How fat we are depends on how much insulin we have in our bodies. If a person is injected by their doctor with insulin they will become fat. The more insulin they are injected with the fatter they will become. Every time you eat food your pancreas releases insulin. If you eat food five times per day there will be a large quantity of insulin in your body and you will most likely be fat.
If you eat carbohydrates your pancreas will secrete a large quantity of insulin.
If you eat protein your pancreas will secrete a small quantity of insulin.
If you eat pure natural fat your body will secrete no insulin whatsoever.
If you drink tea or coffee your body will secrete no insulin whatsoever.
Carbohydrate food is food that comes from plants such as bread, cereal, potatoes, bananas, fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, ets. There is no health requirement for anyone to eat carbohydrates whatsoever because many tribes throughout the world live their whole lives without eating plants such as the inuit people of northern Canada and northern Russia, and the Masai warriros of central Africa. They have lived successfully and healthily from generation to generation without ever eating plants. People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome should not eat plants because they may not be able to digest plant fibre. They may be able to cure themselves if they switch to a carnivore diet, which is a diet made up entirely of animal foods such as milk, butter, meat, yogurt, kefir, fish, chicken, and eggs. Some carnivores do not eat cheese because they find it too constipating. Including fibre in your diet does not relieve constipation. In fact, it makes constipation worse. What you aught to do to relieve constipation is to put sea salt in your food or else drink a glass of water containing a half teaspoon of sea salt. The sea salt will attract water into your alimentary canal and keep everything moving along as it should.
When you get up in the morning if you wish you can drink tea or coffee with a spoon of pure natural fat such as butter or MCT oil added to it. This will have no effect on your insulin levels whatsoever. No insulin will be released from your pancreas when you drink it. (Tea or coffee with pure natural fat added to it is known as a fat bomb in ketogenic and carnivore health books.)
Eat twice a day only so as not to release too much insulin. For the rest of the day you can have tea, coffee, fat bombs, and plain water. Eat a low carbohydrate to no carbohydrate diet. If you feel that you should eat some carbohydrates, eat only above ground vegetables which have very few carbohydrates. Examples of some but not all above ground vegetables are cabbage, lettues, asparagus, celery, cucumber. Do not eat fruit or root vegatables or grains because they will release fast quantities of insulin into your body. Do not juice your above ground vegetables because our bodies are not designed to drink juice because the juice is introduced to the body much faster than nature intended so the body is not able to cope with it and instead releases vast quantities of insulin in order to deal with it.
My local radio station is advising the public to eat three meals and two healthy snacks per day. I believe that is very bad advice. No wonder most people are unhealthy now while such bad advice is being given to the public. Frequent eating hurts us. I am not slim myself at the moment but I am following the above protocol.
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The benefit of sofa cleaning services which proven effective and can protect you from a lot of dirt, dust, and bacteria hazardous to human beings and create an uncomfortable environment. expert knowledge on utilizing the correct cleaning method and products for any sofa material, ensuring that your furniture is in safe hands. read more
A common source of smells is the organisms that usually reside in the sewer of your bathroom. These organisms make a home in your bathroom and generate sewer gas inside the fixtures, which form moulds in your bathroom. Here are some ways to ways to prevent bad odour from the bathroom 1. Ventilate The Space, 2. Clean Regularly, 3. Fragrance Lamp or Scent Diffuser, 4. Prevent it from Moulds, and 5. Keep Towels Clean and Dry.
The following is a quote by Yuval Noah Harari who is a Professor of History at the Univeristy of Jerusalem as follows:-
"Humans will become economically useless. We are seeing a new class of humans, the useless class.
My own response to the above quote is as follows:-
According to independent archaeologists, solid evidence has been found that men and women have lived on planet earth for at least four thousand, five hundred million years. According to still other researchers the evidence for dinosaurs is non existent. Those who wish to control us falsify history and also falsely claim that men and women have not lived on this earth for very long because it is easy to falsify human history over a very short time frame.
We have lived on this earth for hundreds of millions of years and during much of that time tribes of hunter gatherers only ever worked for nine hours per week each. They lay around and relaxed for the rest of the week. They were not of service to others. They were only of service to themselves. Why would anyone ask them to be of service to others. Why would anyone classify them of being only of service to themselves. Yuval Noah Harari would have classified them as a useless class of humans.
