Posted by Soleilmavis on December 20, 2008 at 5:46am
From Soleilmavis
19 Dec 2008
Dear All,
It is an oppertunity to meet People with and join coming house meeting, possible we also can take the oppertunity to bring our stories to people around you. Please take survey or host a meeting here .
A letter from
Exactly one month ago, you made history by giving all Americans a real opportunity for change.
Now it's time to start preparing and working for change in our communities.
On December 13th and 14th, supporters are coming together in every part of the country to reflect on what we've accomplished and plan the future of this movement. Your ideas and feedback will be collected and used to guide this movement in the months and years ahead.
Join your friends and neighbors -- sign up to host or attend a Change is Coming house meeting near you.
Since the election, the challenges we face -- and our responsibility to take action -- have only gotten more urgent.
You can connect with fellow supporters, make progress on the issues you care about, and help shape the future of your community and our country.
Learn what you can do now to support President-elect Obama's agenda for change and continue to make a difference in your community.
Take the first important step by hosting or attending a Change is Coming house meeting. Sign up right now:
To get our country back on track, it will take all of us working together.
Barack and Joe have a clear agenda and an unprecedented opportunity for change. But they can't do it alone.
Will you join us at a house meeting and help plan the next steps for this movement?
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
From Soleilmavis
3 Dec 2008
Dear all,
Please kindly write to Obama's new members of national security team. You can write to the website by "sumit your ideas" or write to their address. Anyone who can help to find these persons emails address or fax, please also kindly let us know.
Here is the letter:
Soleilmavis --
Yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden announced key members of their national security team.
Barack and Joe have asked some of the country's most experienced leaders on national security, foreign policy, law enforcement, and military matters to come together to renew America's security and standing in the world.
Watch the video of Barack's announcement and learn about the national security team.
Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York and former First Lady, will serve as Secretary of State.
Secretary Robert Gates, the current Secretary of Defense, will continue to serve in that role.
Eric Holder, former Deputy Attorney General and a former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, will serve as Attorney General.
Janet Napolitano, Governor and former U.S. Attorney for Arizona, will serve as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.
Dr. Susan E. Rice, a Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Obama for America campaign, a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, will serve as Ambassador to the United Nations.
General Jim Jones, USMC (Ret), former Allied Commander, Europe, and Commander of the United States European Command, will serve as National Security Advisor.
Barack's national security team has been assembled to represent all elements of American power, diplomacy, and leadership that will be vital in overcoming the challenges of the 21st century.
Watch the video of today's press conference:
These appointees will be tasked with strengthening current alliances and forging new ones, protecting our citizens at home, defending against our enemies, and promoting our values and moral leadership throughout the world.
While the challenges they are sure to face will be great, the opportunities to unify our country and our world will be even greater.
With your support, we'll meet those challenges and opportunities with the hope and optimism that has brought us to this moment of change.
Thank you,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Soleilmavis Wrote:
23 Nov 2008
Please kindly write something "submit your ideas" to Obama-president elect website about how mind control abuse and torture harm economy.
A letter from Obama team:
22 Nov 2008
Dear Soleilmavis,
I want to make sure you didn't miss today's address from the President-elect, where he lays out a framework to save or create 2.5 million American jobs by 2011.
The President-elect has directed the Transition's economic team to develop the details of a plan for a two-year, nationwide effort to strengthen our economy. It will center around jobs rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools, and making America a leader in alternative energy.
After another week of devastating economic news, it's clearer than ever that dramatic action is needed to chart a new path for our economy that gets jobs and wages growing again.
We will continue to use as a way to keep everyone up to date on the Transition -- including the economic team's progress.
John D. Podesta, Co-Chair
Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team
Soleilmavis Wrote:
18 Nov 2008
Dear all,
Please write to the coming USA president Mr.Barack Obama about the abuse and torture of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons.
We had called all victims to write to Mr. Obama on our previous "mailteam works--victims work trends".
As we all knew these terrible cruel mind control abuse and torture had already opened a door of the hell, we had already seen the terrible sufferings of victims, and we had also seen that the whole world had been suffering with us together.
We must stop such terrible Mind Control and Directed Energy weapons abuse and torture.
Please kinly take your valuable time to write to the coming USA president Mr.Barack Obama. We will keep writing and writing and until we get reply from him.
