clips of  the sexual abuse of men, women and  children or maybe they're more in the mood to entertain themselves with the electronic torture of men, women and children – it allows these paragons of manhood to feel like  m e n  when nothing else will.  And, all the while, everyone who could do something has a  personal agenda and excuse for doing nothing.

SRI International aka Stanford Research Institute are Futurists dedicated to building computing machines to mimic human capabilities; Autonomous Robotics – Cyborgs – Transhumanism – Cloning – Mind Control – Behavioral Modification – Human Engineering aka Human Enhancement.  SRI International is a lead intelligence and psychological -biological operations contractor to the Pentagon with 150 medical – scientific laboratories in Menlo Park, California.  They are considered the “soul” of Silicon Valley and are in large part responsible for the destruction of American democracy and the decline of morality.

If I was found guilty of a crime to justify what is being done to me, why was I not charged and allowed to defend myself (?

I was approved for criminal black budget military – biomedical scientific experimentation, abuse and torture with Satellite Electromagnetic Radiation (emr) High Tech Weapon Technology; i.e., Mind – Body Invasive Technologies and there needs to be an investigation immediately.

 If my name was registered with the Secret FISA Court as someone to be watched or as an enemy combatant, - do I not have the right as an American citizen to see the evidence presented for which I was obviously found guilty of so that I can defend myself (?)

Thank you.   



Lynn Bahren- --

Burlington, VT   

cc:  WILLIAM H. SORRELL, Esq., VT State Attorney General, 109 Main Street, #1, Montpelier, VT 05609-1001




Some of us who are targeted with this weaponized technology wonder if the families of people like the Arizona Congress woman who was shot – if family members are aware of USAF Patent Technology and numerous other Corporate Patents of the same technology going back to the 1970's that puts voices in the heads of people who can be mind controlled to kill and other weapons systems like Silent Sound (?)

This is something also that deserves an investigation and should not be dismissed.

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Too quiet around town

Two weeks ago today I went to the Burlington Free Press here in Burlington, Vermont with quite a disclosure that I put together.  It ended up in the hands of the police and created quite a stir. .. they probably would like to find out more of what's going on.   Last Friday I went again with  even more of a disclosure that I haven't yet told the ti community about - trying to decide the best approach to take.  I know e v e r y t h i n g  about what's going on and took it to the newspaper with a copy to the FBI  and this afternoon will go to the Vermont State Attorney General's office.


The big shots at SRI International aka Stanford Research Institute are threatening me to the max and I expect the worst because they have EVERYTHING to lose.  Everything I've now told the world needed to be said and brought out into the open.  This isn't about national security - it's the greatest b.s. hoax ever carried out by an entire military - industrial - complex.  These crimes cannot continue - Vermonters are no fools and have a strong survival instinct; and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it's all going to come home to roost for these hot shots in Menlo Park, CA and a bunch of others.  I hope they won't get away with this much longer.  I also hope that I survive, but what I've written is damaging to say the very least.

Last night nano devices networked  straight up from the stomach center point - esophagus - trachea were kept tightened so much so as to partially close off the trachea for restricted breathing.  At this time, as I write this, I am getting death threats to keep my mouth shut and the only reason I'm not saying more is because I'm waiting a few days to see what the backlash is.   It's too quiet around town with no one saying a work. The FBI is dead silent which can mean one of two things - write me off as insane and lock me away - except that the journalists at the newspaper know and they are not going to keep what I had to say quiet even if they don't print it.  The cat is out of the bag.   The only other alternative is to shut down these black budget multi-million dollar disgusting operations and have a major investigation.


With their 'illumination pen' to point of influence at the display screen they are tweaking my Adam's apple to mimic a lump in the throat or death.   Either way, I'm going to be just fine.  I don't fear death.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for all of us.

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I've been away from the computer since my last posting and have more to say about sleep deprivation - sonic and acoustic torture and heating my body to a wet sweat every night but am feeling too tired at the moment.  I just came across the following informative website on psychotronic warfare -  which Stanford Research Institute is engaged in on my behalf, plus more.

The Computer: The Dream Machine, Monday, January 3, 2011


Plus Ultra Technologies / 30 Steps

> Psychotronic Warfare –

> Stargate's Remote Viewing

and, much more

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Sleep Deprivation

... portions of the Army Field Manual protocol, especially the use of isolation and prolonged sleep deprivation, constitutes cruel,
inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment and is illegal under
the Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, the U.N. Convention
Against Torture and the International Covenant on Civil and Political


Sleep deprivation includes "Acoustic" (pulsed/attenuated high-intensity sound, infrasound (very low frequency) and Polysound (high volume, distracting)
and are devices used to induce high-pitched artificial-electronic noise in one
or both ears and resonating throughout head – ringing, buzzing,
clicking, ticking as well as a metallic tingling sound – day and night. 