We can now fully automate factories, banks and many other places of work so that many of us no longer work. However, we could only be perceived as useless if others such as the Luciferian new world order cabal regarded us as being in the world simply to work for them and to serve them. We are not in this world to serve them. We are equal to them. When we were born into this world, under natural law we all own an equal share of the land and resources of this world. We are entitled under natural law to live here without being of service to the Luciferian new world order cabal. As equal men and women of this world we are rightly entitled to be of service to ourselves and not to devote our lives to serving the unelected sadistic, ritual human sacrificing dark Luciferian new world order cabal. If fact we all aught to work against their evil agenda.
NO if you are a member of the military because the military are destructive. They bomb cities which then have to be rebuilt all over again. They kill young men whose parents have spent many years feeding them and clothing them and raising them. If you are a member of the military your work produces no value. You are destructive. You destroy what others construct.
No if you are a priest or bishop because religion is the suppression of free thought. Priests and bishops spend their time inculcating people into false belief systems. Abiding by moral law is sufficient in itself. If you are a priest or bishop you are doing more harm than good in the world. You claim to know what you can not know. You frighten people with stories of hells fire. Your work has negative value in the world.
No If you are a no-touch torturer who uses wireless weapons to covertly torture people from an unknown remote location while you remain an anonymous coward and while you use advanced classified weapons the existence of which is denied by governments and instead the victims are wrongly deemed to be mentally ill.
No If you are a psychiatrist who falsely accuses those who are victims of wireless crime of being mentally ill in order to provide a cover story for criminals. Psychiatrists your work has no value. In fact it is negative work. It produces minus value.
The steps to be followed on any service are pretty standard. The technician cleans the coils and checks the refrigerant pressure. The routine checks involve examining all moving parts and lubricating them. All these services are provided by us at your doorstep. If something goes wrong with your air conditioner, you should contact doorstep AC repair services. They will send a team to look at the air conditioning unit at your house. The team comprises qualified members who can handle almost all repairs. Make your life easy, so you don't have to take any heat this summer. read more
The in-house AC compressor is the heart and the most expensive part of an air conditioning system. It is advisable to buy a reliable air conditioning compressor because a cheap compressor can damage your air conditioner. You can not repair an AC compressor yourself by using any compressor repair kit. Compressors are highly sophisticated devices that work on the principle of expansion and contraction owing to which they are meant to be repaired by professional personnel like those of Nakoda Urban Services. A simple, cost-effective solution would be to install a more powerful compressor. So the question rise Is AC Compressor worth Replacing? Then it is Yes. Read more