The website of President-elect
You can give your idea by "submit your ideas"
Galina Kurdina.has published a blog post on Mr. Barack Obama's website.
Soleilmavis' blog on this web
Other victims also can do so.
Obama's plans for probing Bush torture
Obama intends to investigate use of torture by Bush Administration
Obama to investigate Bush’s use of torture
Thank you for everyone's participate.
Here are some works we have done and which have published in our previous "Mailteam works--victims work trends):(1) A letter from Goscott44 (29 Mar 08 Mailteam works--victims work trends)
Hello everyone,I just saw Sen. Obama on the View, one of the America's biggest morning TV programs.He looked and sounded like a president.
He said that he wants to listen to people which Bush did not do.
He knows about GS, and DEW, and mind control, I wrote him a letter with my picture before he decided to run for president.....this is our ace in the
If you have not already written to Sen. Obama, it would be good to do so now.
Sen. Barack Obama
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL, 60680
Everyone keep fighting!
(2) Obama: Torture and secrecy betray core American values (24 Apr 08 Mailteam works--victims work trends)
"The secret authorization of brutal interrogations is an outrageous betrayal of our core values, and a grave danger to our security. We must do whatever it takes to track down and capture or kill terrorists, but torture is not a part of the answer - it is a fundamental part of the problem with this administration's approach. Torture is how you create enemies, not how you defeat them. Torture is how you get bad information, not good intelligence. Torture is how you set back America's standing in the world, not how you strengthen it. It's time to tell the world that America rejects torture without exception or equivocation. It's time to stop telling the American people one thing in public while doing something else in the shadows. No more secret authorization of methods like simulated drowning. When I am president America will once again be the country that stands up to these deplorable tactics. When I am president we won't work in secret to avoid honoring our laws and Constitution, we will be straight with the American people and true to our values," said Obama.
Victims, Please write your case summary to Obama to expose our Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons torture and abuse, and requires an immediate attention.
Obama for America
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL 60680
(3) Write to Obama (24 July 08 Mailteam works--victims work trends (6))
We have called victims to write to Obama on April 2008, I think that many victims had already sent their letters. Here are some updated news of Obama from France Victim Rudy.
1.Barack Obama is to meet French President Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris on July 25.
The following French key-figures are supporting Obama and all of them have agreed to write to Obama on our behalf. Some already did.
Ex Prime Minister Edith Cresson
Ex Minister Martine Aubry
Ex Minister Jack Lang
Green EuroDeputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit
Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe
French Communist Party Spokesperson Marie George Buffet
2. Obama will also meet "the French Support Committee for Obama".
This committee is sympathetic to our cause. Hopefully, they will find time to get onto our problem during Obama's busy days in Paris.
Write to their President, Monsieur Samuel Solvit. Mr Solvit is a very busy person. Please be very specific, be convincing by sticking to facts . Don't flower it up , please avoid histrionic style. S.SOLVIT (AT) POUR-OBAMA.FR
3.I am to meet a group of six European lawyers in Paris early September. Obama's spouse, Michelle Obama, who is a lawyer is going to get a full dossier of our case which is being formulated by this group of European lawyers.
4.To be sure that your e-mail falls into Sen. Obama's hands, here's a trick: send your message to these 2 members of his team,
Do not write to his address barack_obama (AT), because your message will be seen as spam by his filtering system and will be rejected.
(4) FROM FRANCE Victim Rudy (9 Aug 08 Mailteam works--victims work trends(6-7)
Madame Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet,State Secretary for Ecology is aware of our plight. Being a supporter of Obama she has also told him about this terrible issue. I talked with her "Directrice de Cabinet" Madame Marie-Claire Daveu on July 31. Do send her your testimonies either in French or in English.
Attn.Mme Kosciusko-Morizet
Mr Obama just made some announcements as to who will be part of his Team to get the U.S.
out of this mess. He anounced that Melody Barnes would be part of his team. Based on her
background, beliefs and experience, I think she would be a good person for us to contact.