SRI International aka STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE neuroscientist, Thomas Kilduff,

discovered by isolating a neuropeptide or brain
hormone that human’s can exist on a much reduced sleep requirement.
Stanford Research Institute Biosciences Division last I knew was
developing a pharmaceutical to benefit our soldiers (the “official”
report) as a kind of strengthening agent to allow our soldiers to go without sleep while
at the same time remaining alert and fully functional. I haven’t
come across any studies released on the bioeffects of long-term,
ongoing sleep deprivation and this new wonder drug. It is safe to
assume the military and Stanford Research Institute are
now using this unwitting human test subject for yet another
purposeful study as non other than a human guinea pig for their
“pharmaceutical” test trials. Oh what a tangled web we weave..

There is no longer a question mark attached to why each morning at

about 3 a.m. both nasal passages are blocked with forced

breathing through mouth – SRI HOLDS A PATENT



Sleep deprivation is recognized internationally as TORTURE. Yet, since August 8, 2010

sleep deprivation has been forced on me with only occasional short episodes of sleep

- never uninterrupted so that REM stage can kick in. To be used as a
human subject for SRI International’s corporate medical –
scientific agenda into Brain Research - to assess the
psychological – biomedical wreckage of long-term sleep deprivation
all the while the criminals in Armani sweater and slacks and loafers
with tassels at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA
continue to believe that because this gross criminal misconduct is
invisible and cannot be traced back to them coupled with the fact
they've been getting away with it for a long, long time, they believe they're home free.


The problem as I see it - I did not give my permission to STANFORD RESEARACH INSTITUTE or U. C. BERKELEY OR LOCKHEED-MARTIN  or Sandia National Laboratory which they operate and manage - a National Laboratory that has everything to do with Advanced Nanotechnology - Brain-Machine Coupling -  Mind Control - Cybernetic Behavior Modification and Psychotronic Warfare Techniques - the whole (9) yards and then some... 
to engage in an unethical, risky, amoral Black Operation for the advancement of a corporate medical - scientific agenda of computing machines that mimic man, greed and corruption - billions of DARPA taxpayer dollars and research grants have landed in the pockets of delusional Corporate Elite who feel entitled to rob the taxpayers blind and the taxpayers don't even know what's going on and to torture defenseless men, women and even children.

One example is Siri: the DOD gave Stanford Research Institute $150
million DARPA Taxpayer dollars to put together
that particular product – the job was finished and sold to Apple for a reported $200 - $250 million. What makes them not duty-bound to reimburse the taxpayers for that $150 million(?) at a time when the
country's supposedly bordering on flat broke but the government and
corporate – industrial giants; i.e., Lockheed-Martin and Stanford
Research Institute are sitting like pretty boys on your taxpayer
dollars. They feel entitled to spend that annual double digit
billion dollar figure allocated for Department of Defense BLACK
Projects. And, I just heard Obama say “We must continue
with research. It's too important.” 
Obama is just as stupid as the last one and the one before him.


I am sick and tired of being harassed, tortured and slow killed murdered in the name of BRAIN SCIENCE
for Department of Defense - Military - Corporate financial greed and the criminal 'elite' behind it ... 

delusional corporate frauds  who strut around their respective neighborhoods passing themselves off as
clean-cut businessmen... maybe after dark they take in a brothel, having sipped a few martinis socializing with Raytheon executives and the like at a private club house where they sit back in a lounging chair in front of an enlarged tv viewing gallery with a slide show of targeted individuals... And, maybe they have some long lost 13-year old missing child whose photo you have seen on the wall of the US Postal Dept or in the Federal Building - that long list of missing children - what do you suppose happened to those innocent young children (?)   Maybe they have a child present to allow them to  f e e l   g o o d  about themselves.  IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW IT YET, FOLKS; WE ARE TALKING THE LOWEST OF THE LOW WHO ARE CONSIDEREDTO BE CORPORATE 'ELITE.'


Interrupting circadian rhythm with Forced Sleep Deprivation is a technique being used as a lethal weapon to FORCE SUICIDE or


Sleep Deprivation Damage documented from Military – Intelligence Websites includes heart disease,
Cancer, Metabolic Disorders and a multiplicity of other


Sleepdeprivation and pain induction are primary aspects of the experimentation with "Acoustic" (pulsed/attenuated
high-intensity sound, infrasound (very low frequency and
Polysound (high volume, distracting). Last night,
December 27, 2010
sleep deprivation and pain is customary but
what went on this entire night was far from the usual in that
it was directly connected up to pulsating pain of shocks being
induced into my body and timed as though working in sync while at the
same time injecting another person’s anxiety into my
conscienceness- is what my sense of it was, I believe as in
Silent-Sound or Squad. It was a terrifying experience and
goes far beyond what any weapon should be allowed to do as far as
mind invasive technologies.


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