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An comes up with two sides: one is hot, and the other one is cold. The cold side is known to contain the fan and evaporator and performs the function of blowing the air in the room. On the other hand, the hot side entails the condenser. As a preventive measure, many air conditioning professionals clear and inspect the debris from the AC condensate drain during maintenance. Professionals understand this issue better as they have expert knowledge and have the right equipment to solve clogging efficiently. In addition, regular cleaning of air filters is necessary for increasing the life of the evaporator coil read more
随着军事科技的发展,军队开始研发神经武器、控脑武器、微波武器、粒子武器等针对人体的电磁类武器,这些武器有的是部署在卫星上的,为了测试这些武器的远程打击有效性,军队开始拿不知情的守法公民做肉靶,对这些肉靶进行精神和肉体的打击。精神打击包括对受害者进行侮辱、恐吓、施加极大的精神压力,逼迫受害者自杀。肉体打击包括利用微波或粒子武器对受害者的内脏、关节、肌肉、皮肤、五官、阴茎、肛门、头部、胃部进行打击,让受害者痛不欲生。为了避免受害者发声,军队实验人员利用脑控武器监控受害者的大脑,控制受害者的行为,通过“颅内传音”技术向受害者大脑传递声音,欺骗受害者,掩盖这种非法军事实验,让受害者搞不清谁在迫害他们,很多受害者不懂军事科技,以为施害者是社会人员、外国间谍、外星人、佛祖,军方为了掩盖这项非法军事实验,在网上污蔑受害者的言论,把受害者被打击后的症状污蔑为精神分裂,很多受害者在上访报案时被当成精神分裂抓入精神病院。更有些实验人员趁机偷钱,从实验走向犯罪,目前国内受害者大约有几十万,有些人已经不堪折磨被迫自杀,有的残废,实验人员的为了封锁消息,逼迫大量的受害者失业在家等死。这些受害者的大脑时刻处于被监控状态,无力反抗,公检法有的不了解这些军事科技,认为受害者精神有问题,对受害者的报案不理睬,有的可能在和军队合作,对这种侵犯人权的残忍实验听之任之,采取一种事不关己高高挂起的态度。根据资料,自1964年有关部门就已经对部分公民大脑进行监控和操纵,随着技术的发展,现在的技术已经可以通过远程读脑监控受害者的所见所闻、感觉、嗅觉,控制受害者的情绪、潜意识和行为(详见“脑科学的昨天、今天和明天”、“一则新闻背后的世纪大阴谋”、“脑控武器:亦真亦幻有点玄”)。现在军方挑选的这些肉靶很有可能是从这些被监控的公民中选出的,他们来自各个阶层有知识分子、工程师、军人、公务员、教师、公司职员、学生、留学生、农民,但比例不尽相同,大多数都是没背景、经济状况一般、无权无势的守法公民,他们都有一个问题,自己没有违法犯罪,为什么被军队选为肉靶无情打击。这种秘密进行的非法军事实验有的已经演变为一种犯罪,以我为例,根据控制我的人告诉我的消息,2013年我从上海返回日照创业,犯罪分子因为盗窃我的商业创意吃亏赔钱,于是就从暗中监控变为公开控制,开始是向我大脑传递辱骂、恐吓的声音,逼迫我自杀,否则让我必须把我所有钱给他们。现在他们说他们已经通过向他们领导污蔑我把我变成军事实验的肉靶。本人是同济大学计算机硕士,无论从人品能力或社会价值角度是不可能当成肉靶的。他们良心上过不去,自己骂自己是“婊子养的畜生,五莲贱土狗、精子带毒”。 为了避免我发声,控制我的犯罪分子(可能是日照军分区或日照国家安全局的公职人员)通过污蔑我,让我无法通过博客告知大众实情,尤其是害我的犯罪分子传播并歪曲我的隐私,把我说成一个道德败坏、高分低能的人,并在同学朋友圈里破坏我的个人形象,合理化他们的犯罪行为。他们企图利用公权力一手遮天,通过职务犯罪谋杀我。在我多次告状失败后,犯罪分子知道我已经无法通过正常的司法渠道解决问题,所以他们有恃无恐的向我告知了为什么要谋杀我的实情:他是一个高考失利的高中生,通过家里关系参军 ,他在军队为了获得升迁拜领导为干爹,这位领导负责监控部分百姓大脑的工作,犯罪分子为了获得领导赏识,通过监控我的大脑跟着我学习大学知识,由于我的成绩的优异,犯罪分子非常嫉妒,嫉妒一个农村出身的学生被同学尊重,就控制我尿床,控制我阴茎莫名勃起。大四考研期间,他又控制我心神不定破坏我复习功课,最终我考研失败。后来我跨专业考研,到同济大学读计算机,犯罪分子的领导也对计算机感兴趣,犯罪分子就跟着我学计算机,所以这种监控就一直持续,最后发展到偷窃我的3D打印机的商业创意而导致他的领导赔钱,犯罪分子和他的领导恼羞成怒,所以开始明控我,从2017年以职务之便整我害我,让我要么赔钱要么自杀。希望知情者能解救我和其他被当成肉靶的守法公民,让人大出台政策明确成为军事实验肉靶的标准。否则这种灰色保密的军事实验会变为公开杀人抢钱的游戏。
The horrors that they’ve inflicted upon humanity., all from the knowledge of how to alter the electricity within neurons.... Resonate the dipolar water molecules surrounding neurons via electromagnetic wave which has the flow in effect of pushing around the ions or charged atoms that carry the electrons etc etc .. the one I studied was Lilly wave that was used on Iraqi soldiers in the Gulf War
I am a victim of no-touch torture and I have been so continuously for more than nineteen years. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. The Gardai and most psychiatrists are under a form of hypnosis to the extent that they do not believe victims of no-touch torture even though we are many in number and growing. If they remain under hypnosis and continue to refuse to believe the statements of the victims of no-touch torture they themselves and their children will soon be enslaved by it. I believe but can not prove that televisions are being used to subliminally hypnotise those who watch them. I do not own or watch television and I rarely use my smart phone which I purchased because it is necessary to validate my identify for online shopping. The Irish Gardai have intimidated victims of no-touch torture because when we attempt to inform them about it they force us to attend for psychiatric evaluation which we perceive as a threat to our freedom and autonomy to such an extent that all victims of no-touch torture are afraid to approach the Gardai about anything at all. If we do so we could end up wrongly accused of being mentally ill and then locked in a psychiatric hospital and forced to ingest highly poisonous substances, which those who prescribe them have never ingested themselves .