"As chief counsel to Senator Edward Kennedy (1995-2003) Barnes, who received her J.D. from the University of Michigan, focused on civil rights, women’s health and reproductive rights, and religious liberties. "
Along with demanding full revelation of the truth regarding abuse of human beings with EM weaponry, we must also demand an end to the intractable corruption that has permitted such atrocities to continue. We need -- the world needs -- a revolution of truth, law, justice, and accountability. In the past year, I have written the following:
Bob Dylan wrote "Too much of nothin' can make a man accuse a king." Yes! Yes indeed! I am determined to expose as much of this horror as I can. If my revelations bring the mighty to disgrace, so be it. If they cost me whatever is left of my painful, lonely life, then so be it. I am so tired of trying to wake the world up about this and so many other outrages, so tired of struggling to restore sanity and the Rule of Law, so tired of having a cruel, crazy world call my sanity into question, so weary of the contempt, the ridicule, the stolid indifference of those who ought to care, that I am ready to invoke, like the prophets of old, the ruthless Wrath of God.
a theory about the alleged "age of accountablity" goes back to the time of SOKRATES & ARISTOTLE...In the United States such men have been deified -- even though the indigenous religion of the Greeks has been reduced to "myth."
I have come to see that the use of energy weapons to erase memories, cause altered synthetic behavior and basically put syntehtic thoughts into people's heads does more than target any one individual.
it's a falsehood...for people to consider themselves more targetted than others -- the American evildoers who work with light weapons like HIPAS and HAARP intend to rule THE WHOLE PLANETARY POPULACE...we are all targetted.
IN WORKING at the Mind Control Research Forum i realised: not all were comitted to politcial reform and abolition of weapons against the human brain and nervous system -- some wanted to check and make sure that it was all "govern-mental"...
...a weapon that stops minds and deceives many people, creating "artificial thoughts" is just what weak leaders who simply follow the Plato Plan of ONLY REPUBLIC...
there are hairs to be split...
...serious discussion of this stuff has to have a logical terminus in mind that is BALANCED -- an end to the use of such weapons, making sure those who used them as a substitute for effective leaderships REHABILITATED...
Fujimori of Brasil was arrested and encarcerated for ABUSE OF POWER. The same is true -- for any nation with power abusing leaders...and that means any of them who have not come clean about HAARP and the other secret global warming devices...
i won't waste time writing representatives that might be BOTH BEAM WEAPON TARGETTED as well as loyal to bad criminal bosses like Rumsfeld and Cheney.
i intend to keep on applying my jobskills in this activist's method (adbusters style...)
this issue -- neutralizing and deactivating brain and nervous systems worldwide by use of a beam weapon -- must simpluy stop.. to some the old methods of "writing your senator" might have been good...
James Henry Graf wrote to Mr. Obama's web
Please enforce the federal civil rights laws, e.g. 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 245, without prejudice. Assure to all persons the right to complain and to have one's allegations examined and investigated, even if the perpetrators of such abuses enjoy status within the Intelligence Community, even if evidence of their crimes is classified.
Recommend ratification of the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 22 of the Convention Against Torture.
Rescind the "reservations" and "understandings" that the Senate imposed in 1994 upon the definition of torture. Respect international human rights laws. Require that political-economic-military allies comply with standards of decency and compassion.
Support the International Criminal Court, and express willingness to submit yourself and your administration to its scrutiny.
I'm wondering if Mr. Obama would be responsive to this covert MK-ULTRA upon defenceless Canadian children. Think I'll give him a shout, and see if he wants to smoke a joint.
Terry Parker Jr.
Here is good news for all who ban torture. It seems that Mr. Barack Obama will keep his promise to stop torture in USA and possilbe will effect other parts of the whole world.
We are different with Guantanamo Bay prison. We are just some innocent civilians. But we had suffered much more torture than Guantanamo Bay prisoners.
Everyone, Please keep writing to Mr. Barack Obama, ask him to pay an immediate attention to Mind Control abuse and torture.
Obama planning US trials for Guantanamo detainees
WASHINGTON – President-elect Obama's advisers are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal trials, a plan that would make good on his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison but could require creation of a controversial new system of justice.
During his campaign, Obama described Guantanamo as a "sad chapter in American history" and has said generally that the U.S. legal system is equipped to handle the detainees. But he has offered few details on what he planned to do once the facility is closed.
Under plans being put together in Obama's camp, some detainees would be released and many others would be prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts.
A third group of detainees — the ones whose cases are most entangled in highly classified information — might have to go before a new court designed especially to handle sensitive national security cases, according to advisers and Democrats involved in the talks. Advisers participating directly in the planning spoke on condition of anonymity because the plans aren't final.
out of this mess. He anounced that Melody Barnes would be part of his team. Based on her
background, beliefs and experience, I think she would be a good person for us to contact.
