Posted by Soleilmavis on November 4, 2008 at 1:00pm
Please Help Rita Thomas(Belgium)Soleilmavis Wrote:
Rita Thomas from belgium have been forced to accept Psychiatric treatment from few months. Now She will be forced to receive 6 months extra full time treatment because she told her Docture about Mind control. She is sick from the medicines. she will go to court this tuesday on 4 Nov to stop the prolongation.
Her profile
Please help her by calling her doctor or write to her lawyer.
If you have some official document of Sharon Jones' court case, Please also forward to Rita's lawyer.
The number of the psychiatrist is 00 32 ( 0) 3 4601602
Email of her Lawyer is MISTER WILLEMS
Gina Wrote:
How can I help her? I can't call Belgium because of my phone. Does someone want to give me an interview and I will play it on the Edge? If someone can come forward for her in the interview that would be great.
Jean Verstraeten wrote:
Hove, 4 november 2008
Geachte Meester Willems,
Ik verneem dat Mevr. Rita Thomas, vandaag nog, andermaal tot opname zal worden gedwongen.
Waaraan zij dan lijdt? Wat dit ook mag wezen, er bestaat een geheel van technologie雗 of wapens waarmee men op afstand mensen lichamelijk en geestelijk uiterst zwaar kan beschadigen.
Lees hierover bijvoorbeeld wat Rauni Kilde, een Finse vrouwelijke arts, schrijft in de bijgaande tekst.
Documentatie over deze ijzingwekkende kwestie zond ik ook reeds naar Dr. Coppens en vrederechter Van den Eeden.
Misschien mag ik U later meer sturen? Het gaat om ons aller grondrechten, ja om het bestaan zelf van elke rechtsstaat.
Met de meeste achting,
Jean Verstraeten
Vredestraat 65
2540 HOVE
P.S. In bijlage doe ik U toch nog even een aantal adressen toekomen waar men meer informatie kan vinden. Ik stip er enkele aan die ik geschikt acht voor een eerste kennisneming van het probleem.
Rudy Wrote:
November 3rd, 2008
From: Rudy ANDRIA
University lecturer, France
To: Mr Walter Willems
Lawyer, Belgium
Dear Sir,
I am Rudy Andria from France. I am a retired university lecturer. I am writing out of fellow feeling for my co-victim Rita Thomas.
I hereby certify on my honour that Rita Thomas is NOT mentally ill and does NOT have the slightest psychological disturbance .
As you are her lawyer, you certainly are already convinced of her sound mental health.She does not need any psychiatric treatment whatsoever and keeping her for another 7 months in the psychiatric hospital is tantamount to downright insult to her dignity and freedom.
For you to better understand what we, mindcontrol victims are going through, please allow me to send you my testimony both in English and German. All the link-references below will give you the broad outlines of the situation.
In my own name and in the name of all mindcontrol victims,thank you for your attention , your understanding and your support.
Yours sincerely
Rudy Andria
University lecturer