近日有人提到, 腦控賤人經常用我的名字在各社交網路留言, 以此破壞我同朋友的關係, 任何人如見到有任何以我名義, 用攻擊性, 挑撥離間言詞在網絡留言者, 請以電話短信留下網址. 謝謝你們的協助!
我一般每星期只用星期一, 星期五中午時間維繫我自己的網頁, 其它時間只作資訊性搜索, 甚少在社交網絡漫游, 更極少參與他人網頁留言, 不便之處, 望見諒!
It has been mentioned that brain control perps often use my name to leave messages on social networks for destroying my relationship with friends. If someone saw the message with some wording in extremely provokes in my name, please leave a URL by text message to my cellphone. Your assistance will be appreciate.
I usually maintenance my own webpage every Monday and Friday at noon. Not social network participle in other time, but information research. Hope you can understand my situation and any inconvenient caused.