"As chief counsel to Senator Edward Kennedy (1995-2003) Barnes, who received her J.D. from the University of Michigan, focused on civil rights, women’s health and reproductive rights, and religious liberties. "
I have created a blog at My first post is "Here's How It All Came About" from my web site.
Along with demanding full revelation of the truth regarding abuse of human beings with EM weaponry, we must also demand an end to the intractable corruption that has permitted such atrocities to continue. We need -- the world needs -- a revolution of truth, law, justice, and accountability. In the past year, I have written the following:
Bob Dylan wrote "Too much of nothin' can make a man accuse a king." Yes! Yes indeed! I am determined to expose as much of this horror as I can. If my revelations bring the mighty to disgrace, so be it. If they cost me whatever is left of my painful, lonely life, then so be it. I am so tired of trying to wake the world up about this and so many other outrages, so tired of struggling to restore sanity and the Rule of Law, so tired of having a cruel, crazy world call my sanity into question, so weary of the contempt, the ridicule, the stolid indifference of those who ought to care, that I am ready to invoke, like the prophets of old, the ruthless Wrath of God.
I have come to see that the use of energy weapons to erase memories, cause altered synthetic behavior and basically put syntehtic thoughts into people's heads does more than target any one individual.
it's a falsehood...for people to consider themselves more targetted than others -- the American evildoers who work with light weapons like HIPAS and HAARP intend to rule THE WHOLE PLANETARY POPULACE...we are all targetted.
IN WORKING at the Mind Control Research Forum i realised: not all were comitted to politcial reform and abolition of weapons against the human brain and nervous system -- some wanted to check and make sure that it was all "govern-mental"...
...a weapon that stops minds and deceives many people, creating "artificial thoughts" is just what weak leaders who simply follow the Plato Plan of ONLY REPUBLIC...
there are hairs to be split...
...serious discussion of this stuff has to have a logical terminus in mind that is BALANCED -- an end to the use of such weapons, making sure those who used them as a substitute for effective leaderships REHABILITATED...
Fujimori of Brasil was arrested and encarcerated for ABUSE OF POWER. The same is true -- for any nation with power abusing leaders...and that means any of them who have not come clean about HAARP and the other secret global warming devices...
i won't waste time writing representatives that might be BOTH BEAM WEAPON TARGETTED as well as loyal to bad criminal bosses like Rumsfeld and Cheney.
i intend to keep on applying my jobskills in this activist's method (adbusters style...)"/>
this issue -- neutralizing and deactivating brain and nervous systems worldwide by use of a beam weapon -- must simpluy stop.. to some the old methods of "writing your senator" might have been good...
too corrupt!
i intend to keep doing what i am best at... you'll see.
Please enforce the federal civil rights laws, e.g. 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 245, without prejudice. Assure to all persons the right to complain and to have one's allegations examined and investigated, even if the perpetrators of such abuses enjoy status within the Intelligence Community, even if evidence of their crimes is classified.
Recommend ratification of the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 22 of the Convention Against Torture.
Rescind the "reservations" and "understandings" that the Senate imposed in 1994 upon the definition of torture. Respect international human rights laws. Require that political-economic-military allies comply with standards of decency and compassion.
Support the International Criminal Court, and express willingness to submit yourself and your administration to its scrutiny.
Let the Age of Accountability begin now.
Terry Parker Jr.
We are different with Guantanamo Bay prison. We are just some innocent civilians. But we had suffered much more torture than Guantanamo Bay prisoners.
Everyone, Please keep writing to Mr. Barack Obama, ask him to pay an immediate attention to Mind Control abuse and torture.
Obama planning US trials for Guantanamo detainees
WASHINGTON – President-elect Obama's advisers are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal trials, a plan that would make good on his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison but could require creation of a controversial new system of justice.
During his campaign, Obama described Guantanamo as a "sad chapter in American history" and has said generally that the U.S. legal system is equipped to handle the detainees. But he has offered few details on what he planned to do once the facility is closed.
Under plans being put together in Obama's camp, some detainees would be released and many others would be prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts.
A third group of detainees — the ones whose cases are most entangled in highly classified information — might have to go before a new court designed especially to handle sensitive national security cases, according to advisers and Democrats involved in the talks. Advisers participating directly in the planning spoke on condition of anonymity because the plans aren't final.