Nursing students must excel in both practical and theoretical papers, however owing to a lack of time, they frequently struggle to complete their nursing projects on time. The reason for this is that they spend the most of their productive time in hospitals aiding their seniors. Students can now buy projects online from SourceEssay assignment writers in order to maintain their good percentages.
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Human bodies generate and electric current which emits and electromagnetic frequency which can be decoded by signal intelligence equipment into what we think, do and say. Signal intelligence staff and others can then reply to our thoughts and words in real time, even over vast distances. I am being subjected to what is known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation where my thoughts and words are being monitored and replied to in real time. My muscles are being forceably moved against my will and some of them can now be held and controlled against my will. All of this is being conducted on me against my will and without my permission. I have informed the Irish police who are known as the Gardai but they did not believe me and they subsequently sent me for psychiatric evaluation.
I have included here some of what the unknown remote neural monitoring staff have been saying to me in the past few days as follows:-
"Stop asking us questions".
"She doesn't have a requirement for a fridge freezer." (My fridge freezer broke down and I was considering what I would purchase in order to replace it.)
"What did she eat now".
"She shouldn't be eating so many eggs."
"We don't want to send the intense pain until such time as we control the body."
"She uses the toilet too often."
"Unsubscribe her from the internet."
"I will take her credit card off her because of that manovure." (I gave the details of my cash card to a local supplier because I get goods from them on a regular basis and now I do not need to repeatedly give them the details of my cash card at every transaction. Those unknown others who are attempting to exert total control over my life from an unknown remote location appeared to be angry at my actions because they are now no longer in a position to dictate what food I purchase because they they do not now have access to my card).
"You wouldn't be able to kick me because I would control your leg muscles." ( Those who speak to me from a distance while remaining anonymous cowards often threaten to come to my home and to move in with me in order to control all aspects of my life. I am terrified of this ever happening so I informed one of them that if he ever came to my home I would kick him. ( I am paraphrasing because those were not my exact words because I also used swear words.)
Those who communicate to me by this means demand that I answer them respectfully and that I am obedient to their dictates which I never am. However, they have informed me that some day in the future they will force me to be respectful and obedient to them because in the future they claim that they will have more control over my body to the extent that they would be able to paralyse me if I was disobedient and they even told me that if I could not tolerate their control over me that I would not even be able to commit suicide because they would freeze my body if I ever attempted to kill myself. I have a friend who is also being subjected to similar experiences to me and she has in fact tried to kill herself only to find that her arm was remotely frozen into a state of paralysis by her unknown controllers when she tried to carry out the act of killing herself.
There may be an easy solution for this. Take chlorine dioxide or any oxygen therapy to get rid of the what is known to be injectable nano technology from your body and brain. Please share this information widely especially with scientists and government officials. Because of the fact that a wireless crime is being committed against me and because I have no recourse to justice I am enclosing my name and address here. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Grammer and Syntax are profoundly important when drawing up legal contracts and when speaking in a court of law. Grammer and Syntax are the building blocks of comprehending and writing sentences. However, unknown to most of us a war of words and how they are being strucutred in contracts and in law courts has been waged against us for many centuries. Maratime/Admiralty law courts violate the basic rules of communication which is one meaning per word and one meaning per sentence. The courts are practicing fraudulent conveyance of language.
