本週有很多大眾熟識的名人仙逝, 其中有前藝員藍潔英, 報紙大標題地形容她為”坎坷的一生”, 我並不認同, 我會形容她為”烈女的一生”, 她的而且確是一位烈女, 一位同腦控搏鬥的烈女, 她遭遇過腦控受害者的所有身心折磨, 最後敵不過電子武器摧毀而死亡, 用她的一生控訴腦控賤人慘無天日的暴行.
祝烈女一路好走, 我們將永遠懷念妳!
There are a lot of famous people past away this week, including the well-known artisan Yammie Lam. The newspaper headline describes her as a "frustration of life". I don't agree. I will describe her as "the life of heroic woman", she is a heroic, she fighting with mind control for many years, she has suffered all the physical and mental tortures by within the chips and electronic weapons. At the end, she was killed by the electronic weapons. She used her whole life to accuse the horrible atrocities caused by the metamorphosis mind control perps
I wish the heroic woman all the way, we will always miss you!