#1033 Threat Assessment/ don't make stupid statements
The only people being murdered are TIs. XXX is right though the criteria for considering if someone is a threat is, "Are they a danger to themselves or anyone else".
The situation we are in means there is no room for flippant remarks or jokes that cross that line.
Here is an example, do you people recall the pictures of the shielded room at my Flickr site.
The woman who bought that room called police for some reason I really don't know why, but when they saw this room they declared she was a danger to her self. She was involuntarily committed and force injected with psychotic medicine.
They claimed she would suffocate in this room. You can see in the pictures that she has a fan in front of one of the two microwave blocking vents. It has been three weeks since she was last injected and people who know her say she still hasn't fully recovered. Her lawyer did get her off by convincing a judge that she is not a danger.
Here is another example. Police moved the brother of two past local police into my second floor apartment. where I came under surveillance at first unknown to me at the time. then they began with the V2K making threats and invading my privacy. I was being attacked in my own home and couldn't do anything about it. I contacted police and the FBI. They would not help me. I loaded up guns to defend myself but they got my father to take them. That is when I was attacked by the supposed MEDUSA microwave weapon. I went to the hospital and was set up the ambulance was even diverted to a small obscure hospital. After being drugged I woke up over a day later being rolled into a mental hospital strapped to a gurney. I could here my attackers through V2K saying, "This is how we do a hit today". They attempted a forced suicide with psychological torture and regular directed energy torture.
These are very sick people. All you have to do is give them a reason....any reason and they will kill or destroy you. They will promote the war on terrorism and get paid overtime while doing this to you. Don't be stupid and say stupid things. This is not the best of times to be living in this country..........and they have done a lot more than just this to me.
Peter Rosenholm
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Jesus Christ suffered horrible persecutions, at that time, many victims suffered the persecutions too.
Jesus never gave up, and his followers never gave up.
Jesus Christ shed his blood for Christians’ final victory in Roman Empire. Constantine (27 Feb 272 – 22 May 337) reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance of Christians throughout the empire.
Current, many of us are suffering persecutions of mind control weapons abuses and tortures.
I am the one chosen by God and I had been working hard to expose such horrible persecutions; Many other victims were chosen by God and working hard to fight such horrible persecutions.
Faithful to God, and Trust in him, we will win.
144000 sealed ones suffered horrible persecutions.