Benjamin Franklin, who was a french attorney working for the English crown as a secret agent with an agenda to capture the U.S.A drafted the constitution of the USA in 1789 using a type of babble language which turned the United States into an international bankrupsy corporation and all of the people of America into a fiction.
David-Wynn Miller and Russell-Jay Gould broke the code to their babble language. In 1988, David-Wynn Miller broke the math interface in all five thousand languages proving that language is a linear system based on a type of mathematics known as algebra. This had not been achieved before in 8,500 years of written language. When David-Wynn Miller published his work on 6th April, 1988, it helped to disqualify every treaty, trust and contract on planet earth because they had all been written in a misleading method known as babble langauge. It is no longer necessary to argue over words in court or contracts ever again because every word in quantum grammer has only one meaning and every sentence is certified mathematically frontwards and backwards.
On 25th July, 1999, David-Wynn Miller and Russell-Jay Gould challenged the United States congress, senate, legislature and supreme court to bring forth their correct parse syntex grammer sentence structure of the flag of America. They couldn't do it. In fact, they couldn't even produce an oath of office that was written in the correct parse syntex grammer.
. On August 12th 1999, David-Wynn Miller and Russell-Jay Gould filed a new quantumized mathematical patent on the description of the flag of the United States using correct grammer called parse syntex grammer. On 27th August, 1999, both David Wynn Miller and Russel-Jay Gould then sued the United States of America for the flag of the United States, which Russell-Jay Gould now owns. Under the law of the flag Russell-Jay Gould is the bearer and ship owner of that flag so federal contractors have to go through him for permission to contract. Because Russell Jay Gould controls the federal contract in style of the terms of the flag he stopped the judicial system and the world banking system due to their use of fraudulent babble language.
On December 12th 2004, Russell-Jay Gould legally became commander in chief of the United States and as such he states that the Centre for Disease Control in the United States does not have the authority to police the world because legally they do not exist.
In the distant past, Joseph Stalin of Russia when to the Rothschild banking family in order to raise money for war. The Rothschilds assured Stalin that he would have all of the money he wished for if he removed articles which are a type of grammatical element from all of his speeches.
At another time back in the twentieth century the people of Hawaii refused to speak in adverb, verb babble language because they were not used to speaking that way so many of them were beheaded until they learned to speak in that way.
In one of his many online presentations, David-Wynn Miller stated that all countries worldwide are controlled by the post office, not the courts, not the judges, not the Kings or Queens but instead the Post Masters of the World run the entire planet and have done so for six thousand, seven hundred years. The Vatican controllers are Post masters and they work out of Bern in Switzerland through the Universal Postal Union. On 22nd October, 1871, the Post Masters persuaded the people of Hawaii to give the post office authorization to transport vessels. Vessels are considered to be letters, cars, trains, planes, automobiles, pony express and human beings. Most countries may have erroneously believed that vessels simply meant letters and parcels so within one year, all 250 countries throughout the world had signed a contract giving authority to the Post Masters to control all commerce throughout the entire world. Many countries do not even know who ultimately control their governments but it is now known to be the Universal Postal Union which is based in Bern, Switzerland and which in turn is controlled by the Vatican. The Unum Sanctum Trust and all of the other Vatican Trusts may or may not be written in babble langauge. If they are so then they can easily be challenged.
David-Wynn Miller has now passed away. Russell-Jay Gould continues on his work of using proper quantum language to challenge fraudulent legal practices throughout the world and he is being helped by thousands of other judges who have all learned how to use quantum language in their work. These judges are known as Federal Postal Court Judges.
How to Preserve and Show off your Funko Pops
They will also have a chance to buy their favorite Funko Pop character. The display cases are designed for the figures and it is worth it for those who have a huge collection of them in their home. This way, they can ensure that their favorite toy is always in one place and they don't need to worry about losing them.
Huge collections of collectibles deserve storage solutions that keep them safe and accessible at all times. Display cases serve this purpose well - they protect the figures from harm while making sure that they are always visible and accessible to the owner. A display case is a very handy thing for those who have a huge collection of Funko Pops and that includes kids’ school supplies. The display case not only saves space but also protects your precious collectibles from dust and other environmental factors. Once you have all your stuff in the display case, it will be easier for you to find what you are looking for and display it to the rest of the family or visitors.
Kids are often messy people. They are not always careful with their belongings, especially ones that they use every day as their school supplies. So they must have all their items in one place so they don't forget about them or lose them when they should be using them at school or work.
Though the display case may seem a bit superfluous, it’s worth it for those with a large collection of Funko Pops. Some collectors don’t have the space for all their Pop!s, but luckily there is now an option to showcase your prized possessions.
The Funko Pop Display Case is worth it for those who have a huge collection of Funko Pops and that includes kids’ school supplies. The first thing people see when they walk into the classroom are pencils, pens, erasers, notebooks, stationery sets, and other essentials on the desk. The display case is where kids put their collections of toys so that their peers can see them.
How do you convince your child to stop bringing home more toys? They are not only expensive but also take up all their space in an already small room. So don't just buy them something new this holiday season, but rather give them a place to put all their stuff with this great display case that will never break or be out of style! Visit this website to know more- Funko Action Figures
Canadian government, RCMP, Crime Stoppers...can not stop all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples..after donating nearly 7 million dollars to UN Human Rights Office.
They even intercept my emails to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government.
They delete my email from International Bar Association recently.
International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer
Contact :
Temporary email :
Canadian government, RCMP, Crime Stoppers ...can not stop all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 5 years and 10 years, those who are gathering around and in my work place, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones to threaten and attack me when I drive...
They at once hided their cars after I reported to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government because of their evil, brutality and crimes against humanity. They even intercept my emails to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government.
1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad so that nobody can see their cars.)
2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad so that nobody can see their cars.)
3. They still wear invisibility cloaks and hide in my house and my house attic without opening any doors to do everything possible, evil, and brutal.
From alarm, from one of my neighbours, kuna`s voice, from something else, they, kuna couple, both wear invisibility cloaks to hide in my house.
4.Regarding "all my neighbours":
"The media, the whistle blower : " more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding one human rights lawyer."
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, MK Ultra, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
The following video by Mark Christopher gives information about Ireland which states that in official documents the word IRELAND is now being written in block capitals which indicates that we are now a debtors nation and we are in grave danger of losing our homes. Mark Christopher who is a federal postal court judge also states that Irish passports are being issued by the Irish department of foreign affairs instead of the home office where passports from other countries are issued from and the says that this indicates that we have been taken over by foreign invaders. He also says that we are being lied to and the government is withholding information from us as part of the process of deception. He offers a solution. Please share this video widely with all of the people of Ireland that you know. This might explain why there is an Irish referendum about the right to own property being held later on this year.
(3) IRISH are DEAD, Long Live the People of: - YouTube
The coronation of a king or queen is simply an act of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place during the coronation other than the willingness of the onlookers to believe so. In order to pull off the act of mesmerism, opulent surroundings and elaborate costumes combined with exaggerated posturing are used. Those who support the coronation and who gain from it often pay staff to prostrate themselves before the king or queen in a display of subservience in order to make the so-called king or queen appear more important than they are. After the coronation is over and at a much later date the king or queen perform similar acts of mesmerism in order to give special titles such as Lord or Sir to those who helped elevate them to a position of power during the coronation. It is all simply a world of make believe and no matter how elaborate the acts of mesmerism are, titled people such as kings, queens, princess, princesses, lords and ladies are still equal to everyone else in the world in reality. Those who believe in the make believe world of royalty often have been inculcated into such a false belief system at a very early age through hearing bedtime stories of kings and queens as young children. Stop reading bedtime stories which promote hierarchies to your children. Please promote the truth that all human beings are equal and that hierarchies always lead to eventual enslavement of those at the bottom if allowed to continue.
Humans used to be free in the past but some evil doers began to organise the world into hierarchies in order to attempt to indirectly enslave us. Those who wish to destroy hierarchies and return to a system of rules without rulers, are known as anarchists. However, the would-be slave masters have attempted to change the meaning of the world anarchy to mean chaos. It does not mean chaos. It means without